
Scavenger Hunting

As we walked out of the cabin, I could feel the tension in the air. We were all nervous about what lay ahead, but we knew that we had to be smart about our plan. "Okay guys, we need to come up with a solid plan here," I said. "We can't just rush in there and hope for the best."

Mimb chimed in, "I think we should split up into two teams. That way, we can create distractions and cover more ground." Hans nodded in agreement, "That's a good idea. We should also be prepared for surprises. We don't know what we're going to find out there."

Barry added, "And we should have a clear signal to communicate with each other." We all agreed on this, knowing that clear communication would be key to our success. With a solid plan in place, we felt confident in our abilities to accomplish our mission.

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