
A Narcissist....

Third person's POV

A lady dressed in a black skirt and a lilac coloured shirt that was buttoned up to the neck stood at the head of the round table a space meant for the presentation to take place as she fidgets while looking around and at the paper, she was clutching tightly in her arms.

"Rose, we don't have all day," the lady who was their boss, said sounding like she should be everywhere but here right now. She despised anything that takes her time unnecessarily.

She had other things that needed her attention. And although she had to be here, she would rather be out of here than sit around and waste time on anything at all.

The lady who was just addressed as Rose stiffened the moment she heard her name and she knew she should speak if she really wasn't ready to lose her job.

But her name that was just called only seemed to have made her more nervous than she already was so when she opened her mouth to speak, the words felt caught in her throat and not even the urging from her colleagues made her be able to speak up.

"Victor, please tell us what you achieved," the boss lady looked away from rose who was still at the presentation board to the guy sitting on her left who heard a glasses on and a white shirt with a brown tie on his neck that was well done.

"Yes miss Miranda," He says and gets up and Rose knew she was doomed as she immediately burst into tears while running out of the meeting hall, she didn't even mind that she could have destroyed her face that was caked with foundation.


"Go straight to the point Victor, we don't have all day," she waves off her hand before he would complete his greeting and that made him adjust his glasses and stood up straight before he looked back at the board waiting for the projector to turn on.

"This is how much sales I managed to make for the past two weeks," he announced as a graph showing how many per cent increase in sales he managed to get in the span of just two weeks.

The graph showed an increase of 3 per cent which was a great way because it was actually an old product.

"Good, and I hope you have plans on how to keep the sales going steady?" Miranda asked she was still relaxed in her chair, almost as if she was bored with everything going on.

"Yes ma'am," he replied and she gave him a slight nod which was a sign of approval and that made him smile broadly before returning to his sits.

Everyone seated around the table took turns to give a brief on what they had achieved some of which received approving nods and others didn't even get to finish what they were saying before they got told to leave and given chance to the other presenters.

The last person that got up to present didn't get to start when a vibration pulled Miranda's attention to her phone that was on the table.

She looks down at the cell phone for a moment before picking up and mouthing a low.

"Send the slides," before she left the meeting hall as she answered the phone and pressed it to her ears.

The moment she was out the door, everyone sighed with their eyes a little wide as they released the breath they had no idea they were holding.

"Do you know why she's so cold to everyone?" A lady dressed in a white blouse and a black skirt asked, looking at the guy whose name is Victor who was standing close to her, as she got up to her feet while packing the files that were in front of her.

"I have no idea, I think she's just a–," he reduces his voice before he whispered the rest. " narcissist," and the lady nods her head in agreement.

"Hey mom," she says into the phone and a shuffling was heard from the other end of the phone and she had to press her lips tightly for a while as she had so much to do and she couldn't help but think her mom might be calling for something that was quite irrelevant.

"Oh, hey baby, I didn't know you picked the call already," came the cheery voice of her mother from the other end of the call.

"Hey mom, you seemed busy," she says trying to sound excited but her voice came out cold and distant.

"Yeah, I was out shopping," was her mom's reply.

"Oh," Miranda replies as she gets into the elevator her lips pressed in a straight line.

She loves her mom, but she really doesn't like any distractions when she was at work, and she knew that was the only reason her mom was calling.

"Baby, you need to come home, please," her mom's voice turned from cheery to sad in an instant.

"You really need to move on, and let go of the past," she pleaded again.

And there goes another reason why I don't like picking her calls, Miranda thought as a hard look formed across her face and the elevator door slid open at the same time.

She had to take a deep breath and tell herself to calm down before she speaks to her mom because even though what she just heard her mom say triggered a part of her that shouldn't be triggered, she didn't want to snap at her mom.

"Mom," she calls and paused for a moment. Takes another deep breath before she continues. "We will talk about this later, I have an urgent meeting right now," she lies through greeted teeth and didn't even wait for a reply before she ends the call and her hands instantly clenched up into a hard fist.

The thoughts that she battled with every night threatened to surface and her breath threatened to seize.

That made her stop in the large hallways as she tries to regulate her ragged breaths with the breathing excise she learned but that didn't work and she knew only one thing could ease her tensed muscles right now, so she immediately scampered to her office and closed the door, making sure to lock it before moving to the wall behind her chair and pressing a small almost transparent screen that revealed a few digits.

She punched in a few digits and a door that looked almost invisible slid open to reveal another room that she walked into with a vicious grin plastered across her face...

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