
Luck, And The Anima Tribes


The young Luck was born 13 years ago in a small village composed mostly of Anima people of three tribes, that had converged due to survival reasons long ago. Mostly composed of Fox Anima, Wolf Anima, and Sheep Anima, despite their differences, they survived and lived together despite everything else. The harsh conditions of the Northern Lands of the Continent of Atlanta called for cooperation above all else for survival.

While the elves lived and conquered all the fruitful, nature-filled places, other nomadic and less organized tribes, such as the Anima, were discriminated against and pushed to the very arid border of the continent, separated from the verdant areas by a gigantic mountain range, these tribes sought and hunted for survival.

Over time, their numbers became less and less, and Luck was born in perhaps one of the very last villages within these arid, desertic lands…

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