
Chapter 33

"What kind of joke do you think that was?" Tyson asked Loe as he walked past him with heavy steps. Chi had tried to help hide the fact that Loe was involved in him entering the room earlier but he knew better.

"Joke? I don't know what you mean. That young one simply is attached to you." Loe responded as he continued to stand with his back to the wall. A glass of wine in his hand as he sipped at it between his words. He knew exactly what Tyson was talking about because he had been the one who suggested Chi to go to the man's room in order for him to find the textbooks. If anything could strike a conversation it would have been them for most people.

"You know exactly what I mean. Don't toy with him." Tyson knew asking Loe to leave someone alone was asking a lot considering his position but when it came to Chi he was not simply asking. He would not allow anyone to wrong the man not even Loe.

"I know. I would never dream of harming that young one you brought." Loe said honestly. The hostility in Tyson's tone almost caught him off guard. Knowing that Tyson did not trust people that easily he simply ignored it.

"I'm going to get some rest now." Tyson said as he headed for the front door. He was feeling drained himself from everything that had been going on. He was not going to admit that to Chi when he had left the room because he knew the man would have refused to take the bed if he had.

"Where are you going? That's the-" Loe was going to tell him he was leaving the mansion.

"I'm going to sleep out side! It's too hot in here!" Tyson shouted back at him while quickly storming out of the door. Slamming the door behind him he could hear the sounds of Loe laughing from behind as he left. They both knew the real reason Tyson was going to sleep out side was not because the mansion felt hot.

For what Tyson could only expect to be around a few days he repeatedly took Chi to the water fall in order to train him further. The man was a quick learner but before they could get things to the point Tyson had hoped for he found himself being pulled back to what cruel reality he felt he lived in. While they were in the middle of training a black crow landed on a branch above him. Cawing down at them with it's three eyes he only knew of one man the crow could belong to. Flapping its wings in order to get his attention it gazed down at him.

"Tai? What do you want?" Tyson stepped over in its direction and held out his arm.

Seeing the motion for the crow to come to him it took to the air. Carefully landing on his out stretched arm. The moment it landed on his arm the golden eye on its forehead began to glow.

[Tyson! We finally found you!] A familiar voice called out to him from within his mind.

"Why would you be looking for me? Is Zeal with you?" Tyson asked out loud. Hearing the sounds of Chi starting to approach him he held out his hand in order to motion for the man to stay back.

[Yes. Zeal is here. He ordered me to locate you using the crow. It will be the messenger between us. Its not safe for our groups to meet right now but we are behind you.] On the other end Zeal was standing watch over Tai as he communicated with Tyson. Tai's white eyes were glowing as he used the crow in order to relay their message.

"That's probably best given my position. Just let him know to stay close but out of sight as best as he can." Tyson said as he knew he was one of the main ones who Numen watched over. He did not need others to remind him of that matter.

[Roger. I will relay it.]

"Make sure he remembers to use caution around the village's surroundings. I wont be able to protect all of you if you upset the village." Tyson said even though he partially just didn't want the responsibility of explaining to Loe why there were so many people showing up around it. When it came to the village, Loe was very firm about keeping his village at a decent balance. The souls there had all lost their lives in the garden so to deal with too many new survivors that were still alive he could only wonder how the man would take it.

[Got it.] The voice responded before the eye's glow began to fade away.

Once the eye had returned to its normal golden color the crow flapped its wings and took to the air. Soaring through the underground it flew for the cave tunnels in order to return to Tai. Tyson was not surprised that Tai could find the place using his crow so he did not question it. People did manage to find the underground on occasion and given Tai's ability to use the crow it was not surprising. From the air the crow was able to give Tai sight from many angles that most would not be able to see.

"What was that?" Chi asked as he began to move towards Tyson again. He could tell that Tyson was holding something back from him.

The puzzled look on his face was not surprising. The crow had been sending messages to Tyson telepathically so Chi had only heard one side of the conversation. To Chi it probably looked like he was simply talking to a random three eyed bird. Thinking long about how to respond to the man he began to consider it was time to inform Fae and Chi of where he was really going. That had been a big reason why he wanted Chi to learn to protect himself. The days ahead of them when they approached Numen's mansion at the peak of the mountain would require Chi to be able to take care of himself.

"Perhaps it's time we head back to the others." Tyson said as he wanted to make sure he only had to speak of it once. The more he spoke of it the more he risked Numen learning everything he was doing. He could not risk pulling the god's attention to the point he showed himself until he was ready for him. If things were not done carefully it would only mean his own life being forfeited.

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