
Traveling Back

Morava shrugged as she sipped more tea. The tea helped her calm down her nerves, but she would occasionally shudder as the thought of how she was taken again and again by the Alphas. "How would I know?" she said. "I was in the dungeons." 

Alphard scratched his brows as he tried to process the information. "Can you elaborate a little more?" Lusitania was Morava's sister? The news was simply too much to comprehend. Then where was she all these years?

Morava looked far in the distance outside her window. There was a heavy blizzard going on. It hadn't stopped ever since she had come. "Lusitania was a slave in the Cetus Monastery and her master was the High Priest, Menkar." Without glancing at Alphard, she continued to narrate the story right from the beginning. However, she stopped somewhere in the middle and snapped her gaze at him. He was listening very attentively to her. "I will continue with the rest of the story in King Felis's presence." 

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