

[Warning: Smut]

"Miss me?"

Lex's arms snaked around my waist, making me almost drop my towel. Somehow he had escaped System's notice and gotten through two locked doors to sneak up on me. My heart dropped in my chest at the thought of how powerless I was.

Though I had hoped to talk to him before the banquet in a few hours, I did not expect him to come to me, much less in such an amorous mood.

In the time I'd spent with my supposed soulmate so far he had always stopped himself from going too far, he knew my limits, and never crossed the bottom line. Yet now his hand was slowly peeling away the towel.

My wedding to another man was going to be announced this same evening, how did he have the stomach to touch me like this? Especially when he knew I was married to someone he supposedly respected as his master nonetheless.

These damn immortals and their skewed morals. Was I just as fucked up as them before? I did not like that. If I was married, I was married. If he wanted to touch me, he had to wait until I was divorced and willing.

"Lex, we need to talk," I tried my hardest to gather all my strength and pull the towel back to cover my breasts.

"Hmm?" he hummed, his lips grazing my bare neck.

"I'm serious," I tried to shrug him off like I had done many times before, only this time he did not take a step back.

"I know," he sighed, the warm air hitting my skin gave me butterflies in my stomach. "I don't agree with you keeping it."

I frowned.

"Is it his?" He asked this time the towel dropped to the floor.

I shivered as his hand cupped a breast, two fingers pinching at my nipple.


"Doesn't matter," he murmured, then snaked his free hand to move down my stomach, sliding a finger to press against my clit.

"Lex," I gasped, trying to wriggle out of his firm grip.

"Luna, I can't take it anymore," he whined pitifully, before kissing and biting at my neck, likely leaving a mark.

"L-Lex," I moaned reluctantly as he toyed with both my breast and clit, sucking harder and harder at my skin, "we really need to talk."

Just as my knees were about to cave he scooped me up, carrying me out of the bathroom and dropping me onto the bed. His hands quickly moved to unfasten his pants, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

I tried to move back up the bed, but he only crawled to kneel between my legs, which his hands firmly spread wide.

"I know you m-must be a bit upset," I gulped, "after all, we have a history, but I don't remember it, even if System tells me we're soul mates, I don't really know you."

"I know," he suddenly thrust into me, hands gripping my hips and pulling me towards him as he thrust again, taking pleasure in my painful shocked expression.

"Fuck," I gasped, clutching onto the duvet under me.

He smirked, thrusting harder and faster until my vision blurred with tears of both pleasure and unwillingness. This damn man. Couldn't he tell I did not want this? But he was so much stronger than me.

I gave up trying to resist and just let him get it over with. Instead, I focused on biting hard on my lip, trying to muffle my moans as he lifted my legs up to his shoulders, hitting deeper inside.

Just as I felt the world spin his nails dug deep into my skin with a hard thrust, "Lex," the air stung my lips as I inhaled the cold air. He growled, his cock twitching against my spasming walls, releasing his seed deep.

Even though I'd been unwilling, my body reacted and it made me feel a kind of shame I couldn't comprehend.

A sharp knock at the door brought me back to my senses. Lex was half covering me, pressing me firmly to the bed whilst still inside of me.

Feeling self-conscious about my still naked self, I gripped his arms, trying to push him off.

The person knocked again, louder.

I was supposed to be ready to attend the clan meeting by now. Where they'd announce my marriage to a completely different guy.

Fuck, what had I done?

"Lex," I spoke through gritted teeth, trying not to be loud enough for the person outside to hear, "Lex the door."

He shifted, finally pulling his cock out of me to stand up, fastening his pants.

My eyes quickly scanned the room trying to find something to cover myself with, the guilt and shame eating me up inside.

He's always been so obedient and sensible, never crossing that line despite displaying his obvious affection for me and talking about our supposedly passionate history.

The sound of the door opening made me squeal and pull the duvet to cover me.

Jianyu stepped into the room, his face remaining stoic at the sight. Lex gave me a quick wink, then passed Jianyu, condescendingly patting his shoulder as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Fucking prick.

"Have fun?" Jianyu sat at the edge of the bed, leaning to face me.

Speechless I could only blink at him in confusion.

When I did not respond, he continued, "we have about two hours to go downstairs, shower?"

His voice betrayed no emotions, remaining polite, but I sensed slight scorn at his words. He seemed eager to wash away the stink of another man on me.

I nodded, still unable to speak.

He abruptly stood up, taking off his suit. I held my breath, just watching as he stripped completely bare, then let out a gasp as he lifted me up to carry me into the bathroom.

The hot water was bliss on my skin as it poured down on both of us. I hadn't realised he meant a shower for both of us.

My legs trembled, feeling ready to cave at any moment whilst his hands roamed my body, cleaning every inch, then moved to methodically wash my hair.

Suddenly I was pushed until my back hit the cool tile walls, large, warm hands cupped my face and tilted my head to look up at him.

"I know it's a fake marriage for now," he spoke once my heartbeat finally slowed, "I know you don't remember me."

His hands trailed down my neck, then to my shoulders, "it may have only been ninety-eight years with you, compared to the hundreds with him."

I flinched at his words, just how old was I? Wasn't I a newborn immortal? What kind of life had I lived to have gone through hundreds of years? I was fucking ancient. Lex had always avoided giving me any details that weren't about our supposed great love.

"But no matter what Luna, I want to spend the rest of eternity by your side," his hands moved to my hips, then cupped my ass and lifted me, forcing me to hold onto him and wrap my legs around his waist to avoid falling. "I don't want to lose you again, never again."


"Let me form a connection with you Luna, please, we can only do it like this," he pleaded, the desperation clear in his voice, his forehead resting on mine.

"Ohh…" System sounded like it was malfunctioning in my head.

"I don't malfunction, for the last time, I am not AI," it complained, "do you understand what he is asking from you?"

"Is he asking me to actually remain married to him?" It felt like a proposal of sorts.

"No, he wants to form a soulmate bond," System replied.

"But I'm Lex's soulmate," I frowned, confused, Jianyu remained patiently still awaiting consent, clearly aware I was conversing in my head.

"It doesn't work like that," System explained, "you actually have quite a few soulmate bonds, but not all of them are romantic. Though I cannot access or remember how you got them, they work by connecting souls, making it easier to find each other in the void and to find bodies in the same dimensions at the same time."

"So when we die I can find him? And next time I'll be able to enter a world where he is?"

He mentioned we'd spent ninety-eight years together, I wanted to figure out what happened in that time, and to do that I needed to be able to be with him.

I wanted to make sense of everything, I wanted him to open up to me. Something painful had clearly happened in our last life, something that weighed heavy enough on him to lie to me repeatedly.

"Yes," I finally replied to Jianyu, still unable to shift the guilt in the pit of my stomach that I'd let someone else touch me only moments before. I should have resisted harder. Screamed or shouted or something. I had just been too shocked at his actions to think straight.

Now all I wanted was for this man's scent to cover over it, to claim me and erase all evidence of what I had done.

His lips suddenly covered my own, kissing me passionately as his fingers dug into my skin. I felt his member hard resting against me.

"Jianyu," I tried to get his attention through his kisses, also trying my best to remember to breathe. Something about him always made me feel swept away and flustered when we were intimate.

"I just-" he entered me, making my overly sensitive core spasm instantly. I moaned clutching onto him tightly like a raft at sea. It felt so different from when Lex had used me before and Lex was supposed to be a soulmate.

"You feel so good," he spoke into my ear before thrusting into me again, harder.

I wanted to reply, or move, or just do something other than hold onto him tightly, but an electric sensation coursed through my veins, freezing me. As if I was on the verge of falling from a great height.

"Master," unintentionally I called out as I felt like I was falling in his arms, he hummed into my ear in response, breaking down any resistance I had left in me.

My entire body felt like it was floating as he washed every inch of me. Once done he wrapped me in a towel and carried me back through to the bedroom. I felt like he'd drained every bit of energy from me.

"Sleep, I'll wake you when it's time," he murmured, chucking the duvet aside and laying me on the bed.

"But the party?" I groaned, trying to sit back up.

"Shh… we have time, we won't be late," he stroked my face tenderly. I caved, letting slumber take over.

Ah, it sucked so hard writing the first smut scene. I cannot recall the official title of that kind of smut, but it was certainly nonconsensual I'll make that clear.

Though she is angry at Jianyu/Master, she subconsciously has strong feelings for him, 'soul mate' or not.

Raychbunnicreators' thoughts
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