

Acting as if she hadn't seen Akris's angry face, madam Regina continued, " I have made arrangements for this…thing to live in the northern wing, you don't have to worry about him and I will make sure that he won't die." The way she said 'won't die' was as if she was giving Alexis a rather big amnesty. " Now why don't you hand him over to me, so I can move him out of your wing——"

" With whose permission?" Akris asked with a voice that clearly showed off that he wasn't going to take any bullshit at the monster. " With whose authority did you come up with these arrangements who gave you the power to do so?" 

Stunned Madam Regina looked at her son and said, " What do you mean by whose authority? I am his mother yours as well, the mistress of the house, why can't I come up with these arrangements?" 

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