
Love and Death

Sophia couldn't help but furrowed her brows, her situation was gradually turning bad, not only had Bernad suddenly become both faster and stronger than before but she was also not at full power, especially when her symbiote bloodline power was constantly falling.

Which meant if she continued to fight her powers would eventually run out completely and at that point, she would then be between a rock and a hard place, which wasn't good considering there was still that demon beast Melissa and Bernard who was still in his abomination form.

As she was thinking she couldn't help but look at Melissa from the corners of her eyes, at the same she made sure to also keep an eye out for Bernard, so far he had managed to avoid each and every metal shard that she threw at him, not only that he was also making sure to cut out every string that was attached to the metal shards so that she wouldn't be able to use them against him.

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