
Chapter 13: Deals with Demons!


I waited for the Horsemaster to Summon Vulgrim for me. And as expected, he had appeared. The Horsemaster spoke with him and pointed in my direction.

Vulgrim had a gluttonous smirk on his face, no doubt wanting to fill his hunger and consume my soul.

I waited until he approached me.

Raime: "That's far enough Demon!"

Vulgrim: "Why such hostility Human? Can you not see I am just a simple merchant, unwillingly summoned here from the safety of my home?"

He played with his hands as he spoke like a jester. But I se through his deceptive words.

Raime: "Lies just serve to prove your deals are half-hearted. You had just spoke with the Horsemen prior to your summoning. And you willingly chose to come here Merchant of the Damned."

Vulgrim: "You wound me!"

Raime: "Enough! Do you want to know what I intend to bargin with you or not?!"

I can't let Vulgrim think I'm some small Fey Human, else he will actually kill me as he sometimes does. The only reason he doesn't betray the Horsemen in the games is because he is no fool to fight them. He too doesn't have a Death Wish to fight a Horsemen when it is unnecessary.

Vulgrim: "Indeed, indeed, I am most curious to see what you can offer me? But I mostly take souls...is that what you offer?"

I knew what he was implying. He wants my two stronger souls within me. Not my weak Human one. He thinks I want to give him those in exchange. Like Hell I will, I don't even know how to remove them in the first place even if I wanted to.

Raime: "No souls. But a trade. A trade greatly worth your while."

Vulgrim: "And what would that be?"

Raime: "The location for every single page of the Book of the Dead and the Rod of Arafel."

Vulgrim's eyes looked crazy and I can see madness I'm his eyes. He must have calmed himself down since if he killed me, he won't ever know where the Book of the Dead pages are.

I had actually bought the location for each and every single page, from the System Store.

It wasn't as expensive as i thought. I looked in the System Store in hopes of finding things that could help me in negotiations.

It turns out, since the Book of the Dead is incomplete, the location of each page is cheap since it is almost useless without the other pages.

But the full Book of the Dead costed Sextillions and the location of the completed Book of the Dead, if there ever is one, was worth around a few hundred Quintillions in the System Store.

But all the pages costed $5 billion, which was everything I had pretty much.

Vulgrim: "In exchange?"

Raime: "Get me everything on this piece if paper and you'll get what I said."

I handed him a piece of paper, written in the Demon language. I had the Horsemaster write it for me.

Vulgrim: "Hahaha! No wonder you were willing to trade such high goods! I will most certainly return with what you desire."


After Vulgrim vannished, I waited for the Leader of the Four Horseman, the main Protagonist of Darksiders 2, Death to appear.

To summon Death was far less complicated to perform. The Horsemaster had opened up a Serpant Hole, a tunnel/Portal that has a network of openings and closings all over the Darksiders Multiverse, for Death to pass through.

I arrived on his ghostly Phqntom Hirse called Despair.

Goddamn I loved playing as him!

Strife has to be my fav 2nd!

War 3rd

Fury 4th

But War and Fury are actually tied, if it weren't fir the fact Rampage died in Darksiders 3, so you can't ride a Horse in Darksiders 3...what a shame...

Death had a suprised and curious gazr as he looked at me through his bone mask.

He assumed I was the last Human alive since the false End War had begun on Earth.

Death: "I never expected to find a Human who yet lives..."

God his voice is Fucking Epic!

Raime: "Well...I'm sure you can find some straglers if you searched."

Death: "Why did you call me here Human. The Horsemaster said you had something that would be of interest to me?"

Raime: "I want to make a deal with you. I will unlock the way to the Well of Souls, and tell you how to Resurrect Humanity to help clear the crimea that your brother War was charged with."

Death: "I doubt that..."

Raime: "Then how about a freebie as a gift to you. The Archangel Abaddon began the War between Heaven and Hell and used the Armageddon Blade to shatter six of the seven Seals. The Seventh Seal is still in his possession."

Death: "What nonsense is this! Abaddon is dead Human, or have you gone brain dead?!"

Raime: "Abaddon still lives. He has now been transformed into the Destroyer and had imprisoned the Demon Prince Samael. He rests atop the Destroyer's Spire, waiting until the Earth belongs to the Demons and for what remains of the Kingdom of Man to be hunted down."

Death: "Tell me!"

Raime: "Uh uh uh, I gave you a free one. If you wnat the rest, then you must make a deal with me. I imagine Absalom would grow impatient if you kept him waiting at the Well of Souls."

I can see Death was now considering on whether my words were true and to accept my offer.

Death: "Very well. What do you want in exchange?"

Raime: "The Rod of Arafel. And 2hat is on this piece of paper."

Death: "Why do you want the Rod of Arafel?"

Raime: "That isn't apart of the deal now is it. But if it makes you feel any better, Archangel Lucien was lying to you. He has the Angel Key in his possession. He sent you on a goose chase to get him a powerful weapon. But the Demon Key is something you will never obtain now since the one who has it has vannished, and n one knows where they have gone."

Actually, I do know.

Samael had gone to Earth to challenge the Destroyer as a part of his plan, he will be sealed away until War arrives. He would manipulate War as apart of his and Lilith "grand plan", whatever that is.

Death: "I accept your deal. I'll be back soon."

And like that, I made a Horsemen of the Apocalypse my errand boy!


Fury was up next.

I was about anxious about this meeting.

I had to be careful with this one. Taht was why I asked the Horsemaster if he could be a neutral party and protect me should Fury attack during the negotiations.


As expected, Fury had appeared and was standing before me with her Phantom Horse Rampage and the Charred Council Watcher (spoiler, it's actually Envy in disguise).

Fury: "Speak Human! Why are you wasting my time?!"


Always quick to anger as always.

My eyes traveled down to look at her waist. But I made sure I didn't actually move my iris, I nearly used my peripheral view to see if she had it.

And as I thought.

The Talisman of Sin.

That meant she defeated the fake Envy and sealed it in Envy's Talisman of Sin.

Raime: "I want to strike a deal with you. But the Watcher leaves."

Watcher: "Wherever my Mistriss goes, I go."

I'll deal with you Envy...personally, later on.

Raime: "So you are saying that the Horseman is not in charge of her current assignment, but a Watcher of the Charred Council is? Ohhh, how the nighty have fallen..."

The Watcher tried reporting, presumably because I twisted her words.

But as I wanted, Fury had grown angry yet again.

Fury: "Enough! Watcher! Know your place! You are here yo WATCH and nothing else! Leave us! And as for you Human! Do not test my patience! Speak! What do what with me?!"


My head hurts from all her shouting!

Oh well, this is good, now I can get to it without the real Envy (disguised as the Watcher) listening in.

When the Watcher of the Charred Council (Envy) left, I faced Fury.

Raime: "I want to make a deal with you Horseman. I will reveal to you knowledge of the Future, in exchange for the Talisman of Sin, once you have filled it with the souls of the other Seven Deadly Sins. Also, I want your blood and your brother War's blood too."

Fury: "Hahaha, and why would I give you all that? Why do I care about knowing the Future by giving you everything you want?"

Raime: "Because both Death and War will die in the Future-"

I didn't even get the chance to finish, as Fury had dashed at full speed towards me which her whip in hand.

She threw the bladed sword whip at me, intending to either kill or restrain me with it.

But the Horsemaster had appeared before me and blocked Fury's attack.

Exactly as predicted.


Raime: "If you want to know, and about War's innocence, then make the deal with me."

I took out a old looking piece of paper. I had bought this in the System Store for a few million dollars. It wasn't as expensive as I had thought it would be.

Fury: "This is a Soul Contract. Once signed, should any party break the rules and conditions on the contract, their soul or an appropriate punishment will be carried out. Such as immediate death, or one party gets the soul of the other."

I didn't do this with Death or Vulgrim since it wasn't necessary with them. But Fury...she is too unpredictable and untrustful towards pretty much everyone else.

She pondered over my words for a while and ultimately came to a decision.

Fury: "Very well Human. *signs Contract* bow speak. Tell me what you know."

Raime: "Its quite long but I'll shorten it down and tell you in detail later once you fulfil your side of the deal. Alright then...The Archangel Abaddon used the Armageddon Blade to destroy six of the Seven Seals of Apocalypse. He destroyed the Armageddon Blade and has the Seventh Seal in his possession. He did all this in order to go to war with the Armies of Hell and finally eliminate the Demons once and for all. But it backfired on him since Hell's Armies had overwhelmed the Angels, contrary to their expectations. The Charred Council was aware of this plot, bit couldn't interfere and send all the Horseman since the Seventh Seal wasn't broken. It would violate the Pact. So instead, the de used to send a false summons and trick War into thinking the Seventh Seal was broken and he was summoned to Earth. Abaddon was "killed" and War was framed for the crime. Lilith tricked Abaddon into becoming the Destroter and lead Hell's Armies to eliminate the rest of Humanity. Death ventured out in order to prove War's innocence. Death is currently on his way to the Well of Souls so that he can Resurrect the Kindom of Man so that War's charges would be cleared. Strife is currently protecting some of the serving refuges of Humans that remain. Rhe Chqrref Council had freedom the Seven Sins and sent you to capture them so taht they xan frame you and deal with you accordingly. Now is the future stuff. Death would fight Absalom, who survived the Nephilim genocide at the hands if you Horseman, deathwould kill him. He would then sacrifice his life and the souls of the Nephilim to resurrect the Kindom of Man. You would capture all the Seven Deadly Sins. But you wi be betrayed by the Warcher, who is actually the Real Envy in disguise. The Envy you fought and captured was a fake version which the Real Envy created to trick you. Hold the Talisman of Sin near the Watcher and it will glow and reveal what I am telling you to be true. The Lord of Hollows has been telling you the truth since the beginning. The Charred Council conspire against the very Balance they had once strived to maintain. Samael would fight and be imprisoned by the Destroyer willingly so he can manipulate War or another Hirseman in the future fur his "grand plan", Lilith is also in on this plan. One hundred years of imprisonment later, War would be sent to Earth to slay the Destroyer and those responsible. He would eventually do so, but is killed by the Captain of the Hellguard as apart of the Nex Sacramentum. Urged would use the Armageddon Blade to destroy the Seventh Seal, which resurrected War and Death. War killed the Watcher that betrayed him as ordered by the Charred Council. The Four Horsemen would then be summoned to Eqrthand the real End Wars would begin to determine the fate of the Kingdom of Man, Angels and Demons once and for all..."

(A/n Fact 1 - Talisman of Sin will glow when near one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Fact 2 - In Darksiders, the Destroyer is a giant dragon, Borderlands The Destroyer is the one trapped in The Great Vault we all know of. They are completely different so don't get confused.

Fact 3 - Nex Sacramentum is a Death Oath. Meaning both parties will fight in combat, but one MUST die at the hands of the other at some point to complete the Nex Sacramentum. The consequencesof not fulfilling this is never properly stated...if ever...)

Fury was I'm complete disbelief after hearing everything I told her.


I eventually got what I wanted from her. She had immediately killed the real Envy, which was the Watcher, and bound her soul in the Talisman of Sin.

She gave me her blood on the spot and placed it into a special vial.

I told her to take me with her to Haven and she did.

I was able to convince the Human Jones, which is actually the Horseman Trife in disguise. I didn't reveal his identity to Fury.

I spoke to Strife in secret and convinced him to hand me some of his blood.

Fury immediately left to the Charred Council chamber to get some of War's blood. She was able to lie to the Charred Council and told them War's blood was necessary to hunt the other Seven Deadly Sins.

Fury returned and gave me War's blood in the exact same way.

I did request for her to give me the Storm Hollow once she received it from the Lord of Hollows.

I did warn her about Rampage's death in exchange for the Storm Hollow which she accepted...naturally.

I love knowing the future, it allows me to get all sorts of lovely toys and trinkets fir me to play with...


Anyway, I was returned back to the Far Fields by Fury. I asked the Horsemaster to manipulate the flow of Time to go faster fir certain Serpant Holes and slower for others.

This will make it so that I can control who comes first, second and third.

Death arrived first and gave me some of his blood, the Rod of Arafel and many other things I asked of him, I also asked fir him to give me a shit tone of Souls he had in his possession.

I sold the souls in the System Store...and holy shit!

I git a few options for me.

First was, since I am selling souls, it is treated it as a separate currency.

Reason why is because a soul and the life of a living being is something special, and a not be bought with mere money.

No amount of money can replace a life.

But if it did...then it would have had infinite money.

But naturally that would be broken, but it seemed Tet knew about this happening at some point, so he had this done for the System he gave me.

What I can do, is trade all the souls in my possession for a certain amount of items of varying power levels.

Such as, I can trade for 20 grey tier items, but only get 3 orange tier items. Despite the fact that 5 grey tier items costs one orange tier item. But I can only get 3 and not 4?

It was weird but it seemed to not care about values of the currency it is exchanging my souls instead.

I almost didn't notice...if weren't for the fact I was smart I my past life. Well I actually wasn't...I was average...but in my creativity I was amazing.

That is why I suspected something was off...and it turned out to be true!

The System Shop included my two Siren Souls/PhaseSpace and PhaseTime powers since they weren't merged with my original Human Soul yet!

I made sure to separate them from the System Store!

Like Hell I'll have them get used up and removed from me!

I'll never lose them!

I had then purchased a Skeleton Key from the Elder Scrolls game series in order to fulfil my deal with Death.

However, the Skeleton Key I could obtain was rather limited. I had used ALL the souls Death had given me in order to get a Skeleton Key that would be destroyered after 3 uses only!

I went with Death to the Tree of Life, since I can't go to the parallel version, which is the Tree of Death that resides as apart of Hell and the Lord of Bones domains.

I then approached the giant door and used the Skeleton Key on it and "Unlocked" it.

The Skeleton Key had the ability to "Unlock/Open" anything, so long as the person using it had an understanding of what they were opening. It could also do the reverse and "Seal/Close" whatever it was used on.

It also had a passive ability to allow the bearer of the Skeleton Key to have their FULL POTENTIAL PERMANENTLY UNLOCKED!!!

Unfortunately, the Skeleton Key I was able to purchase didn't have that passive ability.


I was so sad...

But hey!

At least I can use it once for myself.

The second use I consumed on the Skeleton Key was to "Unseal" the Soul's of the Nephilim Amulet that was pieced into this right side chest.

When I "Unseled" it, I sued it in a way that was skin to "removing" it from his body as a foreign object.

Like "Unseling" a curse (Nephilim Amulet shards) that was placed upon a person/object (Death body).

It worked and I fulfilled my side of the deal.


I wauted until Death defeated Absalom. I told him to bring me Absalom's corpse and weapon on the piece I paper I Haa given him. He did give me other things too, but that was the most dangerous.

Absalom's body and weapon had traces of the Corruption still inside and on it.

I made SURE to STAY AWAY from both, as I placed them inside my inventory.

Only once I was adaptable enough would I ever dare to bring it out if my Inventory.

I made sure it was closed if in a separate part of my System Space/Inventory fir good measure.

After that, Death extracted a single Nephilim Soul from the Amulet.

This was also on the list I have him.

I told him to give me the soul of a evil or a Nephim that deserves to suffer absolute and eternal torment.

I asked for that in particular since I know Death cares alot and feels immense guilt fir having slaughtered the Nephilim, his brothers and sisters of the same flesh and blood.

But the evil Nephilim soul was someone he would not mind if I took.

Now I have a Goddamn Nephilim Soul!

I still have no idea on what to use it for or how to even use it in the first place, but I don't care...a Nephilim Soul is something I'll never obtain and this is a one in a lifetime opportunity to get it.

After that, Death threw the Amulet into the Well of Souls and as a result, the Nephilim souls were forever destroyed and in turn, the Kindom of Man/Humanity was revived.

Death didn't die as he did at the end if Darksiders 2 since I removed the Amulet from his body.

He then collected some of the waters from the Well of Souls, I'll call it Soul Water, and gave it to me. That was the last thing I had written on the paper.

I was then brought to the Far Fields by Death and he departed.


Vulgrim returned second and gave me everything I asked for inside of a pouch that can hold all of it magically.

I always did wonder how Death was able to carry both the Angel Key and Demon Key once he acquired them.

He said that many beings know about space magic to store many things inside.

But the pouch he have me had a rune inscribed onto it which allowed for the item to carry the space magic ability as well.

Basically, it is a Moleskin Pouch from Harry Potter, with an Extension Charm.

I had given Vulgrim the location of every page of the Book of the Dead and gave him the fully constructed Rod of Arafel.

I wanted to keep the Rod of Arafel for myself since it was immensely powerful.

But I had to think long term. And so trading it for what I wanted from Vulgrim was far better.

After our deal was done, Vulgrim had told me I could Summon him in the Borderlands Universe if I engraved his glyphs on the ground I'm a certain way.

He taught me this, most likely since he saw me as a potential long term customer he could get very profitable off of.


Last was Fury, and as expected, she had obtained all the Elemental Hollows from the Lord of Hollows, along with the Hollow Talisman, the Lord of Hollows gave her.

She gave me the Talisman of Sin, and I could feel it trying to take Control of me!

I immediately place d it into my inventory without delay.

She also gave me the Storm Hollow, after she separated it from her body.

I wasn't going to use the Storm Hollow fir myself since I didn't wnat to waste it.

Instead I will keep it for when I have a use for it.

(A/n He won't use it for quire a while, also it is not OP but just simple Electrokinesis abilities.)

After I had conducted my business.

I had one thing left.

The Horsemaster had Forbidden me from leaving to the Borderlands Universe I came from until I did one thing...

To name my Phantom Horse and obtain the title of an Abyssal Rider...

What should I name the Phantom Horse im thinking about a three word name like the Dragons of Skyrim. their names is made of three words to represent their being. since MC can learn the Thu'um im thinking about it. Comment down below. Rampage Is Fury's Horse, Despair is Death's Horse, Ruin is War's Horse, Mayhem is Strife's Horse. Each name is similar to the individual who names it. Put your suggestions down below and I'll try combining them. Or I'll just use one of my own. He returns to Borderlands Universe now. Ps, he can't use mist if the stuff he got, and what he could use is not stronger then what he has, but merely helps reinforce it so he can fight by himself from now on and not rely on the other Vault Hunters since he is still weak in his powers and isn't an expert in combat but still learning.

Also, sorry about Chapter delay, I was sick and busy with long hours work. I got so sick that I would sneeze non stop if I wasn't wrapped in my Bed, i hadn't gotten a Cold this bad since two or three years ago. I hate it so much. This and my other fics got delayed because if it. Also, I didn't wnat to make this a two part, but I I no choice since I still had to write alot mire but I am sneezing even now. It makes no sense man! IT'S GODDAMN SUMMER, SO WHY DO I HAVE A GODDAMN COLD!!!!!!!

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts
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