
Chapter 7: The deal made with Davy Jones

It has been many days since Jack Sparrow began his first sailing after leaving Water 7, but things have not gone smoothly for his crew who have had to go through countless things in just that time.

Firstly, the moment they left the waters of Water 7 a huge storm welcomed them.

Then they encountered sea beasts that chased them for days and if it wasn't for the speed of the Black Pearl along with the captain's crazy ideas to evade them they would probably now all be inside the stomachs of these beasts or sunk in the sea.

Yet the sea beasts were not the only thing that haunted Captain Sparrow's crew, it seems Jack had made several enemies on Water 7, some of whom were part of pirate crews who were now looking for his head and if they found them then they would not hesitate to attack them all in a hurry.

And it's not as if the Pearl's new crew didn't know that sailing the Grand Line was dangerous and would force everyone to give their best, but they could all agree that with their captain bad news seemed to follow them wherever they went.


Currently, the Pearl finally managed to escape and get away from the pirate Captain Baltimer who had a bounty of 60 million berries and was known for his devil fruit Kushi Kushi no Mi which allowed him to extend small sharp spines from his skin which he used to create traps and spiky obstacles, or to make precise attacks at close range and defend himself.

It turned out that this pirate captain was, like many others, looking for Jack's head for getting too intimate with one of his ladies.

The Black Pearl's crew were now quite despondent due to recent events, they hadn't even found time to go to any islands, search for treasure or loot any ships since all their time was spent between storms and quick escapes that could have ended with all of them dead.


However, now, after a long succession of days that might well have been conceived by the very wrath of Calypso himself towards Jack and his beleaguered crew, at last, a merchant ship appeared on the horizon in front of everyone's eyes.

It was no more than a faint figure on the vast expanse of ocean, but it carried with it the promise of opportunity and challenge. Though the simple truth was that the only thing everyone wanted was to switch from being the hunted to being the one doing the chasing for once and for all.

The news spread quickly among the members of the Black Pearl, like a whisper in the salty wind. Each face turned to their captain with palpable anxiety, their eyes filled with the anticipation of what was to come.

It was as if fate itself had placed this prey right under their noses, and all were eager to see how their captain would take the reins of the situation.

'Finally, the tide be grinnin' upon us!' thought Jack, he like the others had been on the other side of the coin for too long, running and dodging imminent danger. Now, with potential prey in sight, he had a chance to change the game. His trademark grin widened as his fingers stroked the handle of his cutlass.

"Ah, lads and lasses, it seems we've got a little challenge ahead!" Jack exclaimed, his eyes glinting mischievously.

Nods of agreement and smirks of anticipation spreading among the pirates.

Suddenly, the Black Pearl seemed to come to life, like a hunter crouching in the scent of its prey. The black sails creaked impatiently, and the pirates' muscles tensed, ready to take action.

And Jack Sparrow did not disappoint, he gave the order to immediately pursue and plunder the merchant ship ahead and so it was that the Pearl glided over the waves like a stalking predator, its speed increasing as they approached the merchant ship in the distance.

The rising sun threw golden glints across the water, illuminating the scene with a golden glow.

As the wind blew against the Pearl, making it difficult to catch up with the merchant ship, Jack Sparrow knew he had to resort to a different strategy to close the distance.

He called out to his crew to prepare the galley-style oars, also known as "sweeps," which were stored on board for such situations.

Jack's crew quickly swung into action, securing the oars in their rowlocks and positioning themselves along the ship's sides. With their coordinated efforts, they began rowing vigorously, synchronized with each stroke to maximize the ship's speed. Jack himself took the helm, skillfully maneuvering the Pearl through the choppy waters.

The sweeps sliced through the waves, propelling the Pearl forward with impressive force. The ship's black sails billowed in the wind as they strained against the resistance. Jack's eyes sparkled as he urged his crew to give it their all.

"Row! We've got 'em in our sights!" Jack shouted, his voice carrying over the crashing waves.

"Fetch those oars and show 'em what the Black Pearl can really do!" he bellowed as they approached the ship.

The crew heeded their captain's call, their muscles straining as they pulled the oars through the water. They wielded the oars with vigor and precision, and the Black Pearl surged forward, gaining speed with each stroke. The ship's sleek black hull cut through the water like a shadow in the night and slowly but surely, they closed the gap between them and the elusive merchant ship.

As the distance dwindled, Jack's grin widened. He knew that their advantage of the sweeps would soon pay off. The merchant ship's crew must have realized the danger closing in on them, for they frantically adjusted their course in an attempt to escape.

But Jack was relentless. With a deft hand on the helm and a keen eye for the winds, he steered the Pearl with precision. The ship's black sails were trimmed, and they found the perfect angle to catch the wind and gain additional speed.

"Aye, hold steady, me hearties, we're closing in! Keep rowin! " Jack encouraged, his excitement contagious.

As they drew nearer to the merchant ship, Jack's keen eyes spotted a chance to outmaneuver them. He ordered a sudden turn to starboard, catching the enemy vessel by surprise.

Jack's eyes sparkled with anticipation as the merchant ship grew in size before them. The smiles of his crew were contagious.

The moment had arrived.

The black sails flapped loudly, and the oars swung in a coordinated frenzy. The Black Pearl roared with speed and purpose, closing on the merchant ship like a hungry spectre. The hunt had begun, and Jack Sparrow was leading the chase with the viciousness of a wolf in pursuit of his prey.

"Now, hold 'er steady, mates!"

With a combination of skilled navigation and a touch of luck, the Black Pearl quickly closed the gap between the two ships.

"Rifles men and cannons ready!" Jack commanded, making everyone in the crew load the guns.


Finally, the Pearl closed the distance and pulled up alongside the merchant ship.

"Lay alongside!" shouted Jack, his voice carrying on the wind and echoing in the ears of his crew.

The Black Pearl manoeuvred with precision, her sails and oars working in harmony to align with the merchant ship. It was a coordinated dance of wood and canvas, masterfully executed by the crew and their captain.

Finally, the Black Pearl caught up with the merchant ship, the two vessels almost side by side. It was a moment of pure adrenaline, of hearts beating in tune with the rhythm of the ocean. Jack Sparrow stared at the enemy through the tumult of the impending battle, his gaze full of defiance and determination.

Once the Pearl was in position Jack finally ordered them to open fire.


The cannons fired and a rain of cannonballs followed.


Amidst the chaos of fire found between the two sides, Jack looked at the situation and finally ordered: "Launch the hooks and prepare to board!"

Immediately the pirates of the crew began to throw a large number of hooks at the merchant ship.

As they prepared to board, Jack's grin widened.

"Now, my good mates..." Jack shouted, brandishing his cutlass and staring at his crew.

"Let's give 'em a proper welcome!" he taunted, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Jack ordered his crew to board the ship, and they swiftly leaped across the gap, swords and pistols at the ready and then the surprised merchant sailors tried to put up a fight.

The clash of steel and the battle cries of pirates filled the air as Jack and his crew engaged in a fierce fight with the merchant sailors.

With their combined efforts and Jack's cunning tactics, they overpowered the merchant crew and successfully claimed their prize. Yep, the merchant ship was now under the control of Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew.

After overcoming the resistance and taking control of the ship, Jack and his crew discovered the shocking truth about the merchant ship's cargo. It was not gold or treasure, but a group of enslaved souls, destined for a life of suffering.

Once imprisoned aboard a ship, Jack felt a deep respect and love for his freedom and believed that slavery was as terrible as death.

Then Jack suddenly remembered the starting point of all his trouble with Devy Jones.

When and how it had all started that led him to be here and now in this new world.

Just to think that everything had started many years ago in the days when Jack was a merchant sailor... And how the whole thing went to hell because of his brilliant idea to free some slaves...

Oh yes, Jack still remembers it all as if it was yesterday...



*Flash start*

-Pov Jack

"If you make this one trip for me, Captain Sparrow, and thus make it possible for me to honor Lord Penwallow's request, then I will promise you, on my word as a gentleman, that I won't ever ask you to do it again. If I had another captain to take this cargo I would hire him, but, as you can see for yourself, I don't" said Cutler Beckett, punishing me when he saw his hopes of becoming a nobleman ruined.

He forced me to take a cargo of slaves onboard the Wench(now known under the name of Black Pearl), and transport them to the Bahamas for Lord Penwallow.


As the Wicked Wench sailed near Kerma, I decided to free the slaves, leave them on the island, steal the Wench from Beckett, and become a pirate again.

The Wench arrived at Kerma, and the imprisoned Africans were freed.

The Wench sailed west, but a few days later, she was captured by a fleet of five EITC ships.

Then one of the ships brought me back to Calabar, where I was thrown into a prison.


My first mate, Robbie Greene, and I were brought within sight of the Wicked Wench about a mile off the coast of Western Africa.

Beckett and his operative, Ian Mercer, branded me with a "P" brand on my right forearm, marking me forever as a pirate.

Then Cutler Beckett ordered his ship to fire on the anchored Wench, using inflammable "carcass charges."

"She's just a ship. Made of wood, and canvas. You're going to destroy your own property? Just to get back at me?!" I protested.

"She's not just a ship to you, Jack. And yes. That's precisely what I am going to do" Beckett coldly replied.

And he was right…

Seeing the Wench in flames, I broke free from my captors, dove into the ocean, and swam for my ship, hoping to save her.

But it was too late, and I sank with my ship.

Neither dead nor alive, I ended up on the path to the Land of the Dead and summoned Davy Jones, the Lord of the sea. Jones and I made a deal – in exchange for the resurrection of the Wicked Wench and thirteen years of captaincy, I promised my soul to Jones. Aye, my soul, bound to crew a lifetime upon his ship.

-Pov Jack End

*Flash End*

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