
New Friends

My stool disappeared from beneath me, the sensation of free falling overtaking me. No sooner had that sensation ceased than my back had met the ground. I reopened my eyes from the fall to find Lilith's bronze dagger shaking in the air inches above my chest.

Restraining her wrist was the unmoving fist of Theseus. Lilith's blood red eyes returned, her hair was levitating from her head, it's once blonde curls now pitch black. Her once smooth lightly tan face was once again dry and cracked, and gray. Pure hate radiated from her as she fought to break through Theseus's grip with pure brute force.

Unfazed, he simply stood, his fist still holding Lilith tightly. He stretched a leg to step over me, using his other foot to gracefully slide me backwards across the floor behind him as he repositioned himself between Lilith and I.

"Lilith. You need to stop. He is still learning. And likely so is Lucifer. You cannot protect one if you kill the other." Lilith replied with a swift knee to his side. Theseus audibly grunted, but otherwise was unmoved. He was larger than Lilith by significant margin, but it was apparent she could still fend for herself. Scrambling up to a crouching position, I heard the door behind us creek open as Ace finally reappeared.

"τι κάνεις?" His deep voice echoed without emotion. "Lily, Theseus. Quit your rough housing and come eat." Ace walked to the nearby booth and placed a massive tray of food, turning around to help me up, his lumbering and massive figure making me feel like a child.

As I stood, I looked to see that Lilith and Theseus had already ceased their exchange. Lilith's face was returning to a soft tan white, her solid red eyes returning to their natural state.

"Ελπίζω να με συγχωρήσεις" Theseus replied, their words were foreign, but his shameful look translated his apology as he approached Ace, who took him into his arms happily.

"Είναι εντάξει, αγάπη μου" Ace replied soft and sweetly with uncharacteristic emotion, a smile beneath his bullish nose. "Now, it is your turn, Lilly." He said as he motioned with his head to me. Even in the dim light of the bar and standing more than ten feet away I could see Lilith's jaw clench.

"Oh, that's fin-" I began, but she strode towards me angrily. I visibly flinched and she stopped, standing just over a full arms length away.

"I'm sorry." She said, her cheeks turning a shade of red as she avoided eye contact. Her hands reached up for her hair as she began fidgeting. "But from this moment on, you do what I say, when I say it. Okay? I will protect Lucifer, understood?"

Theseus chortled as he clapped me on the back. "Young Desmond, I dare say that is the most apologetic I have seen our dear Lady Lily in a thousand years!"

"Theseus, That is enough. Let us eat." Ace's voice echoed through the room, ringing a long forgotten bell in my stomach. I was starving! I looked over at the tray of food on the table and my mouth began to salivate. The first to catch my eye was the decedent green leaves of the dolma perfectly wrapped next to a massive bowl of Tzatziki and Hummus. A large circular plate sat inviting with still steaming slices of lamb and a mound of what appeared to be shredded chicken. The fragrance wafting together into my nostrils enticing me to forget all my troubles and indulge.

My stomach growled audibly. Twice today I would eat my favorite food. 'Wait.' I thought. 'Where were my left overs from work?' I began searching the room for my work back, the last I recalled I had left it in there, but the bag was nowhere to be seen.

"Desmond, What are you looking for?" Theseus inquired as he slid into the booth with all the food.

"My work bag. I don't remember where I put it." I answered searching under my stool, beside the bar, and the front door.

"Work bag?" Lilith asked curiously as she began to sit down opposite to Theseus. "You don't have a work bag."

"What do you mean? Of course I have a- oh no." I slapped my palm to my forehead. "I forgot it on the train with the angels." Lilith froze momentarily as she considered the consequence's. Shrugging and sliding into the booth she decided it was not a problem worth pondering. "I'm sure it's fine. Nothing in that bag could lead them here."

"You don't understand. My phone and wallet were in that bag. My contacts, address, my money. It's all in that bag." Sweat began to bead at my forehead as I continued the fall into anxiety once again. "My whole life was in that bag…"

"Desmond. Relax. You are alive and safe my friend. They will not find you here so quickly. Stop pacing and come eat." Theseus's words did not put my mind at ease, but they did remind me of my protesting stomach, which shook violently at my thoughtlessness.

Taking a cautious seat next to Lilith, who was already idly snacking on a small plate of grilled chicken. I looked up to see everyone save her staring at me.

"Are you just going to stare and grumble with your stomach? Or will you eat?" Ace questioned over his own empty plate.

"Trust me Desmond, Asterion makes excellent food, and manners dictate he cannot serve himself until his guest eats." Theseus took several handfuls of various foods and placed them onto my plate. Chicken, pita, hummus, tzatziki, lamb, chicken. It was curious the way he made everything fit onto my small plate while reaching from across the table as awkwardly as he was. "Please. Eat. Eat."

Our night faded to an end as I availed them to the rest of my story and the events of that day. We had decided as a group to delay our talk about plans until Lucifer could be involved. We did not exit the bar until all of the food was eaten and my stomach was full to bursting.

It was late now. Very late. Or perhaps it was early.. When we finally retired to our beds. Taking the old creaky stairs up to the living space above the bar, Theseus and Asterion offered Lilith and I their bed, but Lilith flat out refused. She insisted that I take the couch and she would sleep in the armchair beside it. Everyone argued for a moment, before Asterion finally acquiesced and entered his bedroom with Theseus.

The tiles on the wall were colorful and bright, even in the dark. Rugs of various shapes and colors lined the floors in a haphazard fashion, as if we were walking on a broken rainbow. Two large hutches stuffed with old statues, antique weapons and rusted armor sat across from the couch, a small vintage tube television laid between. A large poorly knitted blanket sat over the back of the couch and I curled up in it as soon as I laid down for what felt like the first time in my life. I had planned to talk to Lilith more to better understand the situation I found myself in, but I soon discovered it was impossible, for sleep took me as soon as I felt myself relax into the soft yet itchy cushions of Ace's couch. I was safe, for now. Though tomorrow would surely bring with it a new set of dangers.

I awoke the next morning to the sounds of hushed voices, creaking floor boards and clinking cups. The early morning melody took me back to when my parents would take me on vacations as a boy. We would always sleep in the same hotel room; they were always up first, whispering and drinking their coffee so as not to wake me. The memory would have been complete, not for the terribly uncomfortable couch that I had slept in. I sat upright and stretched the kinks out of my spine and neck.

"Ace, you're like a bull in a china shop, you've woken him up!" Theseus's voice returned to standard volume as he peered out the kitchen doorway at me. Sunlight struck him from the pair of windows that lined the house on the eastern side.

"Oh my, You must think yourself witty, perhaps you would like to replace him on the couch?" Ace's voice was still as monotone as ever, but I thought I could almost hear a faint hint of a playful tone in his voice. Standing to continue my stretch I noticed that Lilith was missing from her chair as well.

"Mmmm yes, quite the stretch, Desmond. Good Morning." Lucifer's voice greeted, it was obvious by his tone he had been kept waiting.

"Oh, Good Morning Lucifer. How are you feeling?" I inquired, the feeling of awkwardness at talking to myself in my head washing back over me.

"Much better, thank you. You must eat though. I used a near dangerous amount of your calories last night repairing my divinity, please pass my sincerest gratitude to our hosts for the exquisite meal." My stomach growled loudly in agreement. Sharp pains of emptiness struck my bowls as well. I felt as if I had not eaten in days, or perhaps months.

"Oh man. You aren't kidding." I responded, rubbing my stomach as if to soothe it like a wounded animal. Theseus left the kitchen and beckoned me in.

"Come. You've woken just in time. Breakfast is ready. I hope you like eggs and bacon. My bull of a husband has made far too much!"

Theseus's smirk told me this was a game of theirs, and the sound of a knife sharpening loudly in the kitchen confirmed it. I chuckled as I followed behind him.

"It appears you have found safety with some interesting characters." Lucifer mused quietly.

"Yes. They are Theseus and Asterion from the Greek mythos." I answered his leading question with ease.

"Hmmm. Greek, you say? I have heard many tales of Theseus and his Minotaur lover, though I doubt they can be of any use to us." His words rang of an indifference and callousness that I did not appreciate.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I retorted. "They've already helped us far more than they needed to." Perhaps I was overreacting to Lucifer's word choice. The very idea that someone needed to be of use despite the fact that these two men had so selflessly taken us into their home; That someone would speak of them in this way while being basically what amounted to a fugitive on the lam, irritated me.

"Excuse me?" Lucifer's tone was flat and dripping with a sophisticated and even measured malice.

"Nothing." I answered as I entered the kitchen, doing my absolute best to shake off my annoyance. I was surprised to see a rather spacious eating area. To the left was a long wall with cupboards, countertops, a sink and gas stove. Asterion stood before the fires, the scents wafting from his pans made my stomach quiver with excitement.

For his part though, Asterion was looking similar, yet completely different from the night before. Two, one foot long thick white horns protruded from his thick messy hair, they bowed out up, perfect for spearing into foes I thought. His legs were now clearly fur covered and hoof laden. I could see a large golden bangle around his left wrist that I also noted to be on Theseus's wrist as well.

I had been advised multiple times that Ace was a minotaur, so the change in appearance was not altogether unexpected, though I was noticing so much more about the man now. How had I missed so many details from the night prior? I mused that perhaps it was the purpose of dive bars to obscure one's senses.

"We thought it would be best to let you see Ace in all his natural glory." Theseus smirked as he hugged the half man from behind, his fingers locking around his midsection.

"Perhaps too natural?" Lilith chimed in from the round table in the dining area beyond the small kitchenette.

"My sentiments exactly." Lucifer agreed. I couldn't help but smirk at the exchange, after the previous day's exploits with Yarhibol, I figured a little light hearted foolery was just what the doctor ordered.

I approached the circular dining table on the other side of the room where Lilith sat, feet up and leaning back in her chair, balancing effortlessly. Theseus and Asterion weren't the only ones that I was able to see in more detail with morning light. I had known I had seen it before, even when I first saw Lilith, but it really was quite eerie how much her tan skin was similar to Lucifer's. The only real difference was that her skin appeared impossibly smooth. High cheekbones framed a regal nose with a slight upturn at the end, like a button. Her almond shaped eyes were still a deep red that could be mistaken for brown at a passing glance, I knew they could get much redder though, and felt myself shiver at the recollection of the night before. I still was not entirely sold on whether she was a friend or foe.

I had not noticed before, but besides her soft yet wide jawline, she had a mild cleft chin. That surprised me. For some reason everything about Lilith seemed to be perfectly sculpted as if by design; having a cleft chin myself, and having been teased for it constantly growing up, I had always thought that meant they were undesirable, so much so that as soon as I was able to grow a beard, I did so in order to cover it up.

"Yes, yes. We get it, Desmond. You think she is beautiful, and you are correct, that is by design; just be careful not to be caught gawking." Lucifer's voice interrupted my train of thought. I'd already forgotten how easily Lucifer could perceive my every thought and glance.

"I just met her last night okay! I'm getting a good look at everyone.., not just her.." I replied defensively, trying to hide the shades of crimson that were growing on my cheeks.

Theseus slid into a seat beside me, pushing Lilith's feet off the table in the process.

"Have some manners in my house, would you?" His tone was joking, but something about his glare made me believe he really meant it.

"Don't forget that half your house is a dirty old bar." Lilith replied in an equally half-joking tone. Her chair seemed to float forward so graciously I couldn't even hear the front two legs hit the bare wooden floor.

"It appears I have missed much. Would you care to fill me in?" Lucifer's voice chimed in just as Theseus and Lilith began to delve into some meaningless, teasing conversation about home etiquette. Leaning back in my chair, arms crossed against the morning chill, I told Lucifer as much as I could remember from the previous night. I started from when he took possession of my body, how it felt, the fleeing from Yarhibol and Lilith's intervention. I explained exactly who Theseus and Asterion were and how Lilith brought us here for help. Lucifer was quiet and listened the whole time.

Normally such a quiet listener would provoke the speaker to verify they were not actually asleep, but I knew that would not be the case. As I finished the tale, Lucifer did not say a single word, but simply harrumphed as if deep in thought. He stayed that way and continued to think. It was times like this that I was annoyed I could not hear his thoughts. While Lucifer did his thinking, Ace finished cooking and brought another large tray of food over. Several bowls lined its surface as he set the prize down in the middle of the table. Scrambled eggs; bacon, sausage, toast, grapes, apples and melon.

"Oh my, someone wants to spoil his guests." Theseus mused, grinning.

"Thanks Ace. This looks great." Lilith added as she pulled one of the tiny plates off the tray and began filling it with the various foods.

"Yes. Thank you Ace!" I added as I followed suit. Asterion simply smiled softly as he watched us fill our plates. As we began to eat he took a hair tie from his wrist and began tying up his long thick hair behind his horns.

It was then that I saw a long scar across his throat and neck. Straight and thick. I recalled what Lilith and Theseus had told me of their story, and couldn't help but glance repeatedly as I thought back on it. I was trying to be subtle, but Theseus must have caught on as his hand slid up Ace's arm to brush his scarred neck.

"Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could take this back." His words were sobering and filled with regret. Ace brought his hand up and took Theseus's hand in his own.

"None of us were in control back in those days." Asterion's tone was somber as well, yet also seemed practiced, as if they had gone over this before many times.

"I am just thankful for Thanatos. I owe him an unpayable debt." Theseus's hand slid back down his lover's arm until his fingers laced into his.

"Who is Thanatos?" I asked, Lilith seemed uninterested in the conversation, but I had many questions.

"Desmond, be careful. These are immortal beings you are asking about. Many take offense at being asked so frankly of their history." Lucifer warned carefully in the back of my mind.

"Theseus and Ace have been nothing but kind, and I need to learn as much as I can in order to survive, right?"

"Sometimes you do manage to impress me with your forward thinking, Desmond. Just be cautious, that is all I ask." I could feel his satisfaction in the back of my mind and couldn't help but hide a smirk.

"Thanatos is the Greek god of death. Think of him as a grim reaper if you will." Theseus started as he released Ace's hand and pulled up the sleeve of his forearm. Beneath his sleeve was a tattoo of an upside down torch, its fire blazing hot and red at its base, but dripping downward to his wrist like hot wax.

"One of the many symbols of Thanatos." Asterion inserted, his monotone explanation seemed only to draw my attention further. "I do not know why he brought me back from the dead. It was many, many years after our faith began to diminish. But I awoke one day, alive and well. A single black feather in my hand, and a note that read 'Your duties are not yet completed, beastman. Go forth and atone.' I have never known what he meant, and have not seen him then or since." Asterion's voice cracked with emotion for the first real time. I could see the water in his eyes as Theseus took his hand once more.

"We found each other many years later, and I got this tattoo in homage to Thanatos. I am wholly devoted to him now, and pray to him nightly. I know I am no human, but If my prayers offer him even the smallest amount of power, I will give it heartily, for without him, I would know a life of loveless unend." Theseus smiled brightly as he spoke, as if he was seeing some beautiful image before him.

"Just wait till he begins puking rainbows.." Lilith groaned sarcastically, everyone laughed.

"That's a great story, thank you." I added, appreciative, to learn more about the pair.

"No, thank you, Desmond. You have given us a reason to reminisce. However, I'm afraid that is not why we are here, is it? We have precious little time." His voice set a serious tone. "Let us eat, and talk of war."

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