
Chapter 48 Something interesting

Ray woke up feeling weak, 'where am i' Ray thought then his mind went back to the event that happened earlier and he smiled.

Ray stood up and remembered he had to be at the arena by morning, he didn't know what the time was but he had to get going.

Ella was no longer in the room and Ray was wearing only his pants and underwear, he quickly put on his top and left the room.

"Hey you're awake," Ella said as she saw Ray coming out of the room, "hey, what time is it?" Ray asked, "it's almost night time" Ella replied.

"Shit, I have to make it back to the capital by morning...",

"is something wrong?" Ella asked concerned,

"All candidates of the knight academy are supposed to be in the arena by morning".

"You are joining the knight academy.!"

"Yes, I applied today" Ray answered her.

"wow, I thought you were already in the knight academy, maybe a second or third year, then how did you manage to defeat the slimes.." Ella was surprised.

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