
Demon Idol Secret Martial Art? Demon Idol's Secret Technique! (4000)_1


The door closed again, and the illusory archway shattered into a fog of light. The Eye Demon was swallowed up, nowhere to be found.

Mia City, suburbs, a lake in the mountain forest.

Buzz! An archway suddenly appeared in mid-air. A human silhouette dropped from it and splashed into the lake.

Slosh, slosh, slosh...

Underneath the shimmering moonlit water surface, a faint red trail of blood led to the shore. A weary figure leaned against a tree trunk, his face a mask of twisted agony, not just from the bloody wounds on his back, but also from heartache - a piece of a door and a Spiral Eyed Sword.

He hadn't paid such a horrific price in decades. The disappearance of the door piece was expected, as the Eye Demon was prepared for it. He knew he couldn't escape from two top fighters without some sacrifices. But the loss of the Spiral Eyed Sword was an unexpected mishap.

The Eye Demon never expected his attendant sword to be stolen!

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