
The Story Of The Hero And His Squires


Chef had quickly went to cook and brought all the food he had prepared, there were large steaks of Lake Snake, Mimic Meatloaf, and a ton of white rice which I created using Seed Creation as well! The food was rather simple, but he had made it so nicely that it was very tasty. I don't know if he's a better cook than me, but it is nice to have a second one, we can cook together to minimize the amount of effort it often takes to cook for a lot of people as well.

"So in resume, these mushrooms come from the Legendary Accessories of the Mushroom Hero! Isn't that right, Lady Planta?" Asked the chief in disbelief, still having a hard time believing the history behind it.

"Indeed, these accessories all have some sort of magical power that by wearing them all together, allowed me to summon the Mushroom Brigade. They're unlike conventional summons and will remain here… pretty much forever, I think? I cannot unsummon them either." I said.

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