
[616] The supreme of Darkness, Valus!

I woke up, my bed drowned in sweat, My cold body felt hot, my dragon heart beating wildly inside my chest, threatening to leave my body. I grabbed my neck to protect it with my hands, and coughed uncontrollably.

"Oh my god!"

Whose voice is that? I don't know, my head is spinning, My body continues to sweat profusely, I can't think straight, tears are running down my cheek and I struggle to breath.

Am I...having a panic attack? Well...with what I've seen, I can't really deny this. In fact, I think it's completely reasonable.

The last moments of that abominable nightmare...

"Alan, drink water now!"

"Oi, Are you good?"


Three voices, one female, two male. All of them younger than me. Before I could try to look up, A bottle of water shoved in my mouth, cold water trickled down my throat, and finally I was able to calm down.

"Lay him down, Now!"

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