
Nabat Spaceport Part III

As soon as my sights were laid on a guard, I squeezed my trigger. They went down with just one shot.

I then turned slightly and squeezed once more. The line of white light ripped through a plant in the furthest planter and struck another guard's face.

Crossing the gap, I leaned against a pillar next to the fountain. I couldn't stay in one place for too long. Despite it being dark, they would eventually figure out where I was.

Then, I peeked out in the same direction. A guard popped out from the side of the open doors to my left. Before I could react, they got a shot off.

With a flash of light, my left arm went numb. I let go of my rifle and clutched my left arm with my right hand as I stumbled a few steps back. "FUCK!"

Letting go of my left arm, I reached out and grabbed a thermal detonator from my vest. I then pressed the button on it and tossed it. I carried it with the force and held it off the ground just past the door frame.

Before it exploded, I closed my eyes. A shockwave ripped through the air. I felt my bones shake from the force. Along with the shockwave, I felt two life forces evaporate. My left flank was now clear.

I opened my eyes and then rushed across towards the doorway. The wall there would provide me with some fresh cover.

A pair of operators walked past my back and through the open doorway. As they did, alarms started blaring. I spoke through the open channel. "Alpha, let's pick up the pace."

I peeked out from the wall and saw operators scorching the café counter with blaster bolts. As I swung around the corner, I spoke again. "Hold."

The blaster fire immediately stopped as I stepped up to the counter. Behind it, there were two guards and a civilian taking cover. I aimed and shot quickly before adjusting and firing again. Both guards were dead.

Suddenly, I felt danger. Acting on my force fueled instincts, I dove over the counter. My left arm throbbed in pain as I hit the floor.

Fortunately, I was just in time. Several blaster bolts ripped through the objects that remained on the counter. With just a slight look, I saw that there were broken windows in the walled lounge. There were more enemy combatants in there.

I fully peeked out and saw a guard with a flashlight leaning out from behind a couch near the lounge windows. They got a shot off first. A glass cup on the counter shattered as it was hit. I felt chunks of glass pelt my body armor as I returned a single shot. His face lit up like Christmas in my NVGs as he crumpled to the ground.

I then stepped out from behind the counter and hooked a left. There was another counter with a sign that said, "Speeder Rentals". A guard popped up but I quickly neutralized him with two shots to the chest.

Continuing, I was tailed by an operator as I walked down a short flight of stairs into the commercial shipping area. We quickly found two officers and three civilians surrendering.

After dealing with them, we turned our attention to the lounge. I mounted up on one side with an operator behind me. There were another two operators on the other side of the entrance.

From inside the lounge, all we could hear was the alarm and some shuffling. There was blaster fire coming from elsewhere in the building, but that wasn't our concern for now.

I made eye contact with the operator opposite me and tapped my NVGs. The operator nodded and took a flashbang from his vest. They pressed the button on it and then tossed it in the air.

I caught it with the force and quickly moved it near the ceiling in the center of the lounge before looking away. Then, it went off.

When I heard the sound, I turned back towards the lounge and rounded the corner. There were two armed guards, four officers with two of them armed, and ten civilians.

As I hooked to the right, I found myself face to face with an officer holding a blaster while covering his eyes. He was temporarily blinded and keeling over.

I raised my right knee and struck him on the head. He dropped his blaster on the floor and fell to the ground unconscious.

I then turned to the left and found that the rest of the armed enemies had been dealt with. The operators were already securing the civilians and unarmed enemies.

A deep exhale rushed out of my mouth. "Alpha team, give me a SITREP."

Tomas quickly replied. "All survivors secure and being moved into the large office in the southeast corner."

I nodded. "10-4. Let's get on the tarmac. That alarm is gonna send their birds airborne. Status on demo?"

Olga then spoke from behind me. "Rockets here."

I spun around and my eyes widened as I looked at the huge crate she was carrying. "Ah… Alright. Let's get out there."

Tomas replied. "Affirm. POW team, stay on task. All else rendezvous at northern elevators."

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