
Setting Out!

Elsewhere located in Viridian City's slums, there was a man kneeling. His eyes were filled with hatred and anger—like he was ready to explode at any moment. His expression was twisted and sinister, but he stood there without a word.

Much to no one's surprise, this man was Weyland.

"Weyland, so not only has one of your men died but one was severely injured? Worse of all, your Pokemon were killed off in the attack?"

This man sat behind a desk and was dressed professionally. He wore a black suit with a red collared shirt beneath it. His cold brown eyes locked onto Weyland, whose body shivered slightly despite not looking at him.

"Sir...he had a powerful Pokemon that I had not seen in my life. Its punches were lightning-fast and deadly—none of our Pokemon could keep up. Each time it swung its fist—a pokemon would be killed off."

Weyland's forehead was filled with sweat, he was truly nervous about this man's status.

"Lightning-fast? Why don't you describe the Pokemon, so I can better understand? Any Pokemon can be lightning-fast to the human eye." The man continued to smile, showing no signs of negative emotions.

The rest of his henchmen were all kneeling behind him but didn't utter a word.

"Right, of course." Weyland began to describe the Pokemon to the man.

The man frowned in confusion, not because he was unfamiliar with this Pokemon. He was stunned that someone had this type of Pokemon around here.

"Did you say that they took over the large building on Ember Street?" The man rubbed his chin and asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, they've taken over our building in my territory. When do we attack to take this gang out; we found that they're a bunch of kids but they have a strong Pokemon."

"Gang?" The man wasn't surprised and continued. "You fool! One kid had such a powerful Pokemon that it was able to wipe you all out.

You haven't even seen his boss, these people obviously aren't normal! For now, you'll be restricted from messing with them until further investigation."

A trainer with a Hitmonchan appeared here so suddenly, this wasn't a Pokemon that was easily acquired. It was best to wait for a while and see what happened rather than blindly going on the offense.

"B-but, he killed my..." Before Weyland could finish, he was interrupted.

"You heard me, don't go near that location! We'll give you another Pokemon later, but for now, you will stay away from there."

"Yes, sir Lumis." Weyland gritted his teeth and complied. He had no choice but to relent and give up, for now.

"Good, you can go now but stand by, for now—the other smaller gangs will catch wind of this soon." There were 3 larger gangs, but they wouldn't care about some small-time Rodent gang's destruction.

"Yes, sir!" Weyland stood up and left the room with a dark expression. His lackeys followed him without a word.

"A Hitmonchan, huh? This gang is already pulling out the big guns and showing their strength as a warning." Lumis understood the message this gang was trying to reiterate.

"Let's see what happens when the rest of the gangs in the surrounding area begin to act?" He was interested to hear the reports.

The next day came around with Leon conducting his same old daily routine. He got up and did some push-ups and sit-ups before going to the kitchen.

His parents were both in the kitchen, they told him good morning. Over time, his brothers and sister arrived in the kitchen.

"Dad, I was wondering—when do we get our Pokemon delivered to us?" Larson stuffed some scrambled eggs into his mouth and asked.

"It'll be a week before the trial begins, that's when you'll receive your Pokemon. There are other trials taking place in Johto as well, so you guys aren't the only ones."

"Oh, okay, but why is it a week before the trial? Is it because Team Rocket has their hands full handing out starter Pokemon?" Larson was really anxious about getting his new Pokemon, he was really excited about it.

"No, they're carefully picking out each Pokemon for the trialist. They want all participants to start out on equal footing in this trial."

"Oh, okay, I understand." Larson was a bit surprised. He never could have imagined that Team Rocket would play fair.

Leon didn't believe it was going to be like that, why would they play fair? It was likely that those higher-ranking officials' children would acquire their Pokemon first.

Leon's family happily talked amongst themselves, Leona was especially happy with anticipation at the moment.

He had never had such a large family before, it was only him and his parents—making him the only child back in his original world.

Afterward, they all went back to their rooms. Lian was going to call them around 12 Pm to take their test, she just needed time to prepare it for them.

Leon sat in his room and thought about his future, the first thing he wanted to do was make a guild. There was no motivation to make a gang—it would only be good if he was plotting to do any criminal activities.

But why not conduct some shady activities behind a guild or just none at all?

In any case, Leon weighed his options, he would have to leave in a year for a trial. The trial period also lasted for a year, so Leon would be 14 by the time he returned.

Hopefully, he and his family would be relieved of their duties and commitment to Team Rocket by then.

Leon was well aware of those rich noble families in Viridian city, there were 2 in Viridian city. In all of Kanto, there were a total of 5 in this region.

"I think I can make my family nice and rich before leaving the region, or at least; give them an established foothold here."

Leon was confident that he could accomplish this. His parents were actually people who were abducted and forced to become Team Rocket members.

They were taken from the Hoenn region and forced into Team Rocket's roster in the past. Time passed and it was already time for him and his siblings to take the test, it was already 12:11 P.m.

They were all gathered in an empty spacious room in their house. Leon and his siblings sat separate from each other to prevent peeking at each other's test.

"There aren't many questions, there are a total of 50 questions. It's simple, they're multiple choice, so it shouldn't be hard." Lian went around the room and passed out the test, they were laid face down on the desk.

"You guys have an hour to finish the test, it shouldn't take you long to finish it if you actually studied." Lian gazed around the room before her eyes landed on Leona, whose little expression was extremely serious.

Leona's expression almost made her laugh but she smiled instead since it was so cute.

"Any questions?" Lian gazed around the room and asked one last time.



"Good! You may begin!" With those words, everyone flipped their papers over and got started.

Leon flipped his paper over and skimmed through the whole test with his eyes. Indeed, there were a total of 50 questions on the test.


1.) What type is Sableye?

☐ A. Fairy + Dark

☐ B. Ghost + Dark

☐ C. Dark + Ghost

☐ D. Psychic + Ghost


2.) What type is the Pokemon Dragonite weak against?

☐ A. Dragon

☐ B. Ice + Rock

☐ C. Fairy

☐ D. All of the Above


Leon saw that the first question appeared to be a trick question. However, he was able to see through this trick, he just wondered if his sister would figure it out.

First, Leon put his name on the test as any student should and would do before beginning. Leon answered the questions with precision until his test was complete.

Once he was done, he double-checked his test before flipping it over.

"Oh..." Lian looked over at Leon before waving him over.

"You're finished? Did you double-check your answers?" Leon handed her the test before she started questioning him. However, when Lian skimmed through his test a bit, she was rendered silent.

"Yes, I made sure to do all of that."

"I see, I'll have the results ready for you guys later tonight. You can leave if you want, or you can stay." Lian smiled before patting his shoulder.

"Nah, Ima head out. I'll be back later as usual." Leon had places to be and money to make.

"Alright, but be careful. This neighborhood isn't exactly safe, use your Sneasel if you run into trouble.

If you die, then that would be on you, it's time for you to grow up—it's a harsh world out there and we can't protect you forever."

Lian also knew that he wouldn't be able to use that Sneasel for the trial. Leon knew this as well, so he planned to just choose between the free Pokemon Team Rocket handed out.

Before leaving, he grabbed a few items and hid them in his tucked-in shirt.

Leon left home and went over to the old house his buddies were living in. Surprisingly, none of them were there, so he assumed that they were at the base already.

He went into the backyard where he spotted a large Arbok in hiding. It coiled up before it sensed Leon and reared its head in his direction.

He wasn't worried because this was an Arbok he left here to defend his friends and this house. This Arbok had been feeding on Rattata that passed by, or any Pokemon smaller than itself—which were a lot of Pokemon.

Leon left Arbok to its lonesome, this thing was more than capable of defending this territory. It must have devoured many unsuspecting Pokemon passing by this area. He could see feathers sprung out on the ground, so it might have ambushed a bird Pokemon.

"Continue with what you were doing prior." Leon nodded and turned to leave. Arbok simply replied by slicking out its tongue before laying back down.

Leaving the house, Leon immediately went over to the base. On his way there, some people recognized him and showed expressions of fear, while some people were unaware of the events from yesterday.

Arriving at the building, he found that all of his buddies were there hanging out in the back, but that wasn't the first thing he noticed.

The first thing he noticed was the fish tank in the middle of the room on the first floor. Leon took a look at it and found that it had been completely cleaned spotless.

They didn't notice him, but he could see them outside in the parking lot talking.

"Wow, they really do know how to get down to business." Leon was satisfied, this was a good sign for him for many reasons—in his evaluation of the twins.

"Hey, how's everyone's day going." After checking it, Leon went out back to the parking lot to greet his friends.

"Oh, Leon you're here. It's going good so far, we didn't expect to see you so early." Lucian was stunned, they usually saw Leon around four to five O' clock—not around one.

"Yeah, you know, I have some important things I need to do today."

"Are you leaving right now? I should warn you that that place can be really dangerous if you aren't careful. You could get scammed, beaten up, abducted, and even being killed is possible." Rigor frowned as he began to recall a few things.

"No worries, I'll have bodyguards to defend me, similar to the Machokes you guys know of." Leon wasn't worried, if someone got crazy—they would be in for a surprise.

"I understand, but still be watchful, I've seen my fair share when I was younger." Rigor had been roaming these streets since he was Six years old, so he knew a thing or two.

"I will do that, thanks for the reminder." Leon smiled in appreciation before continuing. "Where's Alana and Alane, I don't see them around."

"They're asleep on the second floor, that pink Pokemon with the crown on its head teleported their bunk beds here. They worked on that fish tank almost all night trying to get that thick dirt off and out of it."

Ace explained everything and Leon was touched by the story, he would be sure to take note of this. After talking to them for about an hour, Leon summoned a Machamp, 2 Machoke, and 2 Poliwrath.

Leon had Machoke carry the fish tank, which was lighter than yesterday. Both Poliwrath carried the desk, while Machamp carried a long table for the fish tank to be placed on.

Leon pulled out a cloak and mask he had taken from his house. This was a plain black phantom of the opera mask that was made out of plastic.

On his way, Leon was carrying a plastic chair—something he planned to sit on while making sales.

"Time to hit the Black Market."

Happy Reading!

TimeToFloatcreators' thoughts
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