
Chapter 91.

[Sorry for the no chap yesterday, had uni, and got home late-- Also, enjoy!]

"Congratulations, sir. You did an amazing job with the script," Ian said walking toward Moses.

"I should be thanking you for writing an amazing story and giving me the honor to bring it alive. My wish for a successful final film came true because of you, son. Thanks for it," Moses said, patting Ian on the shoulder.

"The script is most likely the only thing I participated with, in the successful movie. A legend like you would have found a way to create such a comparable movie one way or another. This whole achievement is yours, I'm just a small part of it," Ian mentioned humbly.

"You are a humble soul, Ian. I hope you achieve all the greatness you deserve in the industry. This probably would not be the final time we meet, but I'm sure, by the next time I see you, you would be an untouchable persona in the industry, so before anyone else does it, kudos for it!" Moses said with a meaningful smile and clinked their glasses together.

"For a good future," Ian said and took a sip of his drink.

After one more hour of meeting, talking to directors, and associating with actors and actresses, Ian left the party early, knowing the next day would be a very important day– that too, related to his next big hit. The official trailer would be a day away from being released within seven hours from then, and Ian couldn't feel more excited inside as he drew for his house from the party premises.

Although the arrangements at the box office were made mentioning the release date and all, everything would go public within a few hours with the release of the movie trailer. And that could be nerve-wracking for any director.



The logo of 'Renner Studio' appeared on the screen, and two pigeons flew across, revealing the letters clearly– RS. In a millisecond, the entire screen was covered with bats, flying toward the screen. The screen light dimmed and the darkness covered the screen— with the sounds of bats tapping their wings— it brought the screen slide to where young Bruce was inside the cave.

"What is your biggest fear?" A masculine voice questioned in the background.

Young Bruce was looking terrified. His eyes were huge, his hands were trembling, and was visibly sweating– his eyes focused on the dark side of the cave.

The screen went black and Bruce Wayne woke up, with a beard– eyes flooded with so many questions at once. In front of him, there was Ra's-al Ghul.

"It was not YOUR fault!"

The scene of Bruce and Ra's-al Ghul fighting showed up– the slides of Bruce fighting and training showed in a blink of an eye. The way slides changed and every one of his moves was eye-catching.

The intensity of the sound increased with other dialogues from Ra's-al Ghul overlapping the background music. The trailer then included different parts of the movie that Ian himself felt were special and showed a glimpse of the core of the movie.

"A legend, Mr. Wayne." Ra's-al Ghul said, looking directly into the camera.

Then it showed some scenes with the Tumbler, Bat-gadgets, and how he made the whole Batman superhero come alive.

"But the man I loved…" Rachel's voice came over and the scene where Rachel and Bruce kissed appeared.

It then showed opening a closet with the Batman costume and mask. The beat of the music which increased with every blink on the screen– made the trailer more superhero-like.

Scenes with Batman in his costume, flying, and fighting came over and over. The background music kept intensifying with every second bringing chills down the spine.


Await… February 29th, 2019.

Copyrights Renner Studio. All rights reserved.

Renner Studio

Directed by; Ian Renner

Produced by; Martin Ward

"Now this is astonishing, isn't it? I'm sure the media would go crazy tomorrow the first thing after this is released. You are creating history in the world of Superhero movies, Ian," Martin said watching the trailer and yet seated beside Ian.

"This is just the beginning, what do you think?" Ian questioned Mason who sat next to them.

"I think that is going to be a big hit. The second hit in a row, by Renners, good going, Ian," Mason said and stood up to leave.

"Thanks, let's see how people like it. I'm sure since this is going to be the very first superhero movie that they'd experience with a total change, this would be different," Ian said and clicked the button to replay the trailer; in fact, it was quite addictive.


| @Sarah.Oliver ✔

| Finally the BATMAN BEGINS trailer is out! Check out, everyone! The movie is going to be A BANGER considering how GOOD the trailer is!! I'm NOT even joking! IAM should definitely help promote this more!! It deserves all the spotlight! Good job @Renner Studio and @Ian Renner.


|→ @MrPiggyDimples

I just watched it for the reason that SARAH tagged the movie! But man! I think this must be one of the BEST trailers I have ever seen! The temptation to watch the movie is REAL! I just hope the days pass quickly! #gonnatakemygf

|→ @cereal.killer

I can't believe this is finally out! I have been waiting for AGES to watch some good superhero MOVIE! Like look at the trailer!!! Finally I feel like SOMEONE brought out the true colors of the DC COMIC CHARACTERS! #Batman_Begins

|→ @HotnaMEhere

Sarah Oliver nweeting in ages be lyk:

[a gif of a group of guys falling one over another]

Realizing it's to promote the new trailer of Batman Begins:

[a gif of a group of guys running back without turning]

Sarah, you just made all the guys who simped on you, run away to simp on Batman. Ngl, I'd let Batman eff me. The trailer is SO GOOD! #cantwaitforthemovie

| @Ian Renner ✔

The wait is finally over! The trailer of Batman Begins is out! Go check it out! For all the #DC_Fans #Comic_fans #Superhero_Fans and #Batman_Fans! This is going to be the beginning of a new Superhero Era! I'm so glad and honored to be the 'heart' of the whole project! Comment down which part you like the most in Batman Comics, and which part you await!

[...] "Already two million views, and it has been just nine hours, I can't believe it, this must be the best day of my entire life," Martin had tears in his eyes while reading the comments on the trailer.

Many people had praised how attractive, tempting and how intense the trailer was in its very first release. People who were not fans of the comics were hyped due to how good the trailer was. The DC fans were excited that the views, comments, and hype just kept building higher and higher.

"Superhero side of Hollywood just started, and I'm happy we did a great job with the movie. The reactions once the movie gets out are going to be even better," Ian said with a smile that reached his eyes.

"There are already so many popular channels talking about the trailer and everything on U-Tube. Let's check some of them. Celebrating the success after months worth of grinding, is something that you both deserve more than anything," Mason said while typing the most famous channel on U-Tube for Hollywood.

"Hello, Hollywood lovers! Welcome to Euphoric Hollywood once again! BATMAN BEGINS? Yay!" The girl in a white dress shouted while the intro of the channel played quickly after.

"Panther Studios of the years have tried a lot to save the comics, superheroes with their different attempts at movies and animated cartoons. People who adored the comics as kids kind of left the whole fandom realizing anything new won't be out anytime sooner due to how dull the whole part of the industry worked for quite a while.

BUT NOW! I can shout saying things have finally changed! We LOVED Batman as we were kids, and were in the cartoons saving the day! Today a few hours ago, Renner Studios finally announced the release of the trailer of Batman Begins! Which includes the multi-millionaire company owner's son, Bruce Wayne turning to Batman to save Gotham City.

With no doubt, from the trailer itself, we can assume how addictive the movie would be! Especially none other than Ian Renner– Oscar winner for the youngest recipient is behind the camera as the director of the movie!

Also, it is mentioned how Martin Ward worked as the producer to make the character Batman come alive in the movie! For those who don't know who Martin Ward is— He is a director from Panther Studio, who keeps working day and night to bring out new content and keep the Superhero fandom alive!

The hope we lost when it comes to DC Comics is being found with this new release of the trailer! Without wasting any more opinions or ideas, I will take you guys for the trailer!"

The girl pointed to her right, and the video changed to some parts from the trailer. The rest of the U-Tube content included how they assumed the storyline to be. They had compared the content in the comics and had explained assuming what happens and when it would happen.

It was fun for Ian, Martin, and Mason to watch, as the lady kept explaining scenes that they thought would be in the movie.

||__A word from me__||

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