
The Birth Of The Third Targaryen

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Margaery Tyrell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~


Daenerys's screams fill the room as several Maesters tend to the woman in labor. The sweat coming from her brow and the pain on the beautiful features of my sister-in-law is a preview of what I must endure in nine months.

Raenon is sitting on the side of the bed, holding his sister's hand as she gives birth to their child. Alysanne and Jaehaerys are in their rooms under the strictest of protection.

A precaution for the family and Daenerys. All she needs to do is focus on giving birth to this child. My mind jumps as I see the place where the child is coming from. It takes all the willpower I can muster not to throw up.

Instead of standing by the window and doing nothing. I walk up to the opposite side of the bed from Raenon. The Maesters and nurses move around me in hurried motions. After sitting down, Daenerys looks at me with one eye shut and the other squinted.

My hand finds her free one, and I give her a reassuring squeeze. There isn't anything I can do but be here for her, just as Raenon is.

The man that's impregnated me looks at me with a smile from the other side of the bed. I'm a part of their family. Daenerys could've resisted my place here for all of the time.

Instead, she opened her mind and heart to me. Even calling me her sister-in-law. When my time to give birth comes, I'm sure they'll be here for me as I'm here right now. All of a sudden, my thoughts are halted as the most powerful grip I've ever felt squeezes my hand.


Daenerys releases another scream and throws her head back in pain. Raenon immediately caresses her forehead and removes the drenched hair from her eyes. The white-gold hair the sibling's share is almost glowing in this scene.

Another scream is released, and the images of me being in this bed instead of her flash through my mind. A single gulp goes down my throat, and I take a breath.

"I can see the babe's head. We need one more great push, My Queen. Your child is almost here."

Hearing that seems to motivate the more petite woman, and Daenerys grips my hand even harder than before. I must bite my lip to stop a protest from escaping my mouth. She lets loose the longest and loudest scream since her labor started.

When her screaming stops, another fills the room.

"Ahhhh! Wahhhh! Waaaaahhhh!"

They say when a babe first leaves the womb, its health can be measured by how much noise it makes. The lungs on this one prove nothing is wrong. There is no silence from this babe. The Maesters quickly cut the umbilical cord.

The nurses tend to Daenerys and clean her up. While Raenon stands and walks over to the small table where the babe is being prepared.

All I can do is watch as my sister-in-law stares at the backs of the two men with exhaustion. My hand hasn't left hers, and when that thought crosses my mind. She turns her head to me.

The only thing she gives is a genuine smile, which is enough to say what she needs to say.

"Congratulations, Your Grace. You've got a perfectly healthy baby girl."

The words from the Maester reach us at the bed. Daenerys takes a deep breath and quickly releases. Jae's outnumbered two to one now. Raenon turns around with a little bundle lightly wrapped in a blanket.

Bringing the new princess over to the bed and sitting in the same spot he left a moment ago. He looks into the eyes of his sister and hands her the child.

"Say hello to Daenys."

Daenerys starts to cry as she holds the child. Planting kisses on the forehead and holding the babe close. Raenon's hand reaches across and runs through the wet hair of my fellow Queen. The look the two of them share stirs a little jealousy in me.

When the time comes... Will Raenon look at me the same way...

"Want to hold her?"

My thoughts are halted as the question from Daenerys hits me. She holds the child out to me, and I soon find my hands full. A second later, I hold the babe as if it's my own. Only one feeling courses through me at this moment.

I want mine here soon.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Daenys hungrily feeds from me, and the afternoon light shines through the open windows of The Great Pyramid. Margaery is with The Sandsnakes at the moment, and I've been given time alone with my new daughter.

My eyes look down to my chest, and I see a future heartbreaker there. The stealer of all the attention from every lord the world over.

"Daenys... You'll come to know the one you're named after... Without her, our house wouldn't be here today... I know you'll carry her name well..."

The exhaustion from the birth earlier this morning is taking its toll on me. As I'm about to call for help, the door to the bedroom opens. Rae is standing at the doorway, and our two little children are clutching his legs.

But before Jae and Aly can rush into the room and meet their new sister, Rae stops them and gets on one knee so he's closer to their eye levels.

"You two need to go back to your rooms. You'll be able to meet your sister later tonight."

Aly is about to protest, but Rae places a finger over her lips. Shushing her before she speaks. He points down the hall to their room, and they trot away.

As they do, I notice a bag on Rae's back.

"You didn't have to send them away..."

My voice's clear lack of energy tells him the opposite of what my words mean. A smile takes form on his lips as he sits next to me.

"You need your rest. Besides, I think it's time."

He takes the bag off his back and opens it when he says that. Revealing a dragon egg. It's the blue one that Rhaenys laid before Jae was born. Caelex was born from the crimson one, and now the blue one will go to Daenys.

His hands take Daenys from me now that she's asleep. Being full does that. The crib in our room is where she's laid to rest, and the egg is placed next to her.

"Will it hatch?"

There have been eggs in the past that haven't hatched before. Most dragon eggs never do. A calm expression is on my brother-husband.

"It's warm to the touch, just as Caelex's was. It won't be long before this one does the same and hatches."

Now that our new babe is asleep, he makes his way over to me and lays down. Wrapping an arm around my waist. Placing his head on my stomach since I'm still sitting up.

My hands find their way into his identical-looking hair to mine. A satisfaction fills me at this moment. We've got three beautiful children, and I'm no longer pregnant. For real, this time, I'm taking a break from carrying a child.

"What's on your mind..."

Rae and I spend a lot of time together, and I know that things aren't going. Well, at least when things need to be talked about.

"Now that Daenys is born, we'll be moving across The Narrow Sea in time. Likely around 5 to six months. Oberyn and I will start making the early preparations two weeks from now."

Ah, yes... The wars to come... Rae only worries since the lives of our children are at risk too.

"Don't worry... Just be who you've always been..."

That's all Rae needs to be. But Westeros is different than Essos. It'll be a hard and long process. But we'll be accepted in time.

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Dany and Margaery are asleep in bed. My eyes keep drifting over to the crib in our room. Aly and Jae would wake us up every couple of hours. Daenys, she doesn't make a sound. I can't help worrying.

That's when I shift out of bed and go to the crib. There, in my absolute state of stunned fatherhood, is my baby girl. Being cuddled by a baby blue dragon just a little bigger than her.

"I didn't even hear the egg crack..."

The silent babe has a silent dragon... She's breathing normally and completely fine.

"Come back to bed, Rae... She's fine..."

My sister's voice calls me to the sheets again, and I beckon. Daenys will be fine. I can only wonder what she'll name her dragon when she can speak.

Jae came up with an excellent name for his. I'm sure Daenys will do the same.

Dany wraps her arms and legs around me from one side, and Margaery does the other. Each snuggling closer and getting comfortable.

They'll both be in for a surprise when they wake up. But for now, Dany needs her rest. Margaery has been working hard for us all day. Filling in for my duties and Dany's. She needs a break, too, and will have one for the next few days.

A pregnant woman shouldn't work that hard. Not in my opinion. I'll be the father of a fourth child. One from Margaery.

Time sure does fly. But only when you're having fun.

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