
Traitor (II)

When the group heard Minxet's explanation, their displeasure and suspicion faded almost immediately. If the reason for all this secrecy was some personal business, everyone could understand. After, who among them did not have embarrassing stories that they did not want people to hear about? Upon seeing the Scarlet King nod once more, the Thirteen Stars of Doomsday and four of the Six Chief Counselors left the throne room in orderly silence, leaving only Cain, Minxet, and Razputin behind.

The atmosphere in the throne room shifted the moment the last of their footsteps faded away. As soon as the trio was alone, the calm smile on Prime Minister Minxet's face vanished. In its place appeared a cold and solemn light lurking behind his eyes as he turned his gaze toward Razputin. The sudden change was startling. Just moments ago, Minxet seemed almost embarrassed and shy, even about wanting privacy. Now, he revealed a demeanor of absolute determination and gravity.

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