
Our first fight

"Why did you chose to be an assistant sir?" Ayana asked curiously as she peeked from the edge of her blanket.

The sofa was unexpectedly too short for her size. Not only her toes were hanging at the armrest, her body was on the verge to fall any moment as well. But despite the uncomfortable position she was stuck in, her curiousness didn't suppressed as she still remembered the view vividly when her gaze accidentally fall upon the unbuttoned collar of his shirt.

He had pale white smooth skin and prominent collar bone at the bottom of his thick strong neck. She remembered calling him a beauty in her dreams at that night, but did she really said that in reality?! Because if so, then it would be a trouble as she said that after they had a kiss.

Just the thought of it was enough to make her feel embarrassed and sunk into blanket to hide her burning face.

"Are you not able to sleep?" He said after a pause and slightly shifted his body on one side to face her while sleeping.

"Oh! I must've disturbed you while you were asleep. Please forgive-"

"No, it's okay. I wasn't feeling sleepy either."

"I.. I see." She stuttered from shock.

"Why did you asked me that question though? Do you think I am not qualified enough to be in that position?" He pretended to act normal but only he knew how much grateful he was for this conversation to happen. It would've gone to a waste if they just slept and depart on their ways the next morning. But upon hearing her question, a ray of hope sparked in his heart.

"That's not what I meant! I was just curious as to why did you apply for this job since you look capable for doing many other jobs as well."

"Such as?" He said as soon as she finished. There was a keen smile with amused look in his eyes. The conversation was starting to get interesting.

"Uh you know, like fashion industry or perhaps even acting?" She said reluctantly trying to figure out other decent jobs, but to no avail. Her mind had already gone blank after these two.

"You really think so? I never thought I had such kind of talent for that." He smoothly lied with a mild chuckle to act ignorant of his beauty.

Even he knew he was very handsome, so much that he had already rejected countless numbers of woman. Some people even went to the length of discussing his marriage of their stalker daughter to his parents, but fortunately they weren't interested in small fishes. Not only would they not gain any profits from this proposal, but their reputation will also fall low in the higher society.

But as luck would have it, another misfortune popped up in his life who was both rich and acceptable to his parents. Just the thought of recalling her name was a headache.

'Lets just enjoy the moment while I still can. Thinking of that playgirl will only frustrate me more.' he said to himself as he shifted his focus on Ayana's amazed face. It seems he overacted a bit but Ayana actually buyed it.

"Are you kidding me?! Do you really don't know how beautiful your face is?!" She yelled unexpectedly loud, as if she was offended from his ignorance. Eric almost flinched and looked at her wide-eyed as well.

"Do I?" Those were the only words he could manage to ask from shock.

"Ofcourse! It's sad to see that such a beautiful face had not been put to a good use. Not everyone is granted with perfect facial features you know! We've to buy infinite beauty products and spend almost a kidney's cost to achieve your no-make-up look." She really looked frustrated at this moment.

Being stuck in a tight position, Eric had no choice but to smile nervously and accept her complaints even though it wasn't his fault.

"I see, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't have survive in that industry since I lack other capabilities.( Since I am pretty impatient when it comes to following orders. Plus I hate ass-lickers)" He said while hiding the real reason.

"Yeah... Maybe, you are a bit timid and weak to fit into that society. But still, it should be better than being an assistant to a CEO of a multinational company." She added the teasing part purposefully.

"What do you mean by that? Being an assistant to the CEO of this company is the most grateful thing I've ever achieved in my life. It's almost like a blessing."

Although he said that casually, it appeared as if her words truly touched his nerve. He was defending his ownself by speaking on behalf of Sebastian. Certainly, if Sebastian was here, he would never praise his master, but since he's not, Eric was trying to show off himself ridiculously indirectly.

The conversation continued with a mere exchange of opinions at first, but it soon turned into a fierce battle.

"Don't try to hide it! You know this very well that you've to work almost 24/7 at his service and also had to bear his constant nagging. No matter what you do he just never gets satisfied from your work." Ayana exclaimed recallling her past experiences with her boss.

"That's not true! Sure he may order around a bit, but isn't the salary nice as well?! You work hard, you earn hard. (Right Sebastian?)" He argued back with full force.

"So what if the salary is high?! What about the work atmosphere? It's so dang negative that it almost suffocates you to quit! Yet you can't because of the money. Sure, they can't decrease the workload, but atleast they shouldn't treat you like a labour donkey on their leash!"

"Excuse me?! Isn't that a bit far on a stretch?! A boss always have to maintain pressure in order to keep his employees in check. That's how it works!"

"No! It doesn't!"


The heated argument finally ended into an awkward pause. They were mildly panting as their gaze was dead locked with each other. How did they ended up being so angry over such a trivial matter? They both didn't knew. The only thing that mattered the most now was that this conversation was over and no more arguments shall be made to continue it again.

"I think we've talked enough for today. Let's go to sleep since it's so late." Eric said in a heavy sigh as he himself felt ridiculous upon this foolish behaviour.

'tch! I wasted my opportunity.' he regretted deeply in his thoughts and went to sleep before even hearing Ayana's response.

Ayana noticed it as well but chose to remain silent since he was her boss. This is exactly why she hated the seniors the most, since they do whatever they please without even considering other's opinion.

"Yes. Good night." She said and abruptly turned to face the other side while covering her head from blanket.

"Where did I go wrong?" They both muttered in whisper when suddenly a huge thud ringed their ears.

Eric flinched and sat straight on the bed to check, while Ayana let out a moan holding her back. She had fallen for the second time on the same spot.

This time it truly hurt...

Have you ever slept on a couch which is too small for your size? I have, and trust me it's very uncomfortable. I had a backache almost for a day ಥ‿ಥ

Sneakycat098creators' thoughts
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