
Chapter 450: Large Feast for Voracious Appetites

Kat PoV

Anput, Jahi and I followed the cluster of Knights as we made our way towards a kitchen, where we would hopefully be provided something extremely nourishing to eat before we retired for the night.

To say my body ached would be an understatement.

Each muscle was bathing in a sea of burning lactic acid even now, and the aches and pains of the various tears lingering injuries that threatened to bruise your skin once more was hellish.

Add on the fact that Lady Fenryas had done a number on everyone and left real wounds on each of us, and that despite being healed the phantom aches felt just as real...

Well, we currently looked like a horde of undead traversing the halls, no one talking or making any sounds beside groans and hisses.

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