
Chapter 21

In the middle of the forest is a group of people dressed in black clothes, with weapons and different equipment attached to their uniforms. Standing around a crater, they seem to be investigating what has happened here. At the bottom of the crater is a woman standing in front of a space pod, scanning the small ship.

coming down the crater, someone walks toward the woman at the bottom. Standing behind her, they report their findings to her.

Soldier.1-"Captain, we have found a trail going into the forest from the left of the space pod."

After saying that Soldier.1 quietly stood behind her, waiting for further instructions. The captain hearing the information turns around and starts walking towards the left, following the trail, but not before ordering her team.

Captain-"Tell everyone to get ready, they couldn't have gotten far with them leaving close to nightfall. If we finish this quickly I might give you guys a bonus."

The soldier hearing the captain's order gets slightly excited at the prospect of more money, and he quickly runs off to inform his team.


Opening my eyes I am met with a little sunlight and a pink tail as always. Knowing it was Nala, I didn't even feel like waking her up, slowly trying to get out of that mess of a person. Finally out I start inspecting my body and checking how much I have healed.

Sage-'While I still feel pain from all over my body, I can actually move my body now. I should be fully healed up within another day or so.'

Finding Nala still asleep, I sit down and start my morning meditation. Curious about how good my ki control has gotten, I start lowering my ki to the best of my ability.

Sage-'I'm at 10% and that used to be my max, now let us see how much I have improved.'

Lowering my ki, I pass 9% with some difficulty and then 8% almost failing and I finally stop at about 7%.

Sage-'I have had a 3% improvement in those years, honestly better than I thought. But I won't settle for just this, I want to get it to at least below 4%.'

Hearing a noise, I get broken out of my meditation state. Annoyed, I look at Nala who has just woken up and interrupted my meditating session.

Nala-"*Yawn*I am fully rested. Now let's go find civilization and get a proper bed and clothes."

Sage-"Tsk. Fine whatever. I would like some better pants than what I'm wearing anyway, these are almost done for."

Saying that we both look down at my animal hide pants that have holes everywhere, and looks like the stitching that Nala did was going to come off. Yep, Nala created pants for me because she was always embarrassed that I only wore skirts with no underwear. So she made me some pants, which I didn't mind, so I wore them.

Nala-"Not only pants, but you're also going to need a shirt as well."

Hearing her say the word shirt made me look at her like she was crazy, before refusing her as if my life depended on it.

Sage-"NO! You will never catch me wearing a shirt, I would rather die than wear a shirt!"

Nala, listening to my rant just looks at me as if I was a crazy person now. Ignoring her look, I stand up and walk out of the den, with Nala right behind me.

Sage-"Since you wanted to go to civilization, you go first."

With Nala slithering in front and me walking behind, we are getting closer to the ki signatures I sensed yesterday. While walking I sense several ki signatures in the sky headed in our direction, but I don't bother with them. Thinking that they were just passing over us, and they were pathetically weak compared to me, even if I was currently injured.

A couple of minutes later I noticed that those ki signatures from earlier have been staying in our vicinity even when walking. I was slightly curious about what they were doing, but I didn't care enough to go out of my way to find out. 5 minutes later, I can confirm that they are targeting us now. They are constantly staying a certain distance from our position, and we are walking.

Sage-'Why are they following us? I haven't even killed anyone yet, whatever it's their funeral anyway.'

Thinking that I just shrug my shoulders ignoring our followers.


There is a hover plane in the sky, currently following a monkey-like person along with a snake-like person, a weird combination.

Soldier.2"Captain, we have found the targets."

The captain walks towards the big screen and looks at the targets, now that the camera has zoomed in she can get a good look at them. Looking at them she can say that they look quite young.

Captain-'*sigh* to think they were so young, that is unfortunate. But with their ship being built for only one person, I can keep the female and sell her on the black market for some good money.'

Captain-"Ok team get ready, just because they are kids and one is injured doesn't mean we will be careless, anything could happen."

Team-"Yes captain!"

With that, the place becomes busy with everyone grabbing their weapons and equipment.


Sage-'So they have decided to attack us? Finally, now I can get some information on this planet or hopefully the sector of this universe.'

Stepping on Nala's tail stopping her, she looks back confused.

Nala-"Why did you step on my tail?"

Sage-"We have guests arriving."

Nala-"What guests? We have only been on this planet for a day and we already have people hunting us. Be honest sage, what did you do?"

Hearing Nala complain and then blame me for something I didn't do, I just snort at and ignore her. About a minute later I see what looks like a mini heli-carrier but they look far more advanced than what I can barely remember. Floating above the trees, a couple of ropes come out from the side before I see a door open and several people come sliding down the rope, circling us.

Nala, seeing all this gets a little distressed, not knowing what to do. A little bit later we are completely surrounded and someone who looks like they are in charge comes up before us and starts talking.

Vice-Captain-"You 2 are under arrest for disobeying our planet's space order by not receiving our transmission. you will come with us forcefully or gently."

Nala-"I think there is a misunderstanding, you see we never received a transmission."

Nala says trying to calm the situation down, but I know that it's not gonna happen. I mean look at how many people they brought, that's not the number of people you bring for possible negotiation. And as if right on cue, the person talking took out a small weapon and pointed it at Nala.

Vice-Captain-"You will come with us whether yo-"

Well, he would've pointed it at Nala if I didn't fire a ki blast at him, disintegrating him along with everything he was wearing.


Yolo I've noticed a lot of comments about not wanting Nala as the Love interest, but I'm just hear to tell you she is the love interest, so if you don't like it you can just stop posting comments about it and stop reading as well. :) NO HAREM!!!!

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts
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