
Chapter 248: Messages of Encouragement, Part 4

From my four old pals from high school – Hazel Moore Marston, Dani Bordello, Daunte Smalls, and John Patrick Contreras...

"Fred, you've got some personal issues to sort out, right? That's natural. We're really sorry you have to feel that way.

"We hope all the youths of Atlanta would be inspired more by your story… but of course, you first need to conquer what is possibly your greatest challenge in your own life and your other life as one-third of Brave Ad 65, together with the two women you love.

"It's actually on those youths to get more educated and start living in a more open world than the small minds they currently live in.

"We will all look forward for that one day, where somewhere in this city, we will get to meet the true Atlantan – always eager to please visitors, using humor to avoid unpleasantness.

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