
Chapter 16 - Part 5 - A Dragon That Burns Evil Hearts

Third Person Point of View

[Trials of Memories Past – Failed (20,999 Times)]

[Trials: 7/7]

[Body Restoration: 95%]

[Evolution Progress: 1/2 – 90%]

[Try Again?]


"…This is getting ridiculous," mumbled Aaron.

He sat on his bed and he had already re-read through a couple of books he had. These books were Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. In addition to his Manga and Light Novel collection, he discovered he had a collection of other books, most of which were Classical Literature.

Aaron decided to take a break…an extended one because he had failed 20,999 times after he got past the sixth trial. The sixth trial was…an emotional one, and he found out that Aoife loved him more than he loved her. He was filled with regret and sadness that he couldn't bring her back. He would ask Azathoth about her once they talked.

He hoped that she would give him an answer that he would like. But if it wasn't…he wanted to be reckless, but he knew the girls would probably stop him, so if the answer he received in the future wasn't what he wanted he would let her rest.

"…The longer I sit here and read, the more anxious I get. I wonder how everyone is doing? They're surely fine, right? …No, I'll stop. I'll probably jinx them," he told himself. Aaron sat back on his bed and sighed while looking at the white sky.

As Aaron closed his eyes, he heard some rustling. He thought he was simply going insane so he didn't bother looking at it. But then he heard a sigh that confused him.

"Master Aaron, didn't I tell you to clean up your mess? Leaving books lying around is still being messy, even if you don't think so," said a female's voice.

Alerted by the sudden voice of a female, Aaron's eyes shot open and as he began to move, he fell from his bed. "Ah shi—ugh…my ass…"

He heard another sigh and looked up. A woman had come over to him and offered him her hand. The second he saw her face; he smiled and accepted her hand. Once he was up, he immediately hugged her.

"Oh dear, did you miss me that much?" the woman asked as she hugged him back.

"Yeah. I only remembered you until recently you know? It should be a crime for me to do that," replied Aaron as he stepped away and looked over the woman.

She had shoulder long brunette hair and light brown eyes and wore a simple black and white maid uniform.

"Cindy, I thought you were reincarnated with mom?" Aaron asked confused. He started to poke her to check if she was real and if he wasn't just hallucinating.

Cindy stopped Aaron from poking her and grabbed both his cheeks before pulling them. "Yes, I was, but I was informed by a certain outer god that my master had failed numerous times and we had to come here."

"We?" he asked confused. Suddenly he felt arms wrap themselves around him and he felt someone kiss his neck.

"Guess who~?"

"…Mom? Okay, now I'm confused. How is this happening? I thought—" As Aaron was about to continue, Cindy let go of his cheeks and he was brought back to his bed by his mother. Róisín Toole.

"So…we were contacted by Azathoth. We're both asleep with neither of our memories intact yet, but we'll regain them once we make contact with you again. To put it simply, we're asleep, and she brought us here, so we won't have long," explained Róisín.

"Ah, I see," replied Aaron as his head rested comfortably against his mother's chest. "By the way…how long will you keep me like this?" he asked.

"Forever?" replied Róisín and she began to hum to herself.

Meanwhile, Cindy had begun to pick up the various books that were scattered in Aaron's 'room' while keeping an eye on the mother and son duo.

"But…it seems like you've failed a lot on the last trial, huh? What's it about?" Róisín asked her son.

"After Secondary School, during college and before I reconnected with everyone and during the months that I was dying," explained Aaron. "I can get to the dying part plus the next few months part, but…I can't move forward from there."

After he told them that, they both fell silent. Róisín's body began to tremble and Aaron obviously noticed that. He called out to his mother but received no answer. So when he looked back at her, she was silently crying.

"What's wrong?" he asked and cupped her cheek. He then brought his mother into his chest and hugged her head. Aaron looked at Cindy who also had a look of guilt, but she gave him a sad but troubled smile and shook her head.

"…Please go find me and talk to me. I can't say where but…it's still in Ireland. I'm with Cindy," she told Aaron through tears.

"But…I did try doing that, but I could never find you. Can I get a bit more of a hint?" asked Aaron.

"Go west, you'll find us there…" she said and hugged Aaron again. Aaron had no idea what was happening, but…his own suspicions led him to believe that his mom still felt guilty about not being there for him.

He believed that's why she's over doting on him since they reunited. The guilty ate away at her, and maybe…since to the west of Ireland were the Cliffs of Moher. Quite a bit of people go there to end their lives—it's an easy way, they are a very large cliff face, by simply jumping off your life will end at the bottom. There were also many accidental deaths because of people being stupid and careless.

Aaron looked at Cindy again. Both of them stared at one another, and both understood what Aaron was trying to convey silently. In the end, Cindy nodded her head.

"…Okay, I'll go there. But is there a specific date, or…?"

"I don't remember, but…we did stay there for quite some time, so if you meet us…"

"Okay, I understand. You don't need to say anything anymore. I'm sorry I put you through that," said Aaron.

"…You apologized again—did you do that to Aoife and Ryan during your trials?" Cindy asked. His mother also looked at him with moist eyes.

Aaron awkwardly looked away, and nodded. "I mean…I've been apologizing most of my life after all. Only in the Draconic Deus have I started doing it less, though I do catch myself doing it from time to time," he admitted to them.

"That needs correcting then, but we can do that once you fetch both of us," his mother told him. She wiped the tears away from her eyes and looked at him seriously. "Will you make me immortal too, sweetie? …For as long as I live, I want to make it up to you, Cindy shares the same thoughts, right?"

"I do, Madame. Even though I was his nanny for most of his life, I failed to do anything to change the circumstances that were placed on him. So I also feel a lot of regret because of it," Cindy said behind Aaron. He then felt some arms and a head press against his back. "Allow me to serve you for the rest of eternity, Master Aaron."

Aaron exhaled and scratched his cheek. "I guess I can do that, but I mean…don't you want to get married at some point again, mom? The same with Cindy," he asked them.

"Pass," both said in a deadpan.

"…Eh?" Aaron was stunned by the reaction of both women. He didn't understand what they meant by 'Pass'. "W-what do you mean by that?!"

"We meant what we meant, Aaron. After being married to that asshole for so long, I'd rather die than get together with another douchebag. I'll be content with staying with my son for the rest of my life," Róisín told her son.

"I remained single until my death, although that wasn't too soon after you were gone. However, I had no desire to look for a romantic partner as…my standards were both high and nonexistent," said Cindy.

Aaron became confused by what she said, but when he looked back at Cindy, he felt a peck on his cheek. Aaron turned around and understood what she meant and he felt conflicted, but when he looked back at his mom…she didn't look that happy about it—to him, it almost looked like…

"Are you sulking?" he asked.

"…No," Róisín Toole replied and sat back on his bed. "But I think…we gave you enough hints, that should suffice, right? Our time here is also ending. Oh, and if you add Cindy to your harem, please take care of her."

Aaron's lips twitched. "I never said anything about—"

"With that said, we'll see you soon, sweetie!" Róisín said to her son, not letting him get a word in. She got up again and kissed him on the cheek before disappearing.

"Madame is right, please come get us as soon as you can, but for now…take care of yourself, Master Aaron."

When Aaron turned around Cindy had also vanished. He also found that his room had been cleaned quite well. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head again. "So…I have to find them west, huh? The Cliffs of Moher too…that's near Tír na nÓg in my new universe. I hope I'm wrong about the suicide attempt and that they just went there to look at the views."

"…It's the last one—let's get this done and get back to everyone!" he shouted at himself before disappearing.

After he left the space, another figure appeared in the distance. The figure walked over to Aaron's bed and picked up one of the books—it was Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. The figure was a woman. She read the back of the book first and opened the first page and began reading it.

"What are you doing…?" asked a white-haired woman.

<<…I became interested in the books he read,>> replied the other.

The white-haired woman stared at the black-haired woman trying to decipher her strange behavior, but in the end, she didn't understand her intentions.

<<We are one in the same, you surely can understand my curiosity, can't you?>> asked the other woman.

"No. I can't, Azathoth," said the white-haired woman.

The black-haired woman now revealed to be Azathoth smiled at the white-haired woman.

<<The more he goes through these trials, the more of his lost memories he regains, but not all of them. By the time we talk…he will remember all of it, because once he reaches his 2nd and final requirement everything will be unlocked, right, Cúntóir?>>

<<I will leave him to you as when that happens, I will barely be alive,>> said Azathoth.

"He will bring you back forcefully, just like you did with Aoife initially," said Cúntóir. Azathoth didn't answer her. She simply showed her a sad smile and kept reading the book. Cúntóir shook her head and left the place.

Azathoth knew Aaron wouldn't be back for a while, so she stayed. She wanted to understand why he made her that promise, so she began to read his stockpile of books.

<<Finding out why is easy because I can use my powers, but…that would leave me more with questions rather than answers. Will these books give me a different insight?>> she asked herself. She knew Nyarlathotep was too busy laughing at her back 'there', so she ignored it.

Vali had recovered enough stamina and flown back to his comrades. Once he got closer to the area, he saw massive black blades everywhere, ice, flames, wind, electricity and various other attacks strewn about the place. Both the Slash/Dog Team and his team had done a lot of work while he fought his death match with Aži Dahāka.

However, the first one to notice him was Lavinia Reni as she flew over to him using magic.

"Vaa-kun, you won…and you have the same armor as Aaron," she said happily and stroked his head. As she did that, the others joined them as a wide white barrier and field covered the area and every enemy had stopped moving.

"Hmm? Oh, bro had the same armor from before, you also unlocked it too, huh? Nice work Lucidrago," said Kouki and he started smacking Vali on the back much to his dismay.

"Oh? You guys are all here, huh? Hmm? Ah, Vali also has that armor now too, huh? From older brother to younger brother, eh? So? How does it feel to have that armor? Do you feel powerful? Dumb? Is your massive ego back? Are you going to say some chuunibyou lines?"

Azazel had also arrived and began asking him rapid-fire questions and Vali became even more irritated, but he remembered the illusionary world and the ideal father that Aži Dahāka showed him. It was Azazel and he began to wonder if Aži Dahāka had gotten that right.

"…Ophis and Aniki helped me attain this, so yeah…"


"And Albion, along with my blood I inherited. Just like Aniki, we call this Satanification, like his Dragonification and Outerification. Anyway, let's clean up here and go to another place," he told them.

As they were about to move…the area around them became to tremble, and a massive tear in space-time appeared just above them. From the tear…came a massive monster—one that resembled the one that Glenda had fused with; however, it was much smaller in size compared to the one that appeared on Halloween.

"Oh God that thing's back!" Kanami shouted. "Can I even stop it?"

"Well, at least we won't need to deal with an annoying Glenda this time around," Azazel said trying to lift the mood around him.

"Where's Avezza by the way, Governor?" asked Bikou as he looked up at the monster slowly leaving a tear in the sky.

"She's helping the others back in Japan, Trihexa is over there after all, but from the sounds of it, Lianne, Aurelia and Elyscia have it trapped in a barrier that it can't escape so it can't do much except make Fake Red Dragon Emperor Scale Mail armor and other monsters," explained Azazel.

"Anyway, let's get ready to kill that thing. It doesn't seem that powerful like the one Glenda summoned. It belongs to the Phantasma, right?" asked Azazel. However, before anyone could answer, Tobio leapt towards it, summoned a scythe and slashed at it.

A 'zing' noised was heard around the country, and to their surprise, Tobio's attack was reflected back at them and they were forced to dodge it. His attack hit the ground and sliced half the small country in half, as well as the remaining mountains and hills around them.

"Tobi!" Sae shouted in horror.

"Sorry, I wanted to see if I could slice it apart before it could finish transporting itself here," replied Tobio as he joined them with Gin.

With a finger on his chin, Azazel said, "We can assume that thing can reflect attacks, but up to what certain degree? Just physical attacks? How about magical? Do we need to find a different way, or should we find a way to seal that ability?"

"S-sis? What are you doing…?" Natsume asked and everyone turned to her.

Kanami had stepped forward, and with a serious expression on her face declared, "We're going to defeat you with the power of friendship!" Kanami then pulled something out of her ring. "And with this gun I found!"

Natsume immediately smacked Kanami on the head. "Take this seriously!"

"Ow! I am!" shouted Kanami back as she rubbed her head.

"I doubt guns will do anything to that, Kanami," said Azazel while not taking his eyes off it. "You guys, throw an attack at it. I want to see its response to other types of attack."

Everyone looked at one another before they started firing attacks at the creature. Kanami fired a large and powerful light projection using her [True Longinus]. She then followed it up by launching a torrent of white flames with her [Ashen Burst]. Natsume wasn't far behind and fired a [Spirit Storm] towards it using her black-white wind.

Both attacks weren't deflected but they didn't hit the monster either, it had bent around it and flew further into the sky and into orbit before disappearing. Both girls were surprised by this and Azazel was even more intrigued.

"Fusae, Lavinia use magic on it," he told them.

Both women immediately created several magic circles and fired various elemental attacks from them. The attacks quickly approached the monster and like with Natsume and Kanami's attacks, they both bent around the monster's body and went into orbit.

"Another physical attack then?" Tobio asked and Azazel nodded.

Tobio looked at Ajamu and he nodded, they then moved further away from everyone and got their weapons ready. At the same time, Tobio and Ajamu swung their weapons towards the monster, and once it hit the monster, their attacks were immediately reflected back at them and they swiftly dodged them. However, both held back and didn't use too much power, so the reflected attacks didn't cause much damage.

"I see, so it seems magical attacks are just bent around its body while physical attacks are reflected back at it. How should we deal with this…?" Azazel muttered to himself. Various plans and methods swirled around his head, but—

"Do you require assistance then?" asked a voice and they all turned to it and saw a woman.

She had long elegant blonde hair, with green eyes. She also wore earrings that were of a blue rose, she had a small necklace with a blue pendant and a dragon symbol in it. Her dress was long and elegant and was mostly white, with gold and green patterns on it. Her bow design was unique to her own had a white rose, and a golden-green body.

"Ah, Irphine!" Lavinia said and hugged her. The elf woman giggled and hugged Lavinia back.

"You're that elf chick that helped us during the Underworld defense. You're one of Bro's subordinates, right?" Kouki asked.

"I am. The winds told me of your dilemma so I came over to help. It's as you say, Governor. That thing belongs to the Phantasma, according to Cúntóir, it's a beast that's immune to many attacks hence why your attacks did not damage it, however…strong poisons can seal or completely destroy that ability it's proud of," she told them.

Irphine then looked at Vali. "Your Albion recently unsealed that ability, did he not? The ability of [Reduce]?"

"So Aniki could use it too, huh?" he asked back and Irphine nodded. "Yeah, I can. So I'll just send my wyverns up then…"

"I will help prevent it from being attacked," said Irphine. Vali then summoned his wyverns again and they flew around him.

"Is this the only creature that appeared?" Azazel asked.

"No, several others appeared in various parts of the human world and pantheons of the supernatural world. The [Electa] and G.o.B have informed them in how to defeat them, they just need to find people with powerful poison-based abilities," replied Irphine.

"I see. So after Vali destroys it with his poison—"

"We can kick its ass!" shouted Kanami.

Irphine chuckled and confirmed that they could. Vali then sent his wyverns towards the monster who had silently been watching them, it knew that they were his first opponents in this world. As Vali's wyvern approached, the monster opened its mouth and shot a beam at it. However, with Irphine's assistance, a powerful wall of wind decimated the attack aimed at Vali's wyverns.

Natsume stared at the winds and knew that those were much more powerful than what she could conjure. She wondered if she would be able to do the same once she was at a higher level of power. Once the twelve wyverns were in place, they started to release the same curse-like aura around the monster.


Vali increased his power, and so did the wyvern's output of the poison. Irphine then trapped the beast in a powerful wind barrier. Each time it tried to leave the barrier it was forced back since its own body reflected the barrier back since it was made of magic.

The monster began to struggle and thrash around even more. It desperately tried to leave the wind barrier, but it couldn't. Each time it rammed its body against it, the ability it had started to weaken, at first it would just deflect the wind barrier, but now parts of its flesh were being ripped apart by Irphine's barrier.

"A few more seconds and it should be all gone, Vali," said Irphine. She went over and held a slime pill to his mouth and he readily accepted it. That restored his strength, stamina and healed his wounds. Seeing that his overall condition had improved, Vali increased his power even more to hasten the process.


Irphine held her hand up and then clapped. "It's gone, we can kill it!" she announced.

"Oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Kanami screamed like a gorilla before aiming her spear at the monster and fired an even more powerful beam of light at it.

The monster was still disoriented, so the wind barrier was taken down and Vali's wyverns also went back to him. Kanami's beam of light hit it and pierced its side. This made the monster howl in pain and began to attack everything in its surroundings. Various tentacles, arms, tails, and appendages back to grow out of the monster.

It also began firing powerful beams of energy all around it, completely decimating the remaining lands cape and threatened to destroy the other places beyond this small country. However, when it wildly aimed to a further distance, the beam hit another barrier.

"Fufu, I set up another barrier earlier, so we won't need to worry about its attacks leaving this small area." Irphine smirked at the monster and gathered powerful wind around her arms. Those winds began to form into humanoid shapes and moved in front of her.

"Now my lovely's go and bully it!" she shouted. Irphine had created two more of her [Celestial Storm Clones]. She had thousands of these roaming around Europe as they helped various other groups defend their countries and pantheons.

Everyone else joined in the assault on the monster as various attacks were unleashed upon it. Fusae and Lavinia's magic, Kouki firing electricity at it, Mittelt and Kalawarna using their light attacks, Meruem using his own energy to attack it, and Ajamu and Tobio using their weapons to hack, slash and pierce its body.

Azazel stood back and watched it all. He wanted to inform them of anything else. If the monster suddenly changed or evolved, he wanted to be the first one to see it happen. Irphine was also beside him, so he struck up a conversation.

"Is your master coming back any time soon?" he asked.

"We are unsure, but…he will eventually," replied the woman.

"I take it that you all 'trust' him?"


Their conversation ended there. Her [Celestial Storm Clones] kept the monster in place and prevented it from attacking both teams, essentially it made this 'fight' easier for them as it was just an unmoving target, yet it had a powerful regeneration ability as well. However, it wasn't as powerful as 666's, so they could still slowly chip away at it.


"Hmm!" Vali aimed his arm and wings at the monster.

[Satan Compression Divider!!!!!!]

The same ultimate blast of silvery-white and black demonic radiance hit the monster and it began to halve its body over and over again. However, it didn't fully kill it as it stopped half way and only reduced its existence to half its original size.

Lavinia aimed her hand at it and instantly froze the monster. Everyone looked at the Ice Queen and felt a chill.

"Vaa-kun, can you launch into the air? Let's end this so we can move on to another country," she told them. Everyone quickly agreed and with the help of Meruem, Tobio and Ajamu, they launched the monster far up into the air. Irphine cancelled her barrier around the area and everyone charged up their final attacks.

"…Man, she can become terrifying at the flip of a switch," Azazel mumbled while looking at Lavinia.

"Fufu, perhaps she has the potential to become a 'yandere'," mused Irphine.

"Please don't say such terrifying things so casually. Her love and attachment to Jin is already ridiculously high, and anymore would make me be worried," replied Azazel.

"Suuuper megaaa ultraaaa—"

"Shut up!"

Natsume told her sister to shut up and Kanami huffed as various powerful attacks were launched at the monster that was high up in the air. An enormous explosion transpired once the beast was hit by all the attacks. The sky above them distorted and briefly turned the sky an amalgamation of different colors before it returned to its previous state.

"Phew, all well that ends well, huh?" asked Kanami as she wiped the nonexistent sweat off her forehead.

"I just received some info that there are several more enemies appeared at a nearby country, Tobio, Kanami, I'll leave that to the Slash/Dog Team. Vali, you and your team come with me. There's another that requires the use of poison," Azazel said to them while ignoring Kanami's weird comments.

"Well, I'll leave it to you guys then. My [Celestial Storm Clones] are everywhere in Europe right now, so one might accidentally stumble near you, so it'll automatically help you. I'll continue with eliminating the Battle Gods—"

As Irphine was about to finish saying her bit, the meteors that were constantly hitting the barriers around earth suddenly stopped.

"Fufu, it seems like Addite found the ones summoning the tears and meteors. We won't need to worry about that any more then," she told them. "Good day to you guys. If you need my personal assistance, just shout into the wind~"

"Alright, let's—"

"Slash/Dog Team let's goooo~!" Kanami shouted, interrupting Tobio as she ran off before the rest could agree with her. Tobio was stunned but laughed in the end.

"You heard her, let's go," he repeated, and their team left first.

Calantha walked over to Vali and began to poke at his chest. "I knew my husband would come out victorious. Now then, when shall we have babies~?" she asked him.

Vali silently stared at the woman for a few seconds before he turned to Azazel and asked, "What country are we going to?"

"That's so mean! At least acknowledge me!" whined Calantha. Vali then reached out to her head and stroked it as he spoke with Azazel. Calantha stopped and stared at Vali. Even the rest of his team were surprised by his actions.

"Vali-kyuuun~ hehehehe~" Calantha hugged his arm, much to Vali's dismay as they started walking away.

"Le Fay," Arthur called out to his sister.

"Yes? How can I help you, Onii-sama?" replied Le Fay.

"How goes your relationship with Jin?"

Upon hearing this question, Le Fay blushed. "W-w-what are you talking about, Onii-sama? I-I'm just a roommate to J-Jin-sama…!"

Bikou howled with laughter at both women, but had his ass burned by Calantha as the two began to bicker back and forth. Arthur simply nodded at his sister not showing how he really felt, but when Le Fay turned around, a small smirk appeared on his face.

In the Hindu Pantheon, in Bhuloka, Sewkusta stood a woman. Her skin was almost pale. She had blue eyes and white hair that was in a ponytail. She had two short blue horns on her head and had a blue rose accessory on her head. She wore a blue and black yukata with a strange pattern that also had clouds.

This was Ara, one of the [Electa], a former snake that previously belonged to Nagendra, a dead member of the Seekers of Truth. She along with countless numbers of shadow soldiers were in this realm to help defend it, and ironically enough there were many large snake-like monsters that had been summoned here.

Other gods and warriors were also helping defend it, including the Hindu group of Team [DxD]. One of them approached Ara.

"Miss Ara! We've cleared the west side, the only ones left are in the middle and the others!" said the young man.

Ara looked at him and nodded. She swung her hand down in front of her killing several large snakes. "…Good job, Amitodana. Focus your attention to the south next, leave the rest to me and the gods," she told him.

The man called Amitodana saluted her and disappeared. He, apart from the gods that were part of that group led the rest of the group if those gods weren't there. He was like the 'sub-leader' for them. Amitodana was a devoted follower of Shiva. He was a human born into the supernatural and had been living it in for all his life.

He practiced many types of weapons and was proficient with many of them, but his ideal weapon was a spear. He was gifted a weapon by Aaron after spending a lot of time training in the [Training Facility] and he has proudly used it ever since.

As Ara turned around, she saw a tear in the sky open up. From it out came…what resembled a dragon with snake heads and necks. There were eight in total. It had the typical dragon wings on its back, but all around its body were other appendages that belonged to other animals. Its eyes glowed pink and purple as it then roared, creating a powerful shockwave that destroyed some buildings around it.

A few shadow soldiers materialized beside Ara, but she shook her head. "Leave that thing to me, keep defending this realm," she told them.

The shadow soldiers quietly nodded before they left. Only a few gods were in this realm, the rest were in Svarog or the human world helping defend against the attack. Shiva was in Svarog while Indra and his own army were in the human world. Leaving the other Gods to be scattered all over the Hindu Pantheon.

However, there was one that helped this realm. To her far left was a young man with long and white unkempt hair that almost appeared transparent. He had aqua-blue eyes and had a sharp gaze. He wore a black skin-tight armored bodysuit that exposed a large portion of his chest. He also had golden-plated armor covering his legs, arms and knees, as well as his shoes.

This was Karna. He was the son of the Sun God Surya and Princess Kunti, and thus a demigod of royal birth. He had a spear in his hands as he took down the enemies around him. He also saw the monster that had appeared and flew over to Ara.

"Subordinate of the Middleman, do you need help with dealing with that monster? I do not mind, but…even I am not confident in defeating it," he told her while glancing back at the beast.

"I will fight it alone, Karna-san. Please focus on helping your realm's people. I will be fine," replied Ara. Karna stared at her for a few seconds and agreed.

"Very well. Good luck, but if I see you struggling, I will also step in, even if I am weaker than both of you," he told her and flew away.

Ara immediately flew towards the giant monster, and it also noticed her quite quickly. He began firing large fireballs at her as well as mixing in toxic breath attacks. Each one was powerful enough to kill God-class beings. Ara simply slapped them into the sky and they exploded above them. She didn't want them causing unnecessary destruction.

Once Ara arrived in front of her assailant, she sharpened her nails and turned them into claws. In one quick motion, she sliced the heads off the beast. However, to her surprise, the cut-off parts grew bodies and began slithering away. They had turned into smaller snake creatures, but she quickly flew to them and killed them before they could go any further. She turned back to see the heads had already regenerated back.

'I need to add anti-healing and anti-regeneration then,' she thought and appeared in front of the beast. As she was about to do the same move on it, two individuals showed up and fired attacks at her. She quickly blocked them but was blow back due to their force.

"Ah, ah, ah~! We can't have you do that, Snake-onee-san~!" said a masculine voice.

"He's right, we haven't caused enough destruction here," said a feminine voice. Once the smoke cleared Ara saw that two gray-haired individuals floating beside the monster.

On the left was a male with short gray hair, glowing yellow eyes and he wore a black and red school uniform. On the right was a female with long gray hair that reached her legs. She also had glowing yellow eyes and wore a black and red school uniform.

Ara could tell without using her ring's [Appraisal] that those two were vampires, the Artificially mass-produced Super Vampires. She silently stared at them as they began to speak like new-born children.

"She's too stunned to speak, Aleron," said the female vampire.

"Yep, she is in awe of our power, Kamra?" replied the male vampire.

Ara frowned before dashed towards them and punching a hole through Aleron's stomach, the male vampire. The male was stunned but he burst into a flurry of bats and appeared beside the female, Kamra.

"Sheesh, I didn't think she'd try to kill me so quickly," said Aleron.

"What a bitch. Well, we have at least 9 lives…well you have 8 now, so—anyway, let's just kill her and take over this pantheon. Those gods are no match for us, and this thing behind us," said Kamra.

Before they could move, Ara crushed their heads and they burst into another flurry of bats. They flew behind her and sighed again. However, their patience for the snake woman had become zero, so they also lunged back at her.

Kamra created several magic circles beside her and fired various elemental attacks at Ara who destroyed them easily. Aleron manipulated the shadows below her and created several tentacles made of shadows and tried to grab her. Ara simply turned around and turned her arm into that of a snake's tail and swiped it around, destroying the shadow's arms.

As fast as lightning, Ara thrust her hands through their hearts again. She knew she only needed to kill them nine times before they would either flee or she could permanently kill them. As she fought them, she also summoned several large snakes of her own and they kept the large beast busy—and also weakened it at the same time by injecting anti-healing and anti-regeneration into it as they bit into its flesh.

Ara didn't let up her assault on the two, as she quickly dwindled their lives down to one each, and both new Super Vampires stared at the snake woman with horror in their eyes. Both vampires breathed heavily as the thought of their new lives ending so soon was unfair.

"We were just made a few days ago! How are we just going to die already?! Shit! I knew we shouldn't have come to this one, maybe outside, or just another part of this fucking world!" roared Kamra.

"Calm down, we can still—" As Aleron began to speak, a snake's tail crushed his head. Kamra looked at Aleron's body fall to the ground in horror. She then looked at Ara. A snake's tail had appeared from behind her, forming a snake's head from the tip of the tail, and it hissed at her.

"Hii?! N-no! I don't want to die yet! Screw this, I'll just—!"

Again, Ara appeared in front of Kamra and pierced her stomach with her hand, then she used her tail and the snake's head to bite off Kamra's head off—the look of fear was etched across her face before her life ended.

Ara still felt shame for failing during her first mission months ago that involved the Five Principal Clans, so during the attack of the Khaos Order on the earth, she wanted to do her job right. She sighed and turned back to the beast that had been constricted by her summons. Ara's eyes glowed and she began to transform.

She was originally a snake that belonged to Nagendra, a powerful one at that. However, after she was turned into an [Electa] along with Ezekiel and Kishku they became stronger, but rarely used their snake-like powers, with the only exception being Ara. She didn't want to throw away her roots, but at the same time she held no love or respect for the now deceased Nagendra.

Ara's body changed into a large body of a pure white snake with frost blue eyes. She towered over everything including the beast, she ordered her summons to stay there, she was going to end this with one final move—her summons would be safe, even if they were hit by her upcoming attack.

She stared at the beast. It then tried to attack her in a futile attempt to hurt her. However, as it had been weakened by her own summons, it did next to no damage. Ara silently stared at the beast as she gathered a powerful blast of energy in her mouth. She silently ordered her summons to inject it with their own poison. Finally, they threw the beast up into the air.

Ara noticed that she would accidentally wipe out at least half of the town with her attack, and the shockwave it would produce would damage the rest, so she opted to end its life while it was in the air.

Finally, she fired her attack at the beast that had been thrown into the air. What left Ara's mouth was a powerful energy beam that was both blue and white in color. The size was equal to Aaron's own [Nyuutron Beam Cannon] he used against the invaders in the same Pantheon. The explosion caused a powerful shockwave that blasted through the realm. However, since it was above the buildings it didn't do damage that would be irreparable.

Ara transformed back into her human form and watched the ashes of the beast float back down to the ground. However, she didn't have much time to gloat as she had to keep defending the realm as another wave of enemies came. However, she hoped that she would do fine for her master.

"Kintoki, please stop this. If you do, I may be able to talk to the alliance into just sealing—"

"Shut up! You have already rejected my offer twice. There is no way of changing this outcome, Yorimitsu! And for the last time, I'm not being mind controlled, the truth was just opened up to me," replied Sakata Kintoki.

Minamoto no Raiko and Sakata Kintoki had been battling for the last few minutes in Takamagahara, their battle has led them near Dragon Mountain. Raiko didn't want to accidentally injure the innocence nor did she want the buildings in the city to be destroyed by needless violence.

Kintoki had arrived in the realm with various creatures from the Phantasma as well as some remnants of the Connected Harmony faction of the Khaos Order. He wanted to use today as the last time to convince Minamoto no Raiko to switch sides, but he was again rejected by his former Captain.

"Why won't you listen?! You used to do that a lot all those years ago!" Raiko shouted at him in frustration.

"I may still be dumb, but I've read up and learned about the atrocities done by Sacred Gear wielders as well as humans in general. No matter what we do, no matter how much good and justice we serve, they'll always find a way to kill themselves and start wars! They never learn! So why should we keep protecting them?!" shouted Kintoki.

"If that's the case, we should just end them ourselves! As well as other timelines and universes! Humans are a cancer to this world; they have done nothing useful for so many years! Shouldn't they in this day and age be out in space exploring it?! The whole world should be united and conquering planets together!"

"But they aren't! They keep fighting each other for the stupidest things! Old year-time grudges?! Who cares about that! The wielders of Sacred Gears are even worst! God forbid that they manage to awaken it and learn how to use it, then even more chaos will ensue! I won't repeat myself since I already told you—they are as worse as those outer gods—humans are the embodiment of destruction, in their own disgusting parasitic ways!"

After his small speech, Kintoki stretched his arm out. "I'll ask again, Yorimitsu. Join me, and we can make a true utopia together with the Khaos Order."

"…I have been alive for far longer than you due to reaching godhood. However, I believe that humans also have the highest ability to evolve and change, not just themselves, but also other species and races. The humans that have entered the supernatural world—while not all of them have been good—the ones that stand out, especially the well-intentioned ones have made changes for the better," replied Raiko.

"If you knew, then why help them?!" shouted Kintoki in anger.

"Because I said they were the best at changing everything. They've made technological advancements without our help, become more empathetic as the years have gone by, and they've done a lot of good as of late. You know the prime example of Jin—"

"He's no human! He's an outer god who's out to destroy us all. He's only pretending, I know as much," said Kintoki confidently. "That won't change, ever. Even if it comes out of your mouth."

"Then you don't understand him. I'm sorry if that's what you think…" Raiko held her [Doujigiri Yasutsuna] up and pointed at Kintoki. At the same time he saw the ring on her finger. "Then our discussion ends here. We may have been comrades at one point, but I will support my fiancé's goals to the end."

Sakata Kintoki chuckled, then he began to howl in laughter, he then stopped and stared at Raiko and pointed his own battle axe at her. "Very well. Today we finally part ways, permanently. You, along with the outer god and everyone in your alliance are my enemies. I will kill every single last one of you."

"…I will make it quickly and painless, Kintoki," whispered Raiko. Her heart ached, but she knew what she had to do.

Kintoki scoffed and charged towards Raiko. "Don't underestimate me! I—!"

Raiko closed her eyes and in one swift movement she appeared behind Kintoki with her [Doujigiri Yasutsuna] in a horizontal slashing motion. The 'fight' did not last long—it barely lasted a second. Like a flash of lightning, it was over. Kintoki turned around in confusion, feeling his body around him, a sense of confusion rising within him.

Raiko looked back at him and muttered, "Goodbye, Kintoki. You were an excellent subordinate and child."

Then, hundreds—thousands—millions of slashes began to appear around his body and finally, he understood what had happened. As he went to say his final words, his body burst into millions of pieces. Sakata Kintoki's life had ended again.

Taking a deep breath, Raiko turned around and watched with a pained expression as her once passionate and child-like subordinate died in front of her, and by her hands. A single tear fell from her eye before she looked around her and flew back to the city to rejoin the fight.

When she arrived back, she saw her team, the [Yamaūjin] fighting many enemies around them with the help of gods and shadow soldiers. Suddenly, the God of Lightning, Thunder and Storms appeared beside her.

Raijin stared at Raiko with a smirk. "Are you planning to contest my title as the Goddess of Lightning in the future, Raiko?" she asked the woman.

"Raijin-sama? What do you mean?" Raiko asked in confusion. Seeing the genuine confusion on her face Raijin shook her head.

"Ah, no, it's nothing. I must have been mistaken then. Good job on killing that man, it must not have been easy. Come, we still need to defend our realm," she told her. Raiko nodded and they flew away to deal with more enemies.

Raiko looked back at the spot where she ended Kintoki's life. Memories of their past flashed in her mind, the first time they fought together, the first time they ate together, the first time she tried to teach him how to read, write and other things. Raiko was many of Kintoki's firsts in life. He was also her trusted subordinate in the past.

If she could change how he led his life after his resurrection, she would—but she didn't know if her fiancé would approve of it, although he did want to give everyone second chances. Raiko would try to ask him if resurrection was possible in the future. If not…she would let bygones be bygones.

"Raijin-sama, what about the exiled clan members?" Raiko asked as she turned back around.

"They were the easiest to capture, so they are currently locked up. The monsters on the other hand…they're still being dealt with. Not everyone here is a God-class being. Thankfully our husband's [Hyperbolic Regenerative Chambers] helped make most of our citizens Ultimate-class and up," replied Raijin.

Raiko wryly smiled at the goddess. Raijin wasn't in a relationship nor was she engaged to Aaron, yet she had already started calling him 'husband'. When Raiko first heard of it, she was quite taken aback and shocked, but now she was used to it. She still found it strange, but was used to it…

In The Land of Heaven Falls and many other realms in the Irish Pantheon, many of its gods and warriors were busy defending their realm. However, it was made easier thanks to the help of the shadow soldiers that Aaron provided.

Cana Cludhmor, the Irish Goddess of music and dreams was busy playing her harp in the middle of the town in the Land of Heaven Falls. They were once again under attack, but this time thanks to the increase in help, and with Áine with her powers, it made the defense much easier.

However, Cana, like Akeno shared the same worries—today, to her, she felt like it was 'off' somehow, and she didn't know how. However, she had to push that feeling aside so she could keep helping out her fellow gods and goddesses.

In the distance, Lugh, the God of the Sun in the Irish mythology was making quick work of the enemies around them. Lugh had joined everyone in the [Training Facility] in Aaron's home as he still held intense hatred for the Khaos Order for destroying his home and harming his people.

Lugh flew around and killed his opponents with a single slash, or using his authority over the sun—by using powerful flames that equaled the sun's heat and temperature. Every enemy that came into contact with it, were incinerated from existence. They didn't even feel the pain, much to Lugh's annoyance.

Dian Cecht used Cana's powers to provide a powerful healing effect throughout the realm. Providing their warriors with passive healing gave them peace of mind and they could fight a little bit more recklessly. However, at the same time it worked in their favor as these warriors had gained some confidence because of it.

Not many of them had fought alongside their Gods, so this was a good opportunity for some of them to show off, and maybe have a chance of being scouted by them for a future team or something of that nature—or simply creating better relationships.

The defense of this realm was progressing well, until—a powerful tremor occurred on the land. All its inhabitants looked towards a large in the sky and from it…came a man. As soon as the gods and goddess lay their eyes on the man, they became shocked.

Especially a certain woman, as she stared at the man and trembled. She herself wasn't fearful of him anymore, but…her body remembered, and she desperately tried to regain control of it and stop herself from shaking.

The man had short black hair, dead-looking purple eyes, and he wore a black vest over a black shirt. He had a purple necklace round his neck and he wore black gloves, gray pants and black shoes. He also had some earrings on his ears.

"What's he doing here…?!" Brigid asked in shock.

Danu rushed over to Áine and stood in front of her, like a protective mother shielding her young. With furrowed brows Danu muttered, "Manannán mac Lir…what are you doing here?"

"Oh? If it isn't mother, hi~! I came to take my wife back. I thought we could use a honeymoon after this little scuffle around the world, you know?" said Manannán mac Lir. He waved at the other gods too.

Lugh immediately tried to slice his head off, but to his utter surprise, Manannán mac Lir stopped his sword with a single finger. The man smiled at Lugh, as if looking at an old friend.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting you to welcome me so strongly, Lugh. We're friends, aren't we? Hehe, I'll greet you too! …In the afterlife that is," he said menacingly.

One second, Lugh the God of the Sun was there—the next minute, his head exploded. Shock was what everyone felt. They were unable to process what had just happened. One of the strongest gods in their pantheon, yet so easily killed.

"Lugh!!" Nuada screamed and flew towards Manannán mac Lir. Other shadow soldiers joined him and they tried to grab him, but to the shadow soldier's surprise, he disappeared and appeared in front of Danu.

"Excuse me, mom~" he said and grabbed Áine.

As his hand touched, Áine, she lashed out and Manannán mac Lir crashed through several houses after being slapped away. As a result of that, other buildings in the area also collapses due to Áine forgetting to hold back her strength. The realm itself also threatened to crumble away.

"Wow~ so powerful, so the Middleman really helped you, huh? Fufu, you also have that ring…I suggest you take it off, Áine my love," Manannán mac Lir said as he got out of the rubble with a few cuts on his body.

<Come now my love, join us!> a different voice said to them.

<<Yes, yes! Join us, Áine!!>> another voice added.

"…Y-you…how…why…?!" Áine stuttered out, horrified and confused.

Manannán mac Lir smiled at her and said, "Your other three husbands' souls are inside of me! If you come with us, all of us can be together again! Isn't that wonderful?"

"…You're sick in the head…" replied Áine. "I'd rather die than go with you! All three of you! Just thinking about any of you makes me sick!"

"Come now, don't be like that…"

<We'll be happy together!>

<<Happy! Happy! We can have foursomes too!>>

Danu finally stepped in front of Áine again and declared, "You won't have her, as long as Cana and I breathe."

Manannán mac Lir smiled and chuckled. "I guess we just need to kill you then!"

"Hmm. It seems everything is going well; we only have a minimum—" Aurelia stopped in her tracks as she frowned. The ones beside her also frowned those were Lianne and Elyscia.

"Aurelia? Is something wrong?" Rias asked as she and the rest of her peerage landed beside them.

"…Lugh the God of the Sun of the Irish Mythology has died," she said with a frown. This obviously shocked the rest of them and they weren't sure in what to say. "Áine, Danu and Cana are there along with the other shadow soldiers, but we might—"

"Let's kill 666 before we start scattering, Aurelia," said Elyscia. She agreed and they turned back to the trapped Beast of the Apocalypse. Just then several tears started appearing and more beasts from the Phantasma as well as giant machines from the Evie began to come out of them.

"It doesn't look like they're going to make this simple. Aurelia, we'll leave 666 to you. Lianne and I will deal with those creatures." Without waiting for her response, Elyscia summoned her sword and flew away.

"Yes. I believe General Aurelia will be able to rid of that 666 all by herself," Lianne added and showed Aurelia a teasing smile before she equipped her helmet back on and flew away too.

"Gremory peerage, inform the Bael and Sitri peerages to keep up your efforts, leave those to us. Once all is settled here, you can go to the Underworld, Grigori and Kuoh to check on your loved ones," said Aurelia.

Before the Rias and her peerage could answer, Aurelia disappeared leaving a gust of wind behind. After she disappeared, several giant crosses made of light appeared on the horizon. They then exploded killing thousands of their enemies. Next to that, several hundred blue and white lines appeared all over the sky, which also exploded, killing even more enemies.

"That was Lianne-sensei and Elyscia-san," said Shirone.

"Nyahaha~ that's right, Shirone~"

"N-nee-sama? I thought you were somewhere else…?"

"I came back because I missed you," said Kuroka as she hugged Shirone. "Also, the other one was Elyscia. We'll eventually reach that level of strength someday nya~"

As Kuroka said those words, a powerful explosion shook the world—seconds later they heard a powerful roar that threatened to burst their ears. Everyone in the alliance covered their ears as the entire world was covered in a golden hue. Finally, the roar ended, but the golden hue didn't. Several golden clouds appeared in the skies because of that explosion—even the earth was still shaking beneath them.

"…That was Aurelia-sensei," said Xenovia. "…I want to recreate that move!"

"Is it really the appropriate time for that, Xenovia?" asked Yumi. As they watched the sky above them, Aurelia then reappeared in front of them.

"Hmm. That was easier than I anticipated. That 666 was a lot weaker than the one Aaron killed and turned into a shadow," she told them as she dusted herself. "Now then, let's end this invasion."

"Yes ma'am!" they replied in unison.

All across the globe, and the supernatural world, the tears and magic circles that the Khaos Order created to bring their armies over began to decrease in appearance. At first some of the alliance thought that it was due to the G.o.B interfering, but they confirmed that it wasn't them, which confused them greatly.

But they saw it as an excellent thing and continued their defense in each place, and the number of enemies began to decrease more and more, until multiple groups began to report through their transceivers that the enemies in their location had stopped appearing.

The majority of them began to celebrate, however, there were a few that were skeptical. Especially Akeno as she had felt uncomfortable the entire day. Even after she contacted her parents, it didn't feel right to her, so both Baraqiel and Shuri teleported to her just to comfort her.

Much of the alliance on the coasts of Japan began to gather where Aurelia and her group were. They also played the news of the humans through a magic circle and they were relieved as well, but also at the same time they began to talk about the existence of the supernatural.

Many were shocked that they were real, many were still skeptical, but they couldn't deny what had just happened to the world around them—it wasn't just in one place after all, it happened all around the world at the same time.

"Yo, we made it," said a voice. Aurelia's group turned to find that Azazel, the Vali Team, Slash/Dog Team and Sirzechs had arrived.

"O-Onii-sama?! W-what are you doing here?" Rias asked shocked.

"I wanted to see how things were coming along. We have apprehended all the rebels in the Underworld as well as repelled the attackers there too. It seems the same is happening around the globe. Does this mean…?" Sirzechs trailed off.

"—We won?" finished Azazel. "Who knows? Maybe?"

"But Aniki hasn't come back yet," added Vali forcing the area to quieten down. Indeed, Aaron Toole hadn't come back yet, however—their victory was short lived as a feminine voice echoed throughout the world.

<<Fufu~! Well done, Team [DxD], and the Alliance! You all deserve a praise!>> the voice cheered happily. Many of them knew who this voice belonged to, and their faces changed from being relaxed to being tense. Suddenly, a body was thrown to them.

"Ignia?!" Azazel shouted and ran over to him.

"…Fuck…me…run…! You can't win…!" he slowly said to them. A gaping hole was now present on the side of his stomach as he quickly bled to death. "…Lapis…turned…into…an…outer god…! None of you can win…! She also took away my powers…!" he told them.

A cold wind swept over the entire world, both human and supernatural. Then, a crack appeared in the sky. It quickly increased and eventually the sky above them shattered. From it came Lapis. She had a smile on her face as she waved at everyone.

<<Hi, hi, everyone! Long time no see, Fufufu! Let's begin part two, shall we?>> she said happily. Then—

…Several places on earth suddenly exploded, killing millions of lives. The explosions were so large that they created pink mushroom clouds of smoke. Everyone in Team [DxD] and the Alliance looked on in horror. Large chunks of the earth were also missing when looking at it from outer space.

<<Ara? I hit…ah, Japan, Kyoto—ah, all of the Five Principal Clans were in that spot, weren't they? Oh, dear…I also wiped out the Philippines, Italy, Mexico, France, and Norway. I did make that random, sorry, Himejima's~>> she said mockingly.

Akeno turned to Suzaku as a look of shock appeared on her face. "M-mom and d-dad were still there…" muttered Suzaku.


"…Great Uncle Suou along with many others were there, the ones who couldn't fight, but the rest of the members of the clans went to fight on one of the coasts, so some of them should be safe…!" added Suzaku as she interrupted Baraqiel. However, she was obviously distraught to finding out her parents and the rest of the clan were essentially killed.

What they didn't know was that Lavinia's home had also been destroyed in those attacks, and the Ice Queen still didn't know about it. She just glared at Lapis like the rest of them.

"Tch…!" Aurelia clicked her tongue and appeared behind Lapis. With her greatsword held above her head, she swung it down—but as it hit Lapis' back…it shattered. "Shi—"

<<Too bad~ bang~!>> Lapis said as she aimed her hand at Aurelia like she was holding a gun. Immediately afterward Aurelia exploded into a pile of blood and guts.

Everyone had delayed reactions. They just watched one of their strongest fighters killed so easily. The first one to react was—

"Aurelia!!!" Lianne screamed in horror as she watched her friend and long-time rival be killed. Lianne began the motions of jumping towards Lapis, but she was held back and stopped by Elyscia.

"Let me—!"

"If you go now, you might end up like her. Please don't!" Elyscia shouted at her.

<<I'm not waiting you know?>> Lapis raised her hands and even more explosions happened around the world. More and more humans' cities, towns, and villages began to explode. However, what followed after were small thin pink lines appeared above Lapis.

They were numerous—almost infinite, and everyone that saw them…had a bad feeling. Ignia, who had been healed by Asia, saw it and shouted, "Shit! Run! Those things will track you down and you'll be killed like Aurelia! Nothing can stop it…!"

<<Booo! Don't spoil it!>> complained Lapis as she fired them towards the world. She also clicked her fingers and made it night time. The world was now a mix of black and pink—to some, it felt like some kind of joke, a big lie—

Millions of pink lines began flying towards everyone. Many members of Team [DxD] were hit! Initially nothing happened, but—

"I don't feel any—" The man began to say, but once the line fully passed through him, he immediately exploded.

[Avoid those lines at all costs!!] Elyscia shouted into the transceivers.

<<You can't! They're faster than any of you, dummies!>>

Everyone began to scatter and panic ensued. Many of the shadow soldiers tried to stop it, but they were also killed. Some of them targeted Lapis, but as soon as they got close enough to her, they were also killed!

A pink line suddenly zipped towards Sona Sitri. Many on Team [DxD] saw this, especially the ones in the Sitri peerage. Time slowed down for many of them, but Saji quickly equipped his armor and made a mad dash towards his [King]. A horrified look crossed Sona's face as she looked at the line and Saji.

"President!!!" Saji screamed, he wasn't going to make it—some of the shadow soldiers appeared in front of it and they were immediately killed, but it also slowed it…slightly. As the line was about to hit Sona, a pair of hands pushed her out of the way.

Everyone there was shocked. The one that appeared was…Serafall Leviathan, Sona's older sister. Sona stared at her older sister in shock—however, the last thing she saw was her sister smiling gently at her, the line completely passing through her.

"So-tan—" Serafall didn't finish her sentence as she exploded into a bloody mess.

"Onee-sama!!" Sona screamed as she had just watched her sister be killed right in front of her. Various other members also screamed out to the Satan Leviathan. Sirzechs was also shocked by his friend's sudden death.

<<Down goes the Leviathan! Sera-tan is gone~!>> Lapis cheered happily. <<I wonder who's next? Hehe~!>>

More and more shadow soldiers began to attack Lapis, but they all met the same fate. Even more began to stand in front of the lines that Lapis created endlessly in the sky. However, they only served to slow down the instant death line she made. Endless people died because of those lines. Normal humans, supernatural beings and even some gods…no one was safe.

"Don't just stand there!!" Ajamu screamed as he tackled Yumi out of the way, surprising everyone. However, in turn, he was also pierced by the pink line. He smiled apologetically at Yumi. "I never got a chance to apologize for those events a few months ago—"

Ajamu then exploded as Yumi and the Slash/Dog Team watch on in horror. Yumi didn't know how to react. She didn't hate Ajamu anymore. They had spoken a few times over the course of the year and put aside their differences. Because they were more or less raised the same way, and were used by Valper Galilei, so they put the blame on that man.

<<Let's make more places go boom!!>> Lapis shouted and various pantheons, realms, and groups were killed.

In the Hindu Pantheon, in Bhuloka, Sewkusta the entire city was annihilated. This included all the shadow soldiers, gods, warriors, and even Ara who was still there. Ara's last thoughts were of her master as her life ended. She didn't get to apologize to him, nor was she praised by him one last time. She was full of regret as she passed away.

Lianne and Elyscia suddenly fired powerful slashes towards Lapis. The two attacks stopped inches away from her face as she giggled at them.

<<Jeez! That's so rude! But I like you two, so you won't die yet~!>> Lapis said while clapping her hands. <<How many will die before Daddy returns, I wonder~?>> she asked herself.

In the Greek's realm, Little Olympia and Greece itself were also annihilated. Kurousagi was there to help everyone, but she too was killed by Lapis' pink lines. Hermes who was faster than most somehow managed to outrun the giant attack with Hestia in his arms.

"Hep! Hep! Heeeeeeep!!" Hestia screamed as she watched Little Olympia be obliterated out of existence. Not everyone was there however as some of the gods were on Mount Olympia. Her best friend, Hephaestus had died in that explosion like two other goddesses. Demeter and Aphrodite.

But it didn't end there. More towns and villages in their realm suddenly blew up too, the skies of their realm were covered in pink clouds and a pink hue. Hestia began to struggle in Hermes' arms as she tried to run back to the now missing town.

"Let me go!!!" she screamed.

"No! It's gone! They're gone, Hestia…! We have to—" Hermes was suddenly pierced by a pink line and dropped Hestia. "Ah, dammit—"

Hermes exploded, leaving such strange last words to Hestia who watched as another one of her friends was annihilated.

"Hermes?!" Hestia screamed in horror, she then noticed millions of pink lines everywhere. Hestia quickly got up and scanned her realm before she teleported to the rabbit village. The entire place had been blown up, no one was alive, except—

"Rini?!" she shouted. The 'leader' of the village had managed to survive just barely. Most of the bottom half of her body was gone, and her life was coming to an end.

"…Lady…Hestia…run…!" Rini managed to mumble. Hestia turned around and saw a line coming towards her. She gritted her teeth before she teleported away to the Lamia's city. There, she saw the same scene, but this time there was a survivor.

It was Alice and Senko, as she was about to call to them—two pink lines also pierced them.

"Nooo!!" Hestia shouted then, the two heard her and turned to look at her. But before words left their mouths, they also exploded into a bloody mess.

Hestia turned around and saw the pink link coming for her and…she gave up. She fell to her knees and tears fell from her eyes. "…Aaron…where are you…?" she asked no one, as the line pierced her.

Hestia also died that day.

The rest of the Greek realm was also annihilated. This was because of the pink lines or the explosions that Lapis had used. Nothing was left or spared, even the plant and tree life had withered away.

Asgard, the Norse world was also experiencing the same thing. Many gods, Valkyries and countless other races began to die off. Many managed to avoid the explosions that killed millions in the human world and other realms. However, the majority of them were hunted down by Lapis' pink lines.

"Thor-sama please run!" Hlin, one of Odin's maids shouted before she too was killed by Lapis' pink lines.

"I can't do—Hlin!! Damn you!" Thor shouted and fired a powerful bolt of lightning from his Mjolnir. However, the pink line was much more powerful than the God of Thunder, he tried to keep up the struggle, but he eventually lost and was pierced by multiple pink links. The God smirked in the end since he didn't die a coward's death.

In another part of the main island, their Chief God had also been killed by Lapis' attack, and many of the residents were slowly being hunted down by Lapis. One of them was Brynhildr, known as the strongest Valkyrie and leader of her Valkyrie Squad.

She had watched two of the Valkyries in her squad be killed—she had trained those two for a long time and the pain she felt when she saw them die was beyond her imagination. Helmwige and Grimgerde had perished earlier, but now Brynhildr, Schwertleite and Ortlinde were the ones on the run.

Because of their time in Aaron's [Pocket Dimension], their speed had increased, but they were quickly running out of stamina.

"I think these things drain your stamina! She's playing with us, Captain!" shouted Schwertleite as she was also finally pierced. The other two watched in horror, as Schwertleite smiled at them one last time before she was killed.

But those two didn't see the two lines behind them and pierced both of them at the same time. Ortlinde and Brynhildr looked at one another. Neither could get their last words in as they both died on the spot.

In Rossweisse's island, in the countryside, her town had also been annihilated. The only survivor was Göndul as the shadow soldiers in her shadow managed to grab her and flee once all of this happened. However, they had all sacrificed themselves to slow down the pink lines that were hunting her down.

Göndul sat down and leaned against a tree. She couldn't run anymore as she had her stamina taken away from her by the pink lines. She had accepted her fate and waited for death—she had witnessed both Rossweisse's parents' death earlier. It was instantaneous, they didn't suffer…those were her thoughts as she tried not to feel guilty about it.

"Was…I, a good grandmother? I wish I could see you one last time, Rose…" Göndul closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Moments later, her life ended.

The same thing happened in more pantheons across the globe. Millions of lives were lost that day, the Shinto Pantheon was also hit, all its realms were slaughtered, including the new group [Yamaūjin] and their leader, Raiko. In her last moments of life, her last thoughts were of her friends, comrades, and her love.

After that, Elyscia told the rest of the alliance what was happening through her transceivers, and many accepted their fate after that. In the Slavic Pantheon of Prawia, the gods and goddesses sat down for one last party, and so did their people. Many put aside their differences and drank themselves silly until they were eliminated by an explosion or Lapis' pink lines.

One goddess in particular was saddened that she couldn't see one last person in her final moments. However, she quietly accepted her fate—as if she was being mocked, she was the last one in the room to be killed by Lapis' pink lines. They also flew around her for around a minute before they pierced her in the chest.

In the Egyptian realm, much was the same. Many gods and goddesses fell, brave and proud warriors screamed in terror in the last moments of their lives. There were a few that tried to fight back, but it was futile.

One of them was Vera, a new goddess. She protected the people around her to her last breath, but in the end, she also fell to Lapis' attacks. She had many regrets in her life, and one of them was that she couldn't be by her parents' side when all this happened, and also, that she couldn't confess her own feelings to the man she loved. She was also aware that her best friend had perished earlier as she heard Elyscia say that the Greek realm fell before the Egyptian one.

In the Chinese Pantheon, only a few remained alive. Ningguang, their leader, Qinglong, the Azure Dragon and Longwang, the Dragon King.

"Jin Skyward has yet to awaken…and the world is ending. When we needed him the most he wasn't here, and the Khaos Order took advantage of it. It almost looked like we had won too," Ningguang said with a sigh.

Moments later, a pink line pierced her, ending her life.

"I've lived a long life, but I didn't think this was how it would end. Qinglong, if there is an afterlife, hopefully we will be reincarnated in a more peaceful world," said the Dragon King.

"Yes. A peaceful world would be wonderful…I didn't have the opportunity to get close to him which was a shame," replied the Azure Dragon.

Both sat across from each other until they closed their eyes. Like their leader a few seconds ago, they were also finally killed, having accepted their fate at Lapis' will.



<<Wonderful! And with this, we will be together forever!>>

Manannán mac Lir had also been pierced by the pink lines as he himself died first. Multiple gods around them had been killed too. As the pink lines shot towards Áine as she stood there in stunned silence, a pair of hands pushed her out of the way.

Áine was finally pulled out of her shock and the ones that pushed her out of the way was Danu. Her eyes widened in shock as Danu herself was pierced by the lines.


"I was happy to be called a mother by you, Áine. Please live," Danu told her before she exploded.

The same scene happened nearby, as Cana also pushed Brigid and Dian Cecht out of the way. Both gods were shocked by this as they saw their friend smiling at them until the end.

"Cana!!" Brigid also screamed as she watched her friend meet her fate.

Suddenly, the pink lines disappeared from the realm, leaving the survivors confused and broken. Everywhere was bathed in blood, guts, and bones. This same scene was everywhere around the world. The human population across the globe had been cut from 7 billion to just a mere 2 million in a matter of minutes. The supernatural world wasn't far from them as their numbers dwindled down to just 90,000.

Áine sat there on the ground, in disbelief. Hot and angry tears fell from her eyes as she started screaming and pummeling the ground in frustration. She and many others couldn't do anything to stop this. For the first time in a long time, they all felt powerless.

However, it wasn't better by the coasts of Japan…

"Kanamiii!!!!" Natsume screamed as she had watched her sister push Shigune out of the way from being hit by one of Lapis' pink lines.

Kanami looked at Natsume, but instead of saying one last goodbye, she put her hand out and showed her sister one last peace sign and smile, brighter than any other one she had shown her. Seconds later, Kanami Minagawa lost her life.

The same scene happened between two Nekoshou sisters, as the older one had tackled her younger sister out of the way.

"Shirone! I want food nyaaa!!" Kuroka screamed one last time at her sister before she also died.

Shirone was unsure if she should laugh, cry or scream in anger at her older sister who had just died. But instead, she fell to her knees and sobbed, she lost her mother before, become separated from her sister, hated her, reunited and reconnected, only to see her die in front of her. To Shirone, it was unfair.

Everyone else had been desperately dodging the pink lines until a certain silver-haired youth made a mistake which caused a certain young vampire to push him out of the way. Once she did, she also was pierced by Lapis' attack. Calantha looked at Vali and smirked.

"I guess I'm not the first wife then," she said nonchalantly before dying. Vali stood there in shock, but again, he was body slammed away by a larger person.

"Quit standing around, Vali. That ain't like you!"

A familiar voice had shouted that at him. Vali felt a new wave of cold sweat spread across his body as he looked at the person who said that. It was Azazel. A pink line had also pierced him. With his usual grin, he spoke to Vali one last time.

"And here I thought I would see you grow up to become an even bigger battle maniac."

At that moment, Vali had recalled various memories he had spent with Azazel.

He remembered the first time that Azazel had taught him how to read and write. He remembered the first time that Azazel had taught him how to use his devil powers properly. He remembered the first time he taught him how to properly communicate and converse with Albion. He remembered the first time he went fishing together with him. He remembered the first time that Azazel took him out for a drive.

Many first times flashed in his mind as he saw the man he considered a father figure be killed right in front of him.

He had taught Vali so many things, and did so many things for him, but in the end, he went off on his own selfishly. Yet he still accepted him back like nothing had happened.

"Calantha!!! Azazel!!!" Vali roared in shock.

And one final act of Lapis—

"Uncle!! Akeno!!" Suzaku screamed in despair as she watched Baraqiel and Akeno be pierced by Lapis' pink lines. Shuri herself watched in horror as both her husband and daughter died in front of her.

It was a strange twist of fate. Shuri Himejima was the one who died and Akeno's family became broken. However, she was brought back to life, and now she had to watch both her loved ones be killed right in front of her.


"Mom…Suzaku-nee-sama…Aaron…" Akeno said as she reached out to her mother and cousin.

Both finally died, their haunting last words heard by Shuri, Suzaku and Rias. Rias had seen her [Queen] and her best friend die. Many memories of Akeno flashed in her mind. The day she met her, the times she taught her proper lady etiquette, the day she became her [Queen], the days they spent in Kuoh Academy.

Her sadness turned to anger and she began firing thousands of large balls of [Power of Destruction] towards Lapis who laughed at her futile attempts. Rias angrily cried and shouted 'Give her back' over and over again. Sirzechs who was still nearby watched her sister's despair and became even more angry.

Three people without hesitation immediately confronted Lapis. Even though they knew they stood no chance, they needed a way to let out their anger. Sirzechs had entered his [Aura of Destruction], he had turned himself into a human-shaped [Power of Destruction].

The other two were Vali Lucifer and Tobio Ikuse. However, another soon joined them as he also cried angrily. It was Dulio Gesualdo. Both Tobio and Vali were in their strongest forms, while Dulio was also still in his Balance Breaker form with golden wings out.

"They perished, the [Brave Saints] and the exorcists. His Eminence Strada, Cristaldi, Irina-chan and Griselda-nee died…!" Dulio said in almost a whisper. Yet the three other men heard him.

<<Are you angry with me? Fufu, try your best then~>> Lapis said mockingly.

Tobio slashed at Lapis with everything he had. He tried to bend whatever barrier she had around her, yet it didn't reach her. However, to his shock, his slash was aimed back at him and it even injured him. Tobio let out a pained and frustrated grunt.

Next was Dulio who fired several light attacks along with multiple elemental attacks from his Sacred Gear. He even tried to use his Balance Breaker on her, but it was futile as none of them ever reached the woman who mockingly smiled at all of them.


[Satan Lucifer Smasher!!!!!]

Vali fired his attack towards Lapis who laughed at it as she simply swiped it away. Next, Vali aimed his [Satan Compression Divider] at Lapis who also just sniggered at it and fired her own attacks at Vali, piercing him on his thigh and shoulder. She then appeared in front of him and slammed her knee into his face, forcing him back to the ground. Lapis did this to Dulio while also ripping off his rings and kicking him back to the ground.

<<I'll be taking that darkness away from you~>> she said cheerfully to Tobio. Suddenly his armor vanished, and Gin appeared on his shoulder much to his surprise. Next, Lapis ripped his arm off and punched him back to the ground.

"Tobio!!" Sae screamed and ran over to him.

<<Ah, Satan Lucifer, how do you do? It's the first time we've met,>> said Lapis as she bowed.

Sirzechs didn't say anything as he fired several balls of [Power of Destruction] at Lapis who caught them and ate them. He was surprised but didn't show it. Sirzechs began 'battling' with Lapis in the air. However, it was clear to him and everyone that was left on the ground that he stood no chance—he was being toyed with by the outer god.

Finally, Lapis became bored and pierced his stomach with her hand, making Sirzechs grunt in pain, but before he could retaliate, she fired a point-blank beam of energy at him, which forced him back to the ground. Sirzechs knelt on his knees, as his right arm was destroyed by the attack, and he was missing a left eye.

<<Booo~ you're all so boring, I wonder when Daddy will come back?>>

Lianne and Elyscia then appeared beside her and smashed their weapons at Lapis. However, she easily caught them and shattered them bit tapping their weapons. However, they didn't stop their as both used their fists instead.

<<Ah, I forgot you guys were still here, fufu…! But only 4 are left of the G.o.B, right? I killed most of them, fufu~!>>

Indeed, they did. The [Goddesses of Battle] sacrificed their lives to protect the humans. Some of them perished in the blast, and some were killed by the pink lines Lapis used. Only four remained, Auna, Elyscia, Irphine and Addite. The rest had perished.

Lapis caught their first, and she fired another pink line at Elyscia who was surprised by it. Moments later, she also exploded, ending her life abruptly. Lapis, however, tore Lianne's arm off her, but the woman didn't scream to her surprise. Lianne only gritted her teeth and aimed a point-blank energy shot at Lapis. But to her dismay, it didn't put so much as a scratch on the woman.

<<Nice try, Lianne-chan~>> she said before slapping Lianne on the cheek and making her crash back down to the ground.

"I…" Vali said as he got up.

Lapis grinned and transformed into the False King Ghidorah, however due to them merging, Ghidorah's body had turned a mix of black and pink with a floating crown on each head. In the middle of the monster's chest was Lapis' upper half of her body who waved at everyone.

"…I'm not like Aniki…I can't protect so many people…yet I failed to protect that small family I promised…!" Vali looked up at Lapis with fury.

<<Do you loathe me, boy~? I still love you, Vali. You're my…nephew? Ah, whatever you are, I'll keep you alive~!>> she said happily.

Suddenly a powerful and large dragon made of ice had appeared and also fired a breath attack at Lapis who shrugged it off and looked at who had done that. It was Lavinia Reni, however, seconds later a powerful and large ball of flames hit her back, she also shrugged her shoulders extinguishing the flames.

<<Good effort, Suzaku-chan, Lavinia-chan~! But no dice~!>> she mocked them and smirked at them. Both of them kept firing attacks at her until Lapis destroyed the ice dragon and sent several beam attacks at Suzaku and Lavinia.

Both dodged many of the beams but were eventually pierced through various parts of their bodies. Both fell to the ground, but started to get up shortly afterward.

<<My, you're all so persistent, I should just kill you all since I'm bored,>> she said and began to charge up powerful breath attacks from all three heads. Lapis herself also gathered energy with her hands and created a powerful pink ball.

Vali slowly walked towards Lapis. "If I can't protect them anymore—then I'll protect the ones nearest to me now!!" he screamed and increased his power to the utmost limits and tried to fly, but he couldn't as he was too exhausted.

Lapis saw this and grinned before unleashing all the breath attacks at Vali as well as her pink ball of destruction.

"Albion…stay with me till the end," Vali muttered as he held his hand up and grinned.

{Of course, Vali. I wouldn't have it any other way,} replied Albion.

[Satan Compression Divider!!!!]

Vali tried to halve Lapis' attack, but he and everyone could see that it wasn't working. However, the young Lucifer didn't stop and kept going—he would use all the remaining life in him if he had to. He had never thought that he would go so far as to save people—he couldn't help but smirk at it.

But…Vali eventually lost the power struggle as Lapis' attacks won over his [Satan Compression Divider]. Vali looked at the giant beams as they reached him and blasted him into oblivion.

"Vaa-kun!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lavinia screamed in despair as she couldn't do anything to help her precious little brother. The rest of the Vali Team looked on in despair as they saw their leader killed.

A giant smile suddenly spread across the face of Lapis, causing confusion among everyone. <<You're back…Daddy!!>> she shouted enthusiastically.

The attack that Lapis had sent to Vali had been stopped. In front of him was…Aaron Toole. Hot and angry tears streaming down his face as he devoured the attack Lapis had used.





Everyone screamed his name. Aaron flicked his free hand and everyone in the remaining human world and supernatural world was teleported away…to a different place—beyond the omniverse…they were the beginnings of…[Sanctuary].

Everyone became confused as they all felt a warm feeling, and their injuries began to be healed. In front of them was a large screen. It showed both Lapis and Aaron—however, a lone woman stood in front of it. Some recognized her.

"Cúntóir?!" Rias shouted and ran over to her.

"…You're all here too, huh?" asked a feminine voice.

Many turned to see who it was, as some also recognized the voice—it was…

"V-Velgrynd…?" Lavinia asked, as the True Dragon helped her up and nodded.

"Holy shit is that Jin?!" the voice of Kikijo Kouta asked.

"It is! Dude, what the hell?!" Higuro Najima replied.

"What's happening? Where are we?" asked Suzaku. Everyone in the supernatural world and humans gathered in front of the screen.

"…He transported everyone that was left to [Sanctuary], Aaron's future home. It's still in its development stage, but…everyone should be safe here," replied Cúntóir.

"What do you mean?" asked Shiva as he stood beside Cúntóir. However, the woman just shook her head and remained silent. Through the screen, they watched the confrontation.


Aaron gritted his teeth and then screamed—it was so loud and powerful that it shook the multiverse. He then appeared below Lapis and punched her! However, that simple punch eliminated at least ¼ of the multiverse, it destroyed everything, all rules, laws, and anything that existed—it simply stopped existing because of that punch.

Lapis herself also exploded, but she quickly regenerated and laughed happily!

"That's it, Daddy! Accept what you truly are! You're no longer human, you were never compassionate—your entire existence was chaos from the day you were born! You were and still are an outer g—"

"—I…I don't care what I am! My entire existence is beyond that—and I'll use it to protect the ones closest to me!!" Aaron screamed at her.

"Nonsense!!! You are the embodiment of chaos, an outer god—it's your destiny to destroy everything, accept it!!" Lapis screamed back. "We can rule reality and the omniverse together, Daddy!! So accept itttt!!!"

She then grew even more in size and fired a powerful beam at Aaron! The attack enveloped the entire universe and began to destroy the rest of the multiverse. Aaron's body was covered in various colors of energies as he charged at Lapis.

He flew directly towards the attack and was hit by it, but he kept going—Aaron for the second time since he was reborn in the Draconic Deus, took damage. The skin on his body began to melt, and he also began to bleed.

It hurt, it really hurt him, but he didn't care. He kept flying forward towards Lapis who only increased the power she used, further destroying the multiverse. Various worlds, timelines, and planets were obliterated because of her attack. Not even Evie, Phantasma and the Khaos Order were safe. They all perished under her attack!

"My flesh, my blood, and my bones…! I don't need any of it!!!" screamed Aaron as he finally reached Lapis' body and his fist slammed into her body again.

However, this time his scream got louder as he kept increasing his power.

[You can do it, Oppai Dragon!!]

[Beat the bad guy, Oppai Dragon!!]

[Oppai? Who cares, kick that bitches' ass, Jin!!]

[Kill her!!!]

[Oppai Dragon!!!]

Aaron heard the remaining children of the supernatural as well as other people screaming his name. He even heard his two friends Higuro and Kikijo.

Suddenly, the glowing fist that Aaron used to punch Lapis transformed into a large nose—and in front of them, a majestic form of a dragon made of shadows and darkness appeared in his place! Aaron Toole had transformed into his dragon form and he roared loudly!

<<Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!>> with one final roar, his body glowed brightly and everything around Aaron was destroyed! To the ones watching this confrontation—the entire universe simply turned white and then Lapis' body began to crumble away seconds later.

'Ah…at least…I got killed by Daddy…' thought Lapis as her life was ended. 'Would things be different if I were born another way…?'

"W-what happened?" someone asked.

"…He destroyed it all," replied Cúntóir.

"What?" Shiva asked confused.

"He destroyed the omniverse—or whatever else remained after Lapis' attack. Nothing…remains, only the ever-expanding white void of nothingness," said Cúntóir.

A lone figure floated in that void. It looked lonely and full of regret. He looked at his hand and brought it up. And thus began the reconstruction of the entire omniverse. However, he did not use his power alone—he siphoned it from someone else—

<<Use my power.>> Those were the words he heard when he came back to the world. While hesitant at the start, he did use it during the short confrontation between them.

Everything around him—as well as the rest of the omniverse began to repair itself, earth—the planet also came back, and with it, the ones that died that day, however, this included everyone, across the omniverse too—so the Evie, Phantasma and some villains were brought back. Aaron himself wasn't aware of this.

Once he was done, the various people who lost their lives were confused, that was until they noticed Aaron there, smiling sadly at them. Aaron walked over to Akeno and Baraqiel and hugged them.

"I'm sorry for being late, dad, Akeno," he told them. Neither of them replied, but they simply hugged him back too.

Back in [Sanctuary] many breathed a sigh of relief as everything was back to normal—their world, their loved ones and the places they lived were back. However, unknown to them, Aaron planned on erasing their memories of this event. He didn't want them to remember such a tragedy.

"Holy shit! Jin's that powerful?! And the supernatural was real?! And he was that Oppai Dragon guy?!" Higuro shouted in excitement.

"As expected of Skyward-sama~" added Kikijo. Both their girlfriends were still reeling in the shock of it all, but small smiles were on their faces.

Without prompting, Shiva said, "This is the current Middleman of the supernatural world."

Everyone stopped to listen to him—he was the God of Destruction after all, and he also managed to escape…thanks to his wife Parvati who sacrificed herself.

"He along with his 'little brother' Vali Lucifer stood up to that terror. Vali Lucifer, the [White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star], and… An outer god with the heart and compassion of a human and the power of a dragon god…that is The Dual Dragon Emperor of Unprecedented (Unparalleled) Sovereignty (Power), Jin Skyward."

The entire vicinity fell silent to his words, and then—they were all brought back to earth. Once there, his two friends approached him.

"…Kikijo, Higuro. I know you have a lot of things to say, but I plan on erasing everyone's memories…so…"

"Nah, I wanna keep mine, like hell I'd let you just erase it!" said Higuro.

Kikijo nodded along. "Right, right, we'll talk to Yua and Sakura. I think they'll both support this too. We're friends, aren't we? Let us have this, Jin."

Aaron smiled. "If that's what you want…and thanks," he said. "I'll teleport all of you back to Kuoh then." His friends nodded before they disappeared. Aaron then put his hand up again and erased the events that had transpired today—he didn't want the humans to be traumatized by this. So he did his best at erasing any remnants of what had happened.

The Khaos Order themselves retreated. They had lost the initial battle, and lost their other hope of winning—Lapis. So for now, they would retreat.

Aaron had many places to visit, many people to face and meet. Even though none of them blame him of what happened, he still felt guilty and wanted to apologize to them personally. Many of his friends, comrades and some of his lovers died due to Lapis.

Cúntóir, like many watched him from a distance. However, she wasn't looking at Aaron…but instead she stared at a screen in front of her. It was only visible to her.

[Evolution Progress: 1/2 – 99.99%]

Aaron Toole was 1% away from evolution.

Check the chapter comments to see images of certain characters.

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Chapter word count: 15k

Total Chapter word count: 77k

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