
Chapter 024 Aki Story 4

Yukki Destiny

It's been about a month since the death of my best friend and lover Aki. I still miss her everyday.

I sit down and cross my legs at an alter of love committed to Aki . Where I put everything I gave her and everything she gave me, including every photo we had together.

This alter is proof the what Aki and me had was genuine.

I do my half an hour of praying toward my alter like every morning and then get ready for school.

I leave my house wishing my family a great day. The Sun makes me feel icky today, so I try to rush towards the school bus. I meet all my friends with a smile. God, I wish Aki was here with me the world would be so much brighter.

After I get to school I walk around before all my classes start. Then I see a pipsqueak walking through the halls. She's one of the girls I despise since she took precious time away from me and Aki.

I walk up to her and tell her a good morning. But she just scoffs at me and walks away. Then she stops and turns around.

"Hey Yukki… Did you know that Aki lied to you?" Raven said.

After that she just walked away without saying anything else. I stood there shocked. Aki would never lie to me, after all we were lovers.

The bell rings and I head towards class thinking about what Raven said to me.


I get off the bus and start walking to my house. Still feeling like garbage after thinking about what Raven said to me this morning.

After thinking about it for the whole day I let that pipsqueaks lie get under my skin. I just have to pray to my Aki alter of love and I would immediately start feeling better.

I get home and greet my family before heading back to my room. I change into more comfortable clothes then open my closet to my alter.

…. Where is it????????? I open and close the closet door multiple times thinking my eyes are playing tricks on me. My alter it's gone… There nothing left.

I start tearing apart my room trying to find any kind of clue. I run down stairs and ask my parents if they've been in my room, they both shake their heads no.

"Yukki dear you look so pale. What happened is something wrong?" My mom asks.

I collect myself. "Yeah sorry it's just that something extremely important to me has gotten lost and I freaked out a bit." I said while laughing.

My dad pays my shoulder telling me that I would find it. I nod my head and go back to my room. I sit on my bed feeling determined to not to give up until I find it.


Even after searching the whole night I still couldn't find my Aki alter of love. After laying in I'm my bed for a while my mom wakes me up telling me I have to go to school. Sad that I couldn't pray. I Reluctantly change into my school outfit and leave for the buses.

After getting to school everyone was acting weird then one of my friends comes up to me asking if I truly did it. I looked at her confused and asked her. "Did what?"

"Did you kill Aki Locke?" I freeze like the whole world became the ice age. I look at her wondering why she would ask that kind of question.

She asked me to follow her to the main office. where I see a bunch of students and teacher crowd around something. They all make way for me and I walk through.

At the end of the crowd there I see it, my beautiful Aki alter of love with every photo we ever took. With the words she killed me written across it.

I run towards it and try to take it down only to realize that it's been glued, stapled, and taped to the wall. I watch in despair as everyone watching me starts talking about how I killed her.

Then I spot a short brown haired girl walk by. I yell at her to stop. Then everyone parts the way between Raven and me.

"I know you did this Raven! What were you jealous that I was her best friend so you had to create this to spite me!" I yelled.

Suddenly it became silent. Until I heard her footsteps so clearly. And in a voice so cold you would think you were in the middle of a blizzard. "You think I did this? What a joke. Look at yourself, look at the pictures hanging on that gross alter thing. You think I spent all my time trying to make something that stupid? Whatever, fine how about you let me tear it down it, then it wont be a problem." She scoffs. And continues to walk toward me. Then after she walked past me Raven put her hands on my alter and started to tear it apart.

"NOOOO DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!" I screamed and pushed her out of the way.

Everyone watching looked forward with shock. Raven then starts laughing. "So does that mean you actually did it?"

I freeze and start to tremble. Then thankfully the bell rang out and the teachers made the students get to class. The only ones left were Raven and me.

"Wow that was something wasn't Yukki? You completely freaked out. Well see you later." Raven also walked away.

I spent the rest of the morning trying to take down my alter wondering who was cruel enough to do this to me.

After the the classes for the day are finished I get called into the principals office.

"Miss Yukki do you know why you are called in here today?" The principal asked.

"I assume it's because of that cruel prank someone played on me. You can ask everyone in this school that Aki and me were sisters I would never hurt a hair on her head." I promised.

The principal nods his head and tells me I could go, I thank him and leave. Only to see my parents standing in the hallway.

"W-What are you guys doing here?" My parents didn't say anything and took me home saying nothing.

They sat me down on the living room couch. "Why are we hearing all these crazy things!" My dad yelled.

I tried to stutter out a response. I start saying that someone was out to get me. I told my parents that no one in the world loves Aki more than me I would never hurt her. They calmed down and seemed to believe me.

They told to go to my room and I obliged. I slowly closed the door and pulled out the my Aki alter of love out from my backpack and set it back up in my closet.

Only something was wrong… There's a photo I don't recognize. I take it off the alter and stare at it wondering where it came from.

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