
The vision

Everywhere went dark and I was all alone but then I saw him appeared before me looking so majestic

He was shinning so bright and I have never seen him looking so wonderful, he was smiling at me when he held my hand and led me down the aisle

"Mom, dad, this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with"

He said while smiling revealing his two striking dimples

He was glowing when staring at me! How is this possible?

"She is beautiful"

They said as they gave me a warm hug but then someone tap me and ask for a hug too

It was his sister Ariana she was so beautiful and she embrace me warmly but then I woke up from the dream and was staring at Nick and my father

"What is going on?"

"You have been unconscious for three days now"


"Who is tyler, you have been calling his name even in your dream"

He said sounding jealous which disgust me, how dare he act jealous before me?

"He is my husband''

"You must be joking, I think you still have fever, the doctor will come and check you"

I didn't want argue with him, I was discharged the following day but I didn't go home, I visited Shane in his resting place.

"Shane, you can't imagine how much I have missed you and what I have been through, everything is happening so fast that I can't comprehend but one thing is for sure

I found true love and I met you shane but its not you, you so much adore me but in that world you don't because the Leah there was so mean and mischievous, I can't still believe I experience all that and then came the man I fall in love with; he is the most powerful and yet most lonely person and heartbroken person in the world" she smiled bitterly

Leah turned to leave when she bump into someone, she was about to apologize when she felt a sharp pain in her chest, she fell down and was grasping for breathe

"You are not the only one who lost someone dear to them"

I was in deep pain but the voice was awfully familiar, I tried to look at her as she held my arm

"Are you alright?"

I couldn't answer her, my vision went blur while my head hurts as hell as she held me

I woke up in a strange house, I was hoping am in the world am yearning for but then I saw the wallpaper

"When am I ever going to go back?"

"Finally you are awake"

I heard the familiar voice again, I was shocked to see her

How could this be?

What the hell is happening?

"Uh, who are you?"

"Come on, have a cup of tea first, you look tarnished"


I took the mug from her and hurriedly drank everything

I swear I could see her smile

Her smiles are just like his and her hair was as dark too

"Am Leah and you are?"

I wanted to be sure if she is indeed the person I think she is

Thump Thump I could hear my heart beat

"Am Ariana Albert"

It's her!

The one in the vision

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