
Monster core

Nolan touched his sides, a bewildering expression on his face.

'Is this even possible?' the idea that the weak fleshy skin would be undamaged in the face of sharp-looking metal-like claws was a hard idea to grasp.

He looked at the monster splattered in front of him, its face pulverized, exposing a pulverized weird brain only intact in its back.

Nolan took a careful look at the brain, his sharp eyes catching the edge of a red color different from the pink color of brains.

Squelch! Squelch!

He rummaged through the mushy brains, enveloping his palms in a hard-yet soft red thing.

Extracting it, he inspected the weird red thing, it was hard and soft at the same time, all the while having the texture of a crystal.

'What a weird thing to find inside the brain of a dead monster!' he sarcastically thought, putting the crystal in his backpack.

He looked at the body of the monster, then looked at his meat and blood-colored right hand. Walking closer to it he rubbed his hand on the hairy monster, cleaning his hand of the meat.

'I can't possibly just leave it here,' picking one of the limps, he began to easily drag it away, searching for the alleyway he left his bicycle on.

This time the alleyways weren't confusing, finding his bike right where he left it. Just a short distance away, he saw a manhole cover, then he looked at the monster he dragged around, its brains now spread over a large stretch of alleyways.

'Would be better to dump it than leave it out in the open.' using two fingers to lift the heavy cover, he forced the big body of the monster inside it, breaking every bone of its body in the process.

The corpse of the monster looked like it went through a meat grinder as it tumbled into a tunnel with a shallow stream of water.

He looked at the manhole cover, then picked it up, stopping before he put it in place. The monster's body was gone, no trace of its existence could be seen.

'I only looked away for 2 seconds,' with a completely weirded out expression, he put the manhole cover in its place, taking measured steps back quietly.

'Maybe another day to test my luck.' he got on his bicycle quickly leaving the alleyways and coming onto a wide street where cars were zooming around.

'This is a hundred percent safer.' he thought as he sped through the streets, looking at his phone, it was 20: 43, he lost 5 hours in those alleyways, a sigh escaping his mouth.

Parking his bicycle next to the front door, he took a deep breath of air, opening the door cautiously.

His eyes registered the coming of two fleshy balls, they were so fast they reached his lashes the moment he saw them.

"AHH! I WAS SO WORRIED!! where were you!? don't you know it's dangerous to stay in the streets at night!?" Jane asked rapidly, crushing his head in her giant tits, while she used her 2 hands to fight his head from freeing itself from her punishment.

Nolan struggled to free himself, trying to peel her glue-like body from himself, yet even with more force than average she didn't move an inch.

"MOM! I-I can't breathe!! let go!" he bit her nipple hard through her clothes, having suffocated for three minutes straight, while the deep air had run out in one minute.

"Mmmmm!" Moaning quietly, Jane finally let go of him, looking at him like she was about to cry.

"You meanie! you made it cry, look!" saying so, she pulled her tank top, dropping and freeing her massive tits, which the one he bit was beginning to lactate.

"Look! It's in pain!" Jane said with a play-filled voice, she wrapped her hands around it, shaking it and causing it to spill more milk, shaping the soft tit like it was crying.

"Ugh! MOM! Stop playing around like that!" with an irritated yet blushing face, Nolan quickly ran to the second floor.

"Wait, what happened to your clothes!?" Jane quickly stopped him before he passed her, her tits still visible, while a frown formed on her face.

"Umm..." Nolan hesitated on how to answer.

"Also, is this blood on your hands!?" Jane had a horror look on her face.

"Don't tell me!! you killed someone!?" she asked, her lips beginning to quiver.

"WHOA WHOA!! Why is that the first thing you thought about!? also, why would I kill someone!?" he stopped his mother from taking a step back and held her for a second.

"Ugh, I will tell you everything, just let me shower and change, and we can talk it over dinner." he looked at Jane's face, who calmed down a little when she saw her darling cute and serious face.

"Fine, go and get changed, then you must spill out anything you're hiding from me, all of it, including if you have a girlfriend!" Jane said with a motherly pose, causing Nolan to roll his eyes at the last comment.

"Geez! Also, cover yourself for god's sake!" he said as he reached for the top of the stairs, quickly entering his room.

"Oh! What a poor soul! he hurt you and he didn't even say sorry." Jane said to herself as she kept playing with her tit before she caught herself doing one of her weird episodes.

"Caugh! Caugh! come on Jane, this is weird even for you." lowering her tank top, she went to the kitchen, beginning to prepare dinner.

Nolan showered and was downstairs in 10 minutes, his mother watching him like a hawk.

"Can I at least eat first, I'm hungry." with a pleading voice he knew would work on her, he acted pitifully.

"..Fine, But I want you to explain everything while you're eating," she said with a final tone, conveying there were no more negotiations.

"Okay, it all started last year, when we visited Grandma for the summer," he said as he swallowed a potion of rice.

"Why is it starting from last year?" asked Jane skeptically.

"Just let me finish, anyway, the ancestral book you 'found' was actually a translation of a book I found in grandma's basement."

"The true book was written in this strange language that I could somehow understand, and it said that it was a legacy for one day when a male is born from the family." he looked at Jane, who was still skeptical about his story.

"It's true that you're the only male born of our family lineage in centuries, but that still doesn't relate to the blood and your ripped clothes," Jane said, acting like a detective, she leaned in on the table, her huge tits pushing the plates close to her.

"Just let me finish, anyway along with the herb I gave you, was a warning about the world awakening and experiencing a new change or something, originally I thought that something of an apocalypse might happen, but today I met the change the book talked about." he took out the red pebble sized crystal from his pocket and put it on the table.

"This thing came out of the head of a monster, a man-sized monster with the body and features of both a Rat and a Spider." He watched as Jane picked up the red crystal, squeezing it.

"Isn't this just a toy? Are u trying to trick me?" Jane looked at him, a look that said she caught on to his lies.

"What!? why would I lie!? I fought tooth and nail with that monster, it did this thing where it conjured fake walls through the alleys I was passing through, keeping me trapped for hours!" Nolan shouted indignantly.

"Now that's even harder to believe, how could a 'monster' conjure walls to begin with!?" Jane stood up, furiously shouting, believing that her darling was lying straight into her face.

Nolan looked at his angry mom, sighing, he put his fork down and stretched his hand toward her.

"Give it to me." He pointed at the red crystal.

Jane looked at him with hurt eyes, her darling's insistence on sticking up with his lies breaking her hurt.

She didn't say a word, dropping the toy on the table, before sitting down, eyes almost spilling out tears.

"Let me show you that I'm telling the truth." picking up the red crystal, he put it in his mouth, trying to taste it, finding it tasteless with the texture of chewy caramel.

"What are you doing!? Spit it out of your mouth!" Jane hurriedly stood up, trying to reach for his mouth and stop him from swallowing.

Nolan swallowed the red crystal, as it passed it easily in his throat.

"NOO!!" Jane shouted, furious at the stupid actions her son just did.

Yet Nolan stayed quiet, eyes closed, he could feel the red jelly crystal begin to dissolve in his stomach rapidly, instead, he could feel airy blue energy spread everywhere in his body, giving him an ecstatic feeling of rush and endless energy.

On the outside, Jane quickly quieted when she saw a Blue light emerge and billow around Nolan's body.

A few moments later, Nolan opened his eyes, the blue light having disappeared into the air in a second.

"I had this suspicion, the book Legacy talked like whatever is coming is an opportunity instead of the end, and when I saw the red jelly-like crystal, I was reminded of some fiction books of this exact same thing happening." He said in an exasperated breath, feeling glad nothing went wrong with his hunch.

"Mom, the world is changing, and we must use everything we have and could use to our advantage, otherwise we will end up in the stomach of a monster." with a serious expression, he looked at the still-shocked Jane.

2 chapters today for the missed days, I'm busy with summerwork, so my uploading will be irregualr since i'm tired one day and won't be able to write a chapter, and i'm less tired.

today is the less tired.

I would like to thank Timothy_Perez foe the powerstones, you're a real G, I would like to thank Ramyboyz15 for the powerstone, I would like to thank Elo_Police for the powerstone, your contributions greatly helps me find the motivation to continue writing.

Thanks to all the other readers as well for giving my story a try.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

BlackDemon0f3ndcreators' thoughts
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