
Gene Unlocking Pill

At those words, I was already fighting really hard to hold back my laughter.

Trust Barrick Rui to take a prank and bring it all the way to near traumatic shock levels on Roland's mind!

"No, of course I am not lying." Barrick Rui lied smoothly. "Being a girl is so awesome. You get boys chasing after you, buying you flowers, giving you gifts, treating you to delicious meals. Plus, I heard my eldest sister talk to her best friend about something supremely miraculous. Something that she said was so nice that she almost died in pleasure."

He paused for effect and looked at me to continue the prank.

"What's that?" I asked in a steady voice, with my face completely scrunched up to keep myself from cracking up.

"Multiple ogazems." Barrick Rui said seriously.

"Ogazems? What's that?" I asked in genuine confusion.

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