
Many ways to be human

Ivo raised his head and met the Preacher's eyes with a grin. "Actually, I think my life went pretty badly from the start. No mods or implants necessary to completely screw it up." He pointed at Alina. "I agree with her, I don't think having or not having mods has anything to do with freedom. I think everyone here is screwed pretty equally."

That earned him some frowns. Unlike the Preacher his words, and Alina's, offered no hope. "You're not helping!" someone far in the back said, too short to be visible over a group of taller people.

Now Alina pointed at the Preacher, raising her arm high so that everyone could see her. "Neither is he. But he'll keep lying to get what he wants from you."

The Preacher belched out an ugly laugh. "And what is that? I've done nothing but stand here and tell these people the truth! Share with them the secret to the salvation of their soul. It's not too late for them."

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