
Chapter 282 Simplifying Complexity_1

Patrick possessed the ability to simplify the complex, meaning he could make an ambush that was difficult, or at least not so easy, extremely simple and effortless.

But when it came to launching an assault, Gao Guang also had the ability to simplify the complex.

Rush in, take out the enemy, whether immediate extraction was needed depended on the situation, but even if extraction was required, it was only three steps, as simple as how to put an elephant into a fridge.

"I, Wolfman, Lobster, the three of us will drive as close to that cake shop as possible, Warfire, you stay in the car, ready to cover us with the machine gun," he said.

Patrick immediately replied, "I have no problem covering for you, but are only the three of you going to attack the enemy? You don't even know how many people are inside."

Gao Guang wasn't being overconfident, but at this time, what mattered was speed, the principle was to strike the enemy by surprise when they were totally unprepared.

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