
Steam Boat.

(Jon's Pov)

After that little stint with Draco and his goons. We watched the first episode of the show. It was a little rough around the edges. But the writing, acting and storyline was subliminal, truly a masterpiece in the work. Glenda was amazing as the DMLE. The lead was a new guy, a rookie auror. The show's primary story line is about the wizarding war. And Im kinda excited to watch how it would unfold.

After the show all of us went back to our rooms. I was lying on my bed as I took a Quick Look in the journal. The ship was somewhere near Maldives. I was excited, worried and most of all intrigued. The expedition was done on Grindlewald's say so. 

I still remember that day when I first met him. It wasn't easy. It was May I was in  Munich with Ed. We were there for a little vacation before school would start. But Ed along with my friends knew why I was here. I needed a guise under which I could meet him. 

We were staying in one of my houses outside the city, nearly destroyed and barren that place was. Ed I made repairs as best as we could to make the place more habitable. I asked Ed to help me in the matter and he was reluctant, he believed that it would be more detrimental that good to meet him.  But after persuading him for a while. He caved and made contact with the warden of the castle.

Turns out his wife was a fan, so it was easy to coerce him, though he did took a bunch of money. But he agreed, all he had to do was. Take the suitcase and open it in his cell. That's all and he was surprised as to how easy of a job it was. He was happy to do it. So it settled and the next day he took the briefcase into the cell.

 I was inside the briefcase waiting to hear the click of the latches being opened. The thought of meeting a once dark lord was a little overwhelming. Which is odd since I had done it before yet this felt different. A small voice was always there in my head thinking about what would happen and what would I do. I finally heard the sound I was waiting for and even though it was a simple click to me it was like the drums of war.

I stepped out of the briefcase and I saw him sitting on a stone slab in a withered and tattered clothes. Grime and filth clung on the very walls and floors of the place. So dark I thought, the only source of light was a little window way at top. Even that will stop as the sun will go down.

The man said nothing and just looked at me, I turned to the warden and I nodded. He sighed and said, "Be careful… even though he doesn't look like much he's still… good luck." He got out of the cell and stood guard outside.

I paced the room looking for words to say to him, I had many questions in my stomach but didn't know where to start. "Care to have a seat?"

I turned and looked at him, "I'd rather not…" he chuckled and I sighed and reached around in my pocket looking for the book.

"Didn't know that girl had it in her." I looked at him confused.

"Your mother… that boorish girl… well, not so much nowadays I suppose. Wouldn't quite suite for a mother." he said as he looked at me.

"Didn't know that you were close with my family." 

"I wasn't… I just met her once, but I never thought that she would become so normal."

"She wasn't."

"Oh… hehehe… I apologize. So why are you here? Im sure your mother won't approve."

My gaze fell down and I sighed, "She's not here to… well anyway." I pulled out the books from my pocket and showed it to him.

His eyes ever so had a little glint in them, "Oh… you have balls to enter my vault… little one." I said nothing and he reached out for his books. I gave it to him and he roamed his hand around the books and asked, "Why are you here?"

I scoffed and said, "To have a picnic… why do you think. I can't open that book. The keys don't fit." 

He scoffed and handed to me, "If you had learned something from them, then you wouldn't have come here.  And I have nothing to say to you."

I walked closer to him and said, "I know every spell, every incantation, everything that's in that book."

His eyes widened and his face glowed in ecstasy, "Even the last one?"

I shrugged and nodded, he laughed and the warden looked at me "Quite him."

I looked at him and said, "Stop, laughing and tell me… how do I get this open?" 

He looked at me and nodded, he started tearing up the pages and I looked at him and asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Something you wound's do…" He got up and but the book and it's torn pages down and he said, "Give me your wand."

The guard saw it and said, "Don't." He started to open it and Grindlewald looked at me. I reluctantly gave him the wand I got from that guy in Brazil. "Sometimes, you need to sacrifice something… something very dear to gain… something very special." He burned the pages and the guard came in and said, "Put the wand down." 

The fire burned quickly and engulfed the whole book. He handed me the wand back and the gaurd said, "It's time for you to go." 

The ashes rise and formed a cloud. Gelert held the book up and the ashes fell down gently on it. He looked at them and smiled. He walked closer to me, the guard took steps back… he handed me the book. I took it and he hugged me close and whispered in my ear. "It's all up to you now." He looked at me and said, "The knowledge and power, immeasurable and unimaginable things await you there. The spell will help you… but it won't be enough."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Eternal Glory awaits you… but it demands trails and tribulations. Pass and your name will be etched in very fabric of the cosmos. Fail and you'll be lost to the darkness." The guard held my hand and pulled me back. I saw his face as he smiled. His words were real and he knew that it would spark a fire in me. I would be burnt but I have to.

I closed the journal and looked at the ceiling above wondering what was in that place. "Jon?" I turned and saw Tori. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. "Yeah."

She came over to the bed and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

I sat up straight and shrugged my shoulders and said, "Nothing, really." 

She turned and sat down between my lap with her legs over and said, "Really?" 

She kissed me and I nodded, "Really." We kissed for a while and it was going on as our usual. But she stopped and said, "Cause, lately you seem a little I don't know agitated."

I sighed and said, "Is this about that Draco thing… cause you saw it yourself. He was being a dick."

"i know." she kissed me again and said, "I think I can help you… if you are stressed you know?"

I looked at her and said, "I thought you were already doing that?"

She looked at me and giggled, "I was thinking maybe we can… you know?" She roamed her hands over my pitched tent and I looked at her and said, "Oh, really?" 

She nodded and I said, "Well, then I suppose… I should do the same. You know to be fair?"

She giggled and kissed me again, "okay."

She reached inside my pants and for the first time touched the little guy in there. "Whoa" She looked at me and I said, "Your hands are a bit cold."

She nodded and calmly touched it again, it was a soft touch like marshmallow. I took this chance and wrapped my hands around her back and inside her pants. I rooted around and quickly found the vertical folds. 

She shuddered and I looked at her, "Your hands are a bit cold." I smiled and kissed her. 

We both started to make each other feel better, it was ecstatic, slowly we're both so close we could feel eachother. Her hands were getting shaky but she was determined and continued on to move them. I was moving my fingers around and getting them inside her.

She was kissing me and playing with my hair with her free hand. I on the other hand was taking the opportunity to getting myself familiarized with her body. I roamed my free hand all over her. Her breasts were covered with the t-shirt but there was no bra. 

I played with her bountiful chest and pinched her nipples, "Hey!" 

I looked at her and took her lips and continued on to do so. She started to feel it better as well. She too started to play with my nipple which I found a bit funny. 

I was getting close and it looked like she did too, I fastened my fingers and she kissed me deeply. Our tongues played a game of catch. Saliva and sweat dripping off our bodies and no sight to stop. We pleasured each other deeply. And when the boiling point came. Like steam from a chimney. I let my seed out in her hands. Her pants were gushed with juices as she collapsed on my chest. 

Both of us caught our breath and she whispered, "Again?"

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