
Wave Beast Assassination (I)


Cain was furious, but his Ego Wave was still active, allowing him to control his facial expression and hide his emotions, preventing any soldiers from noticing that something went wrong. 

Even if the cadets and soldiers did not understand the great picture, they all saw a rise in the Wave Beasts' numbers and a decrease in their own. The notion that the plan worked allowed them to carry on with this fight despite the immense pressure assaulting them.

Although Cain performed the monumental task of neutralizing two Level 4 Horn-Flame Boars, he failed to take care of the Horn-Flame Boar Leader, so their prospects did not seem very good. The trick with the C-Blast and the flash grenade artifact would not work again, and he knew facing them head-on on the battlefield would not be wise. 

The Horn-Flame Boar Leader felt extremely dizzy and nauseous, but there was a burning fury in its eyes as it focused on the city.

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