
The Birth Of Love

+16th Century, 1556. The Ceva Kingdom, The Derfir Village

Ceva kingdom is located right next to the Vredrivia kingdom. And it's a small kingdom that is ruled by the Cyprians who are the parents of the queen Chantal Cyprian the queen of Vredrivia.

In the Ceva Kingdom, there was a small village that was called Derfic Village. People who resided in that village were poor but they were happy. They earn money from their hard work in their vegetable fields and work all together like one big family.

After five years of the birth of the prince Octavius Antias, in the Derfic village, another newborn's loud screams erupted inside that small-sized house where the pregnant female alpha has finally pushed the baby out after hours of suffering in labor.

She was surrounded by two of her friends and there was also the midwife of the village who helped her in giving birth. Her mate was inside the same room and he was terrified and anxious, everything he wanted at this moment was for his mate and his baby to be in a good health.

Most of the people that lived in this village were waiting outside of the house. Some of them were thrilled and the rest of them were nervous while waiting for the newborn. Every time someone gives birth in their village they all stand beside their house and wait for the baby to be born and they celebrate right after.

The moment they heard the newborn's sound, they felt their heart jump in joy.

"Rosa, are you okay? I'm sorry. You had to go through all this because of me. I love you." Inside the same room where the female alpha aka Rosaline gave birth to her baby, said her mate who was still wearing his ragged clothes which he usually wears to go to work in the fields.

He was working just like any other day when suddenly someone came running to him to tell him that his wife was going to give birth at any second, he did not think twice before running back to the house.

He quickly walked towards the bed when he saw the baby was finally out as he said this while carefully wiping the sweat that was all over his wife's face and apologizing which made Rosa giggle even though she was exhausted and she struggled to open her mouth to talk " Don't apologize, Alfred. I'm fine now. Look at our baby. "

Alfred was still scared for his wife since he hated seeing her in pain. He wished he could help her with something about pregnancy and giving birth and also take her pain away. He even rather feel that pain than leave his mate feeling it but everything he could do was just to stay close to her.

He obeyed her request and looked at the baby that was in one of her friends' arms before saying " Let me help you first then we can see about our baby, Okay?" He was delighted with his firstborn child but at this moment he wanted to ignore his happiness and focused on his mate.

"No, please just go help them with the baby. They don't know where the baby's clothes are. Serine will help me. She is good at this. Don't worry." Alfred didn't want to keep arguing with his mate because he could see how tired she was which is why he nodded and went to help his wife's friends as she requested in cleaning the room and washing the baby as well as putting some clothes on him.

He was doing his best to finish all this as fast as he can so that he can go back to the room where he left his wife with the midwife (Serine).

He ran back inside the room with the baby in his arms looking at the midwife who was now just fixing the mother's sitting position after finishing everything before she congratulated her and left them to have some time alone together with the newborn before they start the celebration in the village.

"Alfred, come here. Let me see the baby." Rosa excitedly uttered after gaining her energy back since she is an alpha giving birth was hard for her but the good thing is that she can easily gain her health and energy back after pushing the baby out.

Her mate grinned before he went to sit next to her. He surprised her when he scooted closer and hugged her tightly while making sure not to hurt their baby that was still in his arms whispering " I love you... More than anything. Thank you for going through all this for our baby. I don't know what to say. I'm so happy and everything is just so overwhelming."

When Rosa heard this, she could not help but giggle in joy before she raised one of her arms hugging her mate back and with the other hand, she caressed the baby's head who was sleeping soundly in his father's arms. " I love you more. It's okay, meeting our baby made me forget all the pain that I went through. Give him to me."

Alfred pulled away from the hug and passed her the baby carefully.

A wide smile appeared on her face and her eyes flashed open in surprise " He's a true blood." She giggled happily while holding the newborn close to her chest to kiss his tiny forehead.

"Oh, yes. I noticed this when I was putting some clothes on him. I'm so happy but I wouldn't really have minded if he was something else too. As long as you and he are okay, I'll be happy." Said Alfred who was mesmerized by looking at his mate who was still showering their baby's face with kisses and holding him close to her to let him feel her warmth and get used to her scent as well before she glanced at her husband who was smiling like a fool which made her chuckle saying " You look so happy, Alfred."

"I am. Because of you." He approached her to gently peck her lips and place a kiss on the baby's forehead as well before asking " Honey? What do you want to name our son?"

"Magnus Lindolm."

Yay Magnus is finally out in the world.

Did u notice the difference between Octavius’ parents and Magnus’? Their mothers are both caring but the difference is in their fathers.

Also the difference between how people reacted to their birth?

We will see how the life of Octavius will be after seven years from the day he was born in the next chapter.

AuthorWissalcreators' thoughts
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