
Chapter 50: Cured from the curse!

After that burning incident and after Tanjiro calmed his mind and talked a bit with Lukeas? and confirming that he was fine and also not hostile.

He, Nezuko and Lukeas decided to use another path as Lukeas? have a different plan.. But of course they only started moving once Tanjiro finished a basket where he can hid Nezuko.

On their travel, they would use the path where there not much humans would pass by. And Lukeas? Would just walk right under the sun with his body burning. But even with that, Lukeas? Doesn't even let out a single scream if pain not does he shows discomfort.

"... Tell me... Are you really Lukeas?" Tanjiro finally asked after walking for quite a while.

"..... No..." Lukeas? Replied. And went silent once again. But that was enough with Tanjiro. And seeing that he doesn't seems on planning to tell him his name Tanjiro muse.

"Well then.. Nice to meet you.. Uh.. Draggie!" he said. Then he introduced himself. "Well I'm Kamado Tanjiro! And on my back is my sister! Kamado Nezuko!"

"Draggie?" Lukeas? asked.

"oh! I apologize! You're eyes just reminds me of the old legends of the dragons!" Tanjiro replied with his eyes beaming.

"... You're a good kid..." Draggie replied while looking at Tanjiro with a smile. Good thing he was already used to that sight and it didn't scare him off like last time.

"Very well.. I'll take Draggie as my nick name for now" Draggie said.. Chuckling softly.

And from then on Tanjiro started telling him stories and he would get a few grunt and nods from Draggie as they travels.




Meanwhile in a place where seven thrones are set one of the being suddenly spoke. He was the one of shadows.

"Why do you think he's doing this?"

"Maybe he sees something great in that child?" the earthen lady respond.

"But he's literally better than him in all ways! I find it stupid!" the shadows replied. "If he did things his ways he should be stronger than he is right now"

"Humans are like that, #%*@!++... Just don't think much of it" the Crimson being replied..




Back on the trio's journey, Tanjiro stop and pointed at the mountain visible in the horizon.

"That's mount Sagiri! We're almost there! If we continue now on this speed maybe we'll reach it at midnight!" Tanjiro said smiling widely.

The sun was currently at its peak, casting a bright light on the landscape. As Tanjiro observed Draggie, he noticed something peculiar.

Draggie's skin seemed to be cooling down, gradually returning to its normal pale color, albeit with only a few spots affected so far.

And the embers that had previously enveloped Draggie's skin, resembling flames, had vanished. Now, Draggie's complexion appeared as a plain ashy black like a burn wood.

And by the time the sun is about to set. His skin is entirely healed. And this surprised Tanjiro and Draggie.

'Our adaptation is a hundred times more potent than before!... I thought it would take a day or two yet it only took a few hours at least...' he grin.

'Thats good! That means we'll need less time to get stronger from now on.. And al-.... Right. ' He suddenly stopped on his track. Making Tanjiro wonder if he's OK.

"Tanjiro... Don't tell Lukeas about me for now" he suddenly said. And instantly as he finished saying that his hair slowly fade into a dark brown color.

"w-whee? Where-..." Lukeas look up only to find that their almost at the mountain.

"HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??" He exclaimed.. Catching Tanjiro in surprise.

"uhh.. Lukeas?" he asked hesitantly.

"right! Tanjiro! What happened??!" remembering that he's not alone he quickly asked the question.

"i... Uhhh.. Hmm.. I dragged you by your leg..." Tanjiro replied although his eyes were looking far beyond the horizon behind Lukeas and refused to meet his gaze.

"Did something happen?" Lukeas realizing this asked.

"Nothing? Ha. Ha. Ha. Let's go! Enough dillydallying and let's head to the mountain yeah?" finding no other way Tanjiro changed the topic like..... Noob...

And seeing this.. Lukeas couldn't help but sign.. It's not like he can do anything about it.

Then suddenly that's when it hits his mind.."The sun is still seeing!.... H-How??!!" he replied as he look down on his body.

Although the sun is setting now.. There's still enough sunlight for demons to die on.. But Lukeas is fine??

"you stopped burning after a while" Tanjiro said as if he knows what he was wondering about. This time he said the truth... Technically..

'wait.. Does that mean my ability also gotten stronger???' Lukeas screamed in his mind. Then suddenly he started jumping around in pure excitement. "Now I'll get even stronger!"

Unfortunately he couldn't celebrate too much because Tanjiro started calling him to hurry. So he just keeps it on himself and hummed a very cheerful song on the way.

And Tanjiro liked it very much. "Ah.. Lukeas.. Are you a good singer?" he asked turning to look at Lukeas.

"I once was terrible at it... But after breaking my vocal chords over and over i kinda gotten good at it?" Lukeas replied.

Hearing this Tanjiro thought breaking his vocal cord just meant practicing like crazy.. So he just claps and congratulates him.

"Then... What song are you singing? I haven't heard it before"

"Ah.. It's a song from.... An old friend... Binks Sake" Lukeas replied with a small smile.

"Ahh.. He's a great artist of he made such song!" Tanjiro said and soon started humming the song with Lukeas.




As a few more hours passed, the sun gradually gave way to the moon, casting its ethereal glow upon the landscape. Lukeas, lost in thought, began to question something that had been bothering him. "Now that I think of it... Shouldn't Tanjiro be speaking Japanese? How is it that I can understand him?" Lukeas pondered aloud, furrowing his brow.

Tanjiro, noticing the contemplative expression on Lukeas' face, spoke up. "Hmmm... Is something on your mind, Lukeas?"

Lukeas shook his head, dismissing the concern with a wave of his hand. "No, it's nothing," he replied, attempting to push aside Tanjiro who got too close to him.

"If you sa-.. this smell" A change came over Tanjiro as his expression turned serious, his brows furrowing in a deep frown.

"The smell of blood" Lukeas said too. Both of them swiftly turned their attention to a particular direction, their senses attuned to the scent of blood in the air.

Their gazes landed upon a set of steps leading up to a temple situated beside the road. As they focused their senses, Lukeas whispered under his breath, "A demon." The unmistakable aura emanating from the top of the steps confirmed his suspicion.

Tanjiro look looked at him and back to the shrine.. "Lets check it out! The victims might still be alive!" he said before sprinting his way up.

Nezuko also broke from from the basket by unveiling it and started running beside her brother.

And of course Lukeas went and chase after them too.. He can't waste an opportunity to see how stronger he became after that transformation.

As Tanjiro approached the temple, his determination overcame any hesitation, and he swiftly pushed open its imposing doors. The sight that greeted him within made his stomach churn in disgust and dread. A chilling scene unfolded before his eyes—a grotesque display of a mangled human corpse sprawled upon the floor, a macabre testament to the temple demon's brutality.

"You dare barge on my territory? Then I'll eat you too!!" the temple demon bellowed, its voice reverberating with malice. In an astounding burst of speed, it lunged towards Tanjiro and Nezuko, catching them off guard with its ferocity.

However, just as the demon's ravenous intent drew near, both Tanjiro and Nezuko felt an intense force gripping the collars of their clothes, yanking them back with a brutal tug. They were forcefully propelled outside the temple, out of harm's reach, before the demon's savage cries could reach their ears.

Lukeas, having swiftly intervened to save them, expressed his remorse for the abruptness of their rescue. Yet, deep within his mind, a different thought resided. "Tanjiro isn't strong yet.. And I also wann see how strong i am too," Lukeas mused, a sinister smile playing upon his lips.

With that smile, a dark and malevolent aura radiated from Lukeas, enveloping him in an eerie, ethereal shroud. This aura, more prominent and harrowing than ever, emanated a palpable sense of dread that matched the chilling presence of the top five Upper Moon demons. It was as if the very essence of darkness had materialized, casting a suffocating veil over their surroundings.


Author here! If your liking the story so far leave some comments about what you think! Also please!! I need them stones 🙏🙏 i need it to fuel my self hahahah.

Also if you think it deserve it please leave a honest review! I need a bit of feedback on how my story is fairing..

And question... The who just read it recently.. How long did it took you to read chapter 1 till now?

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