
Good news and bad news (I)

Before Desmond could trigger the technique, he heard his father's voice and couldn't help but frown.

"Father, why are you interfering?"

Desmond knew that triggering Asura Form's Third Gear would wound his internal organs, but he was willing to endure it, not to mention that the damage would be only temporary, and he would heal in a couple of hours. 

Lord Zanginis just shook his head as he saw that even now, his son did not understand why he stopped the fight and pointed at the space behind this one. 

When the young man turned, his eyes widened as he saw a massive demonic dragon ready to lunge toward him with its jaws open.

There was nothing Desmond could have done to stop the beast from swallowing him whole.


Desmond's shock was understandable since he had not felt the creature's presence at all. Even now, it was hidden from his Ego Wave, and he could only see it with his eyes.

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