
A bratty Otherworlder


3rd Pov

" It happened ", Perugius said with a tired look on his face, he had discovered the anomaly over the Citadel of Roa long ago, but he was unable to do anything about it. Thus, he decided to focus on the reason behind its occurrence, he got enough proofs to know that it is awaiting Mana calamity just at a level never seen before. He thought that such an occurrence can't be natural, and someone must be behind the empowerment of this impending Mana Calamity.

The recent investigation about this new world power who supposedly slayed Demon God Laplace was still reaching nowhere, however he had the suspicions that the unknown powerhouse might have a connection with this anomaly thus he decided to shift his entire focus on finding him. His attempts to find Laplace, had been proven to be in vain suggesting that he was dead from the clash or in a deep hiding.

It was just another headache for him, after another and thus he couldn't help but get angry about it. " I will make sure to kill you, for fucking with me", he said shifting his entire anger to the unknown culprit whom he should have no enmity, but there were enough reasons for him to get angry on Arthur. Firstly, he killed Laplace or injured him greatly, something which he wanted to do and his sole purpose of living seemed to stolen from him.

Secondly he suspected the unknown person, aka Arthur to be responsible behind this incident and that was enough for him to mark him in his shitlist. Lastly, he was a mad old man, and his personality was like that as well by now, thus he hypocritically pushed all the blame on Arthur.


' Where I am ? ', Nanahoshi thought as she opened her eyes, finding herself to be in a unknown room that looked like to belong to Medieval ages. At first she got panicked and then tried to remember what happened. ' Yes! A fat man saved me from that truck- and then- then I was in some grassland while heavily injured! ', she thought, then she examined her body but finding no injuries on her body she wondered if it was a mere hallucination.

" Oh, you are awake", she yelped, surprised by the voice, and then glanced at the man who appeared in front of him. Clutching her bedsheets she asked," Where I am?! And Who are you?!", Arthur meanwhile laughed inside his mind seeing the cliche question, understanding that the woman in front of him was typical Japanese as depicted in his previous life.

" Firstly, you are in my castle, and secondly- I won't tell my name, why? You need to ask nicely", he replied, Nanahoshi quickly got up while taking a knife, that was placed on the desk beside the bed, on the plates which were filled with cakes. She quickly pointed it at him threateningly and said with a dangerous look on her face," I won't hesitate to use this for my self-defense if you try to harm me".

' Ah, how funny- If it was any other cliche Jp Reincarnator, he would have patiently talked with her and helped her due to her being from her homeland ', he thought recalling a few Anime from his past life,' But not me ', he concluded and Nanahoshi gripped the knife tighter, as Arthur broke into a light laughter while looking at her mockingly," For starters, I saved you- and I know you remember it, even if it is hazy in your mind- secondly, you have now done something idiotic"

She shivered realizing that she might have fucked up.


"Pleassseee!!! Ahhhhh!! I apologizeeee!!!! Forrrrgivvveeee meee!!!!", Nanhoshi screamed loudly while experiencing what it means to be flying at a high speed. Arthur looked at her amused, they were above the castle, with Arthur floating at a single place and Nanhoshi flying through the sky with sharp turns, she was used as test subject of Arthur who was more than happy to test his [Ruler's Authority], on her.

" PLeeeasseeee!!!! Mommmyyy!!!!! ", she screamed as she almost fell on ground turning into gore, her eyes widened and her face became horrified as she looked at the land which was now just a few inches below her and she floated calmly above it. Realizing she didn't die she started breathing heavily, but her scream broke out the next moment as she ascended above at a first speed.


" So are you willing to talk patiently?", Arthur asked as he sipped the tea, Maria was pouring tea on Nanahoshi's cup, and looked at her amused. All of them knew about the stunt performed by Arthur, and they didn't care much about it. Afterall, She must have done something to anger their hubby, " Do you want sugar?", she suddenly asked surprising the girl.

" Um- Yes", she replied embarrassed and then looked at Maria, her face was extremely beautiful and her body was voluptuous. She was far more beautiful than the top actresses in her previous world. Not to mention her real wolf-like ears and a tail which swayed the moment Arthur ordered her to do something, feel surreal to her.

Then she looked at Arthur with barely being able to look into his eyes after he had done and nodded, showing that she was ready to talk patiently. " Good, for starters you should realize you aren't in the same world", he said and Nanahoshi gritted her teeth knowing it was probably true, after all whether it was Maria who was something that shouldn't exist of whether the man in front of him, Arthur being able to perform magic was foreign to her.

" Ho-Can I go back?", she suddenly asked trembling nervously, after all she wanted to go back to her home world and was already freaked out by this world, infract she barely contained her disgust against Maria. Arthur chuckled and said," Of course, if you can come then you can go back, it's just on how you can go back... I don't have a clue."

She stood up and quickly performed a ninety degree bow and said," Please! Help me to get back!", her words begging as she finally realized her circumstances. Firstly she was in a unknown world full of weird things, and the man in front of him despite the punishment he gave her- in the end saved her from death. As for why?- She didn't knew. But she understood, in this completely unknown place he was the only support she had as of now.

" You know, you are quite idiotic", he said, sipping tea leisurely as Nanahoshi's shoulder's dropped down and she looked at him worried, if she was back in her world, and some boy had said her this- she would have punched him in his face, but in front of Arthur she couldn't have any such thoughts. She knew her situation after all.

" Hmmm, why should I help you? You know, putting all my time and effort to sending you back seems useless to me", he said, and she realized what he said was correct in a way. She sighed realizing it was useless." I would look to apologize for my rude behavior earlier- and I would like to thank you for saving me", she said solve the unpleasant atmosphere between them.

Arthur stood up, deciding it was enough time that he wasted upon her. Then he looked at Maria who silently looked at Nanahoshi with curiosity, he smiled and said to Nanahoshi," Now choose, if you want to stay here, then you need to pay me back...considering you don't have any money and any source of earning... You can become my maid".

(A/N: let's just call her Nana, her name is mouthful)

Nana's face reddened up as she heard the term 'maid', remembering the 'maid cafe', her friend used to work, and how embarrasing it was. She asked him nervously," If i don't become your maid then?", and Arthur replied without breaking his gentle smile," I will throw you out, and you will be on your own", she took a deep breath while controlling her anger,' Despite how he looks! He isn't a gentleman at all! ', she thought.

" Ok-Okay I will become your maid", she replied while her eyebrows twitched. Arthur quickly assigned Maria some tasks and teleported surprising Nanahoshi," Did he just teleport?", she muttered and Maria chuckled," Wonderful right? Master is a God of Magic so he can easily do this extremely rare magic! ", she said.

Nana was surprised hearing that he was a God of Magic,' Did I just met a Kami? ', she thought but decided to suppress her questions and then she started asking Maria about the basic questions of the foreign world. Maria patiently answered her all the questions, and it made Nana extremely bewildered by many things, for example in this world different species of beings other than Human existed.

There was magic, also the powerful arts that could gave a human power to tear beasts and dragons apart. It was completely like a fantasy world for her, but she knew it wasn't a beautiful fantasy as showed in some of the anime back in her world. Maria decided to give her a day to rest before she can start teaching her.


The Next day, Nana was woken quite early by Maria and had to wear the maid uniforms which were a bit too revealing for her taste. Although she was used to wearing skirts, but her current one was quite skimpy, and her maid uniform also showed her cleavage. Maria started telling her the responsibilities of maid, many of which was what she thought, but a single line irked her.

" What do you mean by warming his bed? ", she asked a bit unsure, Maria simply smiled and replied," As you think, it means sleeping with him together, and attending Master's sexual needs~ Though I doubt he will ask you, but if he does then make sure to-", she was interrupted by the angry voice of Nana," Shut up! This is wasn't I agreed for!! Do you think I will be simply giving my virginity because he wanted to? Let him fuck me because he wants! That bastard was after my body in the end?! Disgusting ".

She soon realized her mistake as her body floated in the air, while her neck being tightly gripped by Maria," You insulted Master? Do you not realize your position? If not for him you would have been died, or already raped- worse sold to some old noble to pleasure him, something which happens to women that do not belong to anywhere like you. Also do not compare Master to those lowlifes, to have his love is a great honor. If he gives it to you then you should spread your legs like a good girl and accept it."

Then she left her neck causing Nana to fall on the floor with a thud, then she started coughing violently and the next moment her hair was grabbed by Maria who pulled her head, Nana moaned in pain as her hair was pulled then the next moment a slap landed on her cheek, then another, another and another.

In the end she was sobbing uncontrollably while Maria was looking at her with cold eyes," You do not realize how lucky you are to have a bit of his attention, if you want leave then just say it- Master doesn't need a ungrateful maid like you.", she said and then left her hair, Nana again fell on the floor and was kicked by Maria, making her roll on the floor a bit.

" Now! Clean the mess you made on the floor!", she ordered sternly and a bucket of water and a cloth appeared beside her. Nana's figure trembled in fear as she quickly started cleaning the floor, while her tears continued to pour down the floor. She couldn't understand how the gentle maid of before turned into like this, unfortunately for her she touched Maria's reverse scale, Arthur.

Never try to insult the master in front of His/her Goudere Maid.

(A/N: Why should Subaru suffer alone?! All idiot Otherworlders! Suffer! This is the new world reality!!)


A few weeks later,

It reached to the furthest sides of the worlds about the Mana Calamity that struck down the region of Fittoa, destroying everything in it's range. Families broke apart, teleporting to different parts of the world, most of them were dead due to encountering beasts or enemies. Afterall most of the world was covered with forests, within which lurked the beasts that could rip a human apart with mere swipes of their claw.

For a moment entire Asura Kingdom was in Chaos, still it didn't gave much bother to Royalty and Four Noble Lords, they decided to put the blame on Hilda and Eris, one of the few sole survivors of this incident, who survived in the guise of being outside for some matters and came back to get the region rightfully after the passing of her husband and Sauros.

Royalty declared Hilda to be punished for this incident and Eris to become concubine of current Lord of Notos family, who will become the new lord of the region. But much to everyone's shock the Royal Envoys and Templar Knight sent were slayed, none other than the Arthur, the Noble who recently rose to prominence. 

If that wasn't enough he broke his fealty from the Kingdom, and declared that he will create a new Kingdom, and from now onwards he will be the king of that kingdom. If it was any other situation it would have seem to be a joke for the Nobles and a chance to just get rid of a pesky competitor, but after what Minerva did shocked everyone.

She commanded the skies to burst apart, and so they bursted apart revealing the space beyond the skies, Aurora surrounded the entire region, a spectacle that was assumed to be a Divine Miracle by the people. The land which had turned barren turned into a green lush the moment, Minerva waved her hands, mountains ripped apart with her every words, rivers that never existed before formed due to her mere gaze.

It was announced for the entire kingdom to hear, that Goddess Minerva, the one who rules over all Magic, had descended to destroy the filthy Kingdom and cleanse the entire place. She shall give salvation to those who believe in her, and for those who don't believe in her she shall give them salvation as well, but those who go against her shall receive her Divine wrath and shall be doomed for eternity.

It was the biggest Drama arranged by Arthur, one that would turn into reality and create the strongest Empire to ever exist in this Six-Faced World.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Okay, now things are going to get exciting.

We aren't that far from Demon Lord Evolution.

By the way, join discord will you?

Don't you want to see the character illustration, I know you are your cocks will be pleased. Afterall if you are reading then, I know what kind of people you all are.


Also, give me powerstones! You are getting the updates right? So where are my powerstones?! If you disappoint me- then this update spree will still continue. I mean I have plans to update this till the end of this month, but after that! It is your attitude decides the level of attention this fic will receive after that! So c'mon do your best!

P.S.: Next chapter will be probably a side chapter with lemons, guess which one?*wink* *wink*)

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