
Long Night #018


We walked into the building, ready to kill any walkers or humans who threatened us, but we found it empty.

Then there were the sound of footsteps rapidly making their way towards us. I held my M4 ready to blast them, but only an older man came rushing to us.

"We don't mean any harm!" yelled, Rick raising his hands. I didn't, I kept my gun on the older man and my eyes on his every move.

The men rushed past us and rapidly closed the metal gates where we came from. I raised an eyebrow as not just the gate closed, but clicking sounds came from other places inside the building.

Rick was about to talk his way, but I interrupted. Something Shane and Lori didn't like, but I could care less.

I approached the man and placed the tip of my rifle in front of him. My eyes were boring deeply into him. He sweat dropped and gulped.

"What... did... you... do?" I asked again.

"I... just closed the facility!" said the man.

Andrea came and pulled my arm softly, I looked at her and said loudly so everybody could hear, "I don't trust him... he did something."

Amy came on my other side. "Maybe, but... we've been on the road for a few days now, and we haven't had a proper stay..."

"Don't get us wrong, the RV is great! but I wish we had a more stable place." continued Andrea.

I looked at everyone around, they had pleading looks, I sighed then I looked at the man. "I'm keeping my eye on you."

The guy didn't want to let us in after all.

"Maybe we should be thankful that he is allowing us to stay here for now?" commented Rick from the sides.

I sighed and shook my head. I walked further into the building from where the man came from. "I warned you." I said as I walked away.


Once we were in the center room, the man turned to us. "Welcome? I suppose. I would be grateful if all of you were subjected to a blood sample." he said.

I snorted.

"We will do what you ask us if it means staying here." said rick, very gullible.

Amy and Andrea looked at me as if to ask for permission to give this man their blood, I sighed and nodded. This scientist is probably worried about us being infected and turned. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

Some Amy and Andrea's clone? pft... that's dumb... right?


I turned and saw Amy's blood had been drawn out, while Andrea was already holding a cotton pad with alcohol on it.

Everyone was getting ready for the blood sample, except for Daryl, who was anxious.

"Man, fuck this shit! I ain't having some lab faggot take my blood!" he said defiantly.

"You scared of needles, Daryl?"I joked, but I didn't think he was gonna be serious.

"W-what!??? no way! that's for pussies and I ain't one!" he said, his eyes on the needle of the scientist.

I laughed loudly, he just grunted and gave me his back, soon everybody followed making the skinny man blush in embarrasment.


"It's your turn..." said the scientist to me.

I groaned and gave him a glare while stretching my arm, I saw his expression. He was hopeful and anxious.

Rich, red color blood came out as smooth as spossible, when the needle came out, he was about to put the cotton pad on me when my wound started closing slowly.

I could hear his heartbeat beating so fast and filled with lust.

I took my arm back and gave him an odd look. This always happened to me in the army or when I gave my blood in hospitals. I was, and I still am as healthy as a horse, not to mention hung as one too.

My information on the database is basic, but deep down, there is hidden content that not many people have access to. Well, not anymore.

The world is going to shit and so is civilization. Everything that we were and would have been is long dead. A new rule has been applied to the world.

The rule of jungle, the strong eats the weak, I cane in contact with cannibals just after two weeks into this virus.

I asked them why, before I killed them, they all answered the same or similar.

'No rules, no holding back on our desires'

I glanced at the doctor, and I could see desire in his eyes, whether that is for the good or bad, is yet to be known.

I went back to my girls and left the doctor to contemplate the blood with shaky hands. If he drops it, I am not giving him more.

I guess I know why he was on lockdown, why he didn't let us in. He was preserving whatever he had, for all he knew we could be people with evil intentions. Still, I got to keep my guard up.


We were given room, and they were pretty small, smaller than my RV, so Amy whined a little.

"RV is much much better." she said, pouting.

I laughed. "You have finally opened your ass- eyes, bae!"

She blushed at the obvious statement, I grinned and moved behind her. "There is hot water here." I whispered in her ear, she moaned as she felt my hardenind cock on her lower back, it was snaking its way down between her ass cheeks, which sent shivers down her spine. She started breathing heavily. I wrapped my hands around her, grabbing and massaging her d-cups breats, her nipples hard twitch for attention.

"I'll be waiting for you there." I said, I turned and saw Andrea there with a smirk."You too, undress, and get to the shower."

"Yes, sir." purred Andrea.


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