
Chapter 317 Powerful Treasure Hunters

When the gate opened itself, water started to enter the hallway and filled it to the ceiling.

Aldred had no problem breathing in the water, but the others had to use spells and treasures. Thankfully, his group had no shortages of useful treasures.

After countless scamming—cough, countless trading, Aldred had amassed enough treasures for any situation.

Some of the groups he met didn't have such luxury. They suffocated for a few minutes, and eventually died with their teammates couldn't do anything about it.

This was the danger and cruelty of this test. The reason why not everyone was willing to participate in this treasure hunting was due to the danger and the high amount of casualties.

Aldred couldn't even count how many people died on Mount Fargon, either freezing to death or being eaten by monsters.

Sophia waved her hands, creating an air bubble around their heads.

"Do we go in?" Sophia asked. She could speak now with the air bubble around her head

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