
Dangerous plan (I)

The following nights went on as expected. Wave Beast's hordes would march out of the forest and attempt to reach the city, with the soldiers doing their best to stop them.

There were open channels between the leaders of the squads guarding the different battlefields. Lurin was technically the southwest leader, but this one was smart enough to share all the information he got with Cain.

All the cadets and soldiers showed respect for Lurin, and none of them questioned his orders, but the one that was the true leader in their mind and who they would follow in case everything went south was Cain.

A powerful will had a magnetic effect on people, especially on the battlefield, where everything was uncertain. For the cadets and soldiers, every time they saw the red light in Cain's eyes, they felt all doubt vanishing. In their hearts, as long they obeyed Cain's orders, they would survive.

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