
Chapter 105 - Overpowering Desires

"How dare you?" Her voice was a little breathy, as she staggered back from the door that Eli had just flung open and came in through before slamming it shut just as instantly.

"You left me alone. I was withering away, I was dying."

Eli's face scrunched up into a frown underneath his mask.


"Look at me, I can barely stand." She accompanied her statement with a dramatic fall and he caught her just in time, laughter rumbling from his chest.

She would certainly be mortified with the memory of this when she recovered.

"Take me."

"I will," came his reply without an ounce of hesitation.

"Now." She emphasized.

He slipped a finger underneath her chin, his gaze holding hers.

"Listen to me. Do you remember that you said you wanted to get married first, and that will happen during the Red Moon when you will be crowned Queen." His fingers slipped from her chin to caress her cheek. "My Queen."

"I don't want to wait anymore. Please, don't tell me that I have to wait."

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