
Jacob’s Archenemy II: The Sacrifice

Jacob was winging his way through the air fast, hard on the tail feathers of Dedari. 

The rain had slowed to a steady drizzle, but the air felt heavy and thick. 

Jacob shook his head at the foolishness of what they were doing. 

Dedari believed in the straightforward approach. At the same time, he was a lethal adversary, one fully committed to destroying an enemy even if it meant his own life.

 Jacob understood, but through long experience he had learned to pick his battles. 

Dedari had to attack anything threatening those under his protection, but some part of him was urging him to fight to the death, wanting to take the vampire with him to eternal rest.

The idea of losing Dedari left Zande raw with fear. And Jacob found he could not bear Zande's fear. He felt the presence of evil, the thick air surrounding them making it difficult to think. 

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