

After dropping Mercy's call, she showered, dressed up, and came downstairs, "Mom!!!" She called after her as she was coming down.

Mary answered from the living room, "I'm here, baby."

"I am going over to Raymond's house."

She gave Yvonne a look, "I see you are working on what I told you." Yvonne nodded. "Don't do what I won't do if I were in your shoes."

She gave a mock salute, "Yes, Ma'am." She hugged her mom and left.

Some minutes later, she got to his house, opened the main door with a spare key, and entered. She went up the stairs gently so as not to alert him of her presence, she went to his room first to see the "RECONSTRUCTION." as Mercy had said.

"Raymond, seriously?" Everywhere was a complete mess, the chairs were flung to a corner, the bed was upside down, and every other thing, you can find in the bedroom was scattered except the mirror, which was still standing normally and intact. "Thank God."

She tiptoed toward Mercy's room and knocked on it, "Mercy, f**k off." Raymond yelled from inside.

She knocked harder and chuckled, "When you're tired of knocking, you'll leave." She laughed lightly and entered.

"Mercy, please I have a lot in my head right now." He groaned and pulled the duvet over his head.

"What if it isn't Mercy? Would you talk to me?" She stood by the door.

He jumped up from the bed in a flash to see Yvonne, "What... What are you doing here?"

She folded her hands and raised her eyebrows at him, "Is that how you welcome your Kitten to our house?"

He blinked rapidly, "I don't get you. I thought you wanted us to part ways?" He stood slowly from the bed.

Locking her gaze with his, "I explained things to my mom and was given advice. She said we are meant to be together..." She took a step then another till she got to him.

He moved her hair behind her ear, "Yes, we are meant to be together, and don't doubt it."

"I'm not and that's why I have decided to stay and fight beside you. I'm sorry for what I said earlier." She hugged him.

He smiled with tears-filled eyes, "Thanks Kitten." He held onto her tightly. "I love you so much, babe."

"I love you more, Mond."

They moved to lay down on the bed, "You reconstructed our room."

He laughed loudly, "Reconstructed? You can that reconstruction?"

"Your sis named what you did, she told me you had reconstructed your room. All I did as I came was to confirm it." He roared laughter.

They stayed in the room till noon, catching up on what went on within the 5 years they separated.

Yvonne told Raymond about Samuel's confession, she teased him, saying she had accepted, and knowing she was joking, he tickled her till she admitted, she didn't.

She went to the restroom to ease herself when Raymond called her that her phone is ringing, "Pick it up." She said.

"Okay." Raymond yelped from the room, "What!!!"

She ran out as he yelped, he stood still with her phone placed on his ear, "What is it?" She collected her phone to check the caller.

"Hello, Mom." Looking at Raymond for an answer to his behavior.

"Hello, Ma'am. We're calling from Saint Michelle Hospital, the..."

She checked her phone again to confirm the caller, "Please, where's the owner of the phone?"

"She was involved in an accident a few minutes ago."

She screamed, "No... It's not possible. I am on my way." As she dropped the car, Raymond came from behind to hold her.

"Kitten, nothing bad would happen to her, don't think of anything." She nodded and cleaned her tears. "Let's go." He led her out.

Raymond drove fast to the hospital, Yvonne came down before he could park in the parking lot. She went straight to the receptionist, "Good afternoon. A woman was rushed... No, my mom had an..."

"Calm down, Ma'am."

Raymond put his hand on her shoulder, "Sorry, the woman is her mom. She was rushed in some minutes ago from an accident?"

"Oh... Not up to an hour, I guess." Yvonne nodded. They followed the instruction given to them and got to her room, Yvonne did a cross sign before entering.

She blinked rapidly at the person she saw on the bed. Right on the bed sat Mary, sitting comfortably and eating. Mary looked up from the food she was eating, "Oh... You were also called."

"I thought you had an accident then how come you're..." Gesturing at the way Mary was sitting and the food she was eating.

"It's not an accident. I was almost hit by the car, I jumped out of the way before it could get to me." She noticed someone behind Yvonne, "Hey, Raymond."

He bowed his head, "Good afternoon, Mom." He whispered, staring at her.

"Come in. How are things? Is everything settled between you two?" He entered and went to sit beside her.

"Yes. Thanks." He hugged her. "I am sorry for what happened 5 years ago."

"It's all okay. I believe it happened for a reason."

"You had an accident," Yvonne spoke up from behind them.

Mary shrugged, "I sustained an injury from the fall as I jumped." Pointing at the injury. "Nothing else."

Raymond stood from beside Mary, "I'm leaving to give you space to talk." Yvonne followed him out.

"Where are you going to?" Raymond was surprised to see Yvonne walking along with him to the sitting area. "I left to give you and your mom space to talk."

"I know. I want to calm myself down, I rushed here in high spirit thinking my mom was in a critical state but met her safe and sound..."

"You aren't happy she's alive or what?"

"I'm 100% happy, just that I almost ran mad thinking of bad things that could have happened to her after hearing of the accident. It's like I should scream at her for making me scared and afraid."

He held her to himself, "Calm down, babe. Breathe in, breathe out." She held his shirt.

"I don't want to lose her like I lost my Dad." She tightened her grip on his shirt.

"Nothing would happen." He pecked her forehead.

She smiled at him, "I'll go talk to her." She went back to Mary's room.

"... It was the same car I saw 5 years ago... The plate number is the same as before... Yeah, The logo by the right side of the door is still there... The person is not aware I know about them if not, they won't have used the same car... I am sure it was coming right at me. If I hadn't noticed beforehand, I won't have been alive now... Okay. Thanks." She ended the call.

"Who were you talking to, Mom?" Mary flinched on hearing Yvonne's

voice, outside the door.

Yvonne entered inside and looked at her questioningly, "Mom, you were talking..."

"No one." Mary kept her phone under her pillow, laid properly, and turned her back to Yvonne. "I want to rest my head, it's aching me." Yvonne left the room, reminding herself to ask later.

She went to the sitting area but met only Jude, "Dad, she's okay. What of Mond... Raymond, I mean?"

"He left here just now. He said he was going to get something." He pointed at the entrance.

"Okay." She went toward the entrance.

"I'm going to your mom's room." He said after her as she went away.

She came out of the hospital and looked around for Raymond. She saw him by his car, receiving a call. She went closer to him and hugged him from behind, "Mond." She whispered.

He turned properly to hug her, "... You should call her and greet her, Mom... Yeah... Okay, take care." He ended the call.

"Your mom?" He nodded. "You told her about what happened?"

"Yes, babe." He held her by the waist after they stopped hugging. "You don't want me to tell her?"

She sighed, "It's not like I don't want you to but you know how it was..." He smiled.

"Kitten, let's forget all those things and move on from the past or it would weigh us down and unhappy. We are together and there's nothing that would separate us, Okay?"

She nodded, smiling, "Yes." They kissed.

"I don't know who my mom was talking to on phone but..." She told him all she heard.

"Does she have any relative you know of? Or from your dad's side?"

Thinking, "No one. She said it's the same car she saw 5 years ago that almost ran her over."

"Where would she have seen the car?" They thought aloud.

Somewhere in the shadiest part of New York, A man was seen sitting on a chair in a dark place, smoking a pipe and looking out of the window. A knock was heard, "In."

A guy entered, "Boss..." He bowed.

"Jasper... is she dead?" He asked.

"She jumped out of the way before the car could hit her, Sir. She sustained an injury and is currently in a hospital right now."

He hit the table in anger, "I don't just want to see her injured but dead and lifeless. The only way to weaken Yvonne is to remove all her loved ones out off the way."

"We are working on it, Sir."

"Good. Has the police been involved or does she suspect anything?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay. Keep me updated on everything and if anything arises."

"Yes, Boss." He left.

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