

( Forgot I had this account Lol. Just realized how bad the timeline is fucked, alright ima change some things so Killua right now is 9 not 2, so Illumi is 21. Everything was kinda fucked cuz if Killua was 2 then that means this would be around the time tey first started out or getting famous Hisoka wasn't there so it doesn't make sense. But now it's a bit better. Hisoka said he joined about 3 years ago so there's a 3 year gap before canon starts and it's a bit better fixed. )

The day went by normally as we gathered up again the next day, Me and Shizuku were one of the last ones to arrive as we waited for Hisoka and Machi.

" How about a game of cards? " I asked as I shuffled some while walking to the middle.

" Right now? The meetings gonna start soon. " Shalnark asked.

" Yes, just a quick match. It will take Hisoka 30 minutes before getting here with Machi getting here 20 minutes earlier after getting mad at Hisoka for lying about the time. It's enough time to bond. " I said as I set a table with rubbles and passed out 9 cards to 3 different seats besides myself.

" Can you see the future or something? " Paku asked curiously.

" What I did isn't seeing the future, it can be called that but I'm basically just using context. Hisoka by his nature will arrive late because it pisses you off, and Machi believes and doesn't believe that Hisoka cares about getting here on time. She most likely will see the clock at some place and know she was played. It's best to leave Hisoka alone, he's strong enough to handle himself. Y'all are lucky he's interested in Machi, if anybody else was with him he would've left them alone. " I explained as I played with the remaining cards doing tricks.

" So basically a logical conclusion? But that doesn't mean you can get the timing right. So in the end the time wont be exact but you know Hisoka will definitely be last? " Paku asked.

" Yes that's a good way to put it. But I also definitely know that Machi was played and she's running here as I'm speaking, but I guarantee since the moment I got here 9 minutes have passed so she will be here soon. " I said as I put the cards down.

" Hm. " Chrollo looked at the door as Machi appeared a bit out of breath.

" Damn she was 5 seconds off from 10 minutes. " I thought as I let out a sigh.

" So Machi, tell us why are you late? " Shalnark asked curious if Illumi guessed right.

" I don't care if you believe me or not but Hisoka basically lied. " she said as she sat down and laid back to rest.

" Hm, Illumi actually guessed right. " Shalnark said flabbergasted. Machi was confused so someone else filled her in.

" Ofcourse, I'm the best. " I said making myself look magical getting some claps from Shalnark.

" So did I set this up for no reason or will some of you join? " I asked bored of waiting.

" I'm up for it. "

" Same here "

" I'm gonna win "

Shalnark, Machi, and Shizuku joined making me excited.

Obviously I won't every match as 20 more minutes passed before Hisoka appeared.

" Boom, 2 for 2. " I said as Chrollo got up and everybody else got serious.

" What will our mission be this time boss? " Shalnark asked.

" There's a small auction in this island, there will be ancient texts that I want. Everything else you can keep or sell I don't care. Just make sure to get me every ancient text there. " Chrollo explained.

" Can we kill them? Or do we be discreet? " Feitan asked.

" I don't care. " Chrollo said making everybody excited especially Uvogin.

" Let's start the party! " He shouted.

Chrollo gave us the details of where it will be, what time it will start and the basic plan before we can improvise.

Shalnark and Paku will be with Chrollo in the building waiting for any news either good or bad and what to do afterwards, Feitan Phinks and Shizuku will sneak in and steal everything, Me, Hisoka and Machi will keep watch incase of any problems come up.

It wasn't much of a mission, it was honestly very easy they were confident it wouldn't be exposed so they had no plans if it got robbed.

Me, Hisoka and Machi basically just played cards the whole time while having conversations.

It was mainly me vs Hisoka, Hisoka plays with cards for a living and I trained with them just for fun.

There was a bunch of treasure, there was also 1 case of 2 Kurta eyes which I grabbed.

" Out of everything that's what you want? " Hisoka asked curiously.

" Heh, between me and you this will be useful later in the future. I suggest you take it, but if you don't want it I'll keep it for you. " I said making the case rotate on my finger.

" Hm, I'll let you keep it for me I have nowhere to keep it. " Hisoka said shrugging his shoulders.

Not really caring I took it with me, since we finished we got disbanded again so I was already walking out the door. When I came out Shizuku was there waiting so I curiously asked.

" I don't remember why but I got this for you. Take care. " She said giving me the necklace I looked at when we went to the jewelry store. She left before I said thank you but since she got it i put it on and left. I don't really have anything else to do honestly so I'll waste time in different ways till canon so I can go to the hunter exam.

So first I had to find the greed island game, it would honestly be really fun to play.