

The sound of a tremendous explosion reverberated in my ear just as strongly as it had when the first cannon fireball came out of my dragon mouth.

The electricity meeting with fire was enough to leave a big puff of smoke after the disturbance flared in the skies.

I had confirmed Fifi's theory when I heard nothing even after that ruckus.

After the clouds cleared, I may have realized that I underestimated the Cypher's capability. It stood unmoving in the same place.


[I don't believe that I'm at fault. Fifi only thought of faster countermeasures. Not one where the Cypher actually gets hit]

I don't even know how to feel about that. I expected the system to be intelligent and automatically read what was on the owner's mind.

Like channeling inner desires and all that crap.

[Exo must act! Fast!]

'Right!' I snorted, my nerves messing with my thoughts. 'Why don't we switch places? I'll be the brains, and you'll be the muscle. Sounds good?'


[Fifi has limitations. My functions and replies rely on the user]

'Ha! So, now it's my fault.'

[Fifi didn't say that]


I was beginning to hate this—whatever this was. I'd really love to have that one-on-one with Nichen. This guy was getting on my nerves.

[Fifi finds Exo's anger issues to be unreasonable]

'Unreasonable?' I was annoyed. 'If you happen to be in my position, I'd bet you will be far worse than just being furious.'


[Exo must act! Fast! Unless you want to die]

'Right,' I mentally wanted this to be over. 'That's easier said than done. I hope you would at least understand that.'


[You're a dragon]

I actually chuckled. The noise that came out of my lips didn't sound like it. It was more like a weak attempt to growl.

Dragons don't growl.


I'm positive that they don't.

'Are these monsters even killable? I mean, look at its thick skin. Let's not mention the—'



[You're scared. You can't be scared]

'I'm not scared.'

[I can feel your emotions too, Exo. When you are in this form, you and I are one]

'I'm not scared.'

It was getting even more frustrating that I had to repeat myself. She must be panicking now that the Cypher was preparing for another attack.

'Let me at least point this out. I had no proper training for this stuff. So don't expect me to be perfectly aware of everything happening.'

[This is your training]

I exhaled a frustrated sigh.

'Let's save ourselves first. I'll deal with you later.'

[When Exo gets killed, Fifi gets killed also]

'That means you're more scared than I,' a white puff of smoke danced in my vision.



I'm running out of patience, but this wasn't Fifi's fault. I should consider that.

'Fine. Tell me more interesting facts about Cyphers. I need to know something helpful.'

[Cyphers have thick scales. When they sense danger, they fire dangerous electric balls]

'That isn't very helpful, Fifi.'

[While they may seem formidable opponents, they have unclear visions. Their eyes could only cover what stands in front of them]

'So, I find a blindside and bam! I could kill it?'

[What do you think?]

If Fifi had been standing before me, she would have rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. Her sarcasm was exceptional. I don't remember meeting anyone such as her. Or maybe she had been adapting my sarcasm.

She must have finally given up on me. I would have done the same.

This reminded me of the many reasons I'm grateful to be an only child. My parents would have suffered more headaches if I had a younger sibling who copied me and my sarcastic banter.

My mother couldn't easily understand jokes. She takes everything seriously, and so does my father.

They make a perfect couple of seriousness.

Maybe this personalized kind of system suffices for the sister I never had.

Nichen must have thought that this was an upgrade from the previous boring life I was leading. If he were to ask me, though, I'd prefer to have my old boring, no-direction kind of life instead of facing monsters I didn't even know existed until now.


[Exo has a death wish! But Fifi doesn't!]

'On Nirvana's name! I have no death wish, Fifi.'

[Then act! Now!]

Fifi's sudden exclamations and panic got to me. It was unnerving and made me think I might actually start sweating.

Was it possible for a dragon to sweat? There was no way I could tell.

Seconds or maybe shorter than seconds, the Cypher would release its attack.

The monstrous beast opened its mouth wider, allowing the electrically charged ball to accumulate heavier damage.

'Fifi, put the fire whip at the ready.'

[Fire whip ready!]

'Do you trust me, Fifi?'


[Do you want to hear my honest response?]

'Damn. You learn fast but stop copying me.'

[I'm not]

'You are.'


[Fire whip all fired up]

Fifi ignored my response. I think she was doing it on purpose. But I had no time to point it out.

A long whip appeared out of thin air, falling into my invisible hands. It immediately burst into flames upon contact.

Do dragons have hands?

I felt so stupid all of a sudden.

Fifi went silent, and I had to admit that it was kind of weird being left alone in my thoughts. It somehow felt like I was missing something.

'Hey, Fifi?'

The Cypher was ready to release its electric-charged ball.


'I'm sorry.'


[Cypher releasing attack in 3…]



Watching the massive ball coming towards me, sparking an electric current every now and then, brought me back to that last few seconds when I knew death was inevitable.

My life flashed before me again.

I realized I was a shitty son. My parents had done their best to raise me and provide a good life, and I took that for granted.

When they died, I moved on and became dead inside. So, to be honest, I wondered if it was a mistake.

I might have been chosen as one of Nirvana's favorites by mistake.

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