

"This floors yours," the soldier opened a guarded steel door. "Civilians are to remain behind these doors until you leave."

I gulped at the thought I'd be buried here until Noah decided it was time to move on.

I stepped through the doors to view my temporary coffin.

It was rectangular with an open-plan kitchen, dining, and living space with doors along both long walls. I sat down in the comfiest spot on a corner sofa and nestled in whilst waiting on everyone else to come in and get settled.

Supplies were handed out to fill the kitchen and toiletries for the bathroom. There was also a few boxes of clothes placed on the tables for people in need of a change of clothes.

It was very much like watching refugees on the TV. Only there was no screen, and I was one of those refugees.

Noah sat beside me, placing a hand on my knee, I flinched at his touch.

"So we're still going with the story that she's Alex's?" He asked, his voice coy.

"It IS Alex's child," I spoke through gritted teeth. Seeing Ty coming over with a coffee I waved him to join us, "Dr. John, please tell Noah here how far along I am."

"Ten weeks," he took a long sip of his coffee despite the steam, "if Hannah agrees I could even share her notes."

Ty and Noah turned to me, I nodded to both men.

Ty then passed me his coffee cup and fumbled through his magic bag. I was a little worried when I saw the same file as he showed the doctors earlier.

Seeing Ty's confident smile I decided to trust in him and just quietly observed Noah go through it page by page.

I swore I could feel murderous intent as he tossed the file aside and leaped up from the sofa. He said not a word as he left through the main steel doors, not even bothering to flash his army ID on his way. Lucky for him he had a memorable and very scary face as neither guard bothered to go after him.

I gave Ty's coffee back then reached over for the notes and saw why he had such a foul look on his face. There was even a fake ultrasound showing accurate dates that completely ruled out Izzy.

"Do you not think he'll realise that there was no ultrasound machine back at the college?" I asked, passing the notes back.

Ty shrugged, "what will he do, go back and check?"

"Fine, sure, but you gave these notes to the doctors at the entrance too?" I asked, worried he would go and ask them.

Ty nodded eagerly, "authenticity."

Will later showed me the room I was sharing with the other female survivors. Reassuring me we were only here for one night, then left me lying in the feotal position hugging a pillow being overdramatic at being left behind whilst he went back up to speak with General Blackwood and Noah.

It took a long time and a rumbling stomach to pacify the fear that there were miles of earth between me and the sky.

Out in the shared space, I saw Alex eating with Ethan, Matt, and Luke. I quickly made myself some instant noodles and grabbed a fork, sitting in the empty seat beside Ethan and opposite Alex.

"So what if I'm eighteen? It's only a four-year difference," I blurted out.

All four faces snapped at me, making my neck shrink.

"Fuck dude," Matt laughed while Luke elbowed him in the ribcage.

"Can we talk about that in private?" Alex asked with a sigh, resting his head on the table.

"They don't view screwing with high school kids as a positive thing in this American culture," System interjected, making me realise I'd just really embarrassed him.

"Sorry," I spoke softly then ate my noodles despite the churning stomach.

Once done the three boys left the table taking the rubbish and dishes, leaving us to talk.

"Do you always lie?" Alex asked, lifting his head up to rest in his palm.

I blushed at the insinuation, but feeling like being truthful I replied, "mostly, yes." I was always pretending to be someone else.

It's tiring. Even more so since I wasn't even sure who I was outside of that person. An actor is forever trapped in their role til curtain call.

"Have you slept with more than Noah?" He asked, my heart broke at the question.

"No, this body has had sex three times, New Years' eve, the day before I met you, and the night with you." I found myself explaining as accurately as I could.

"This body?" he smiled faintly as he asked as if trying to hold back a laugh.

I bit my lip, "well yeah, in my life as Hannah."

"So you believe in past lives?" he asked, moving to lean over the table, closer to me.

"Yes," and I knew for a fact they existed.

"I must have owed you in a past life then," Alex sank back into his chair, folding his arms, "You and her both."

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