
Raid-Boss Wishomoppu (4)

Well, being all this time at the bottom of the Endless Vomitlands had me thinking about why the hell I was doing all of this to myself?

All of that just because the Mop decided to be a spinny demon boi and create a whirlpool. When an unfortunate clone had arrived in this whirlpool concentrated laser fire began to reap the walking XP donation.

Yada, yadda death counter really high, level up notifications every few seconds, a mop saying stuff related to cleaning the world, the dude next to me giving info nobody gave a damn about... You all knew it by now.

The more I repeat this the more it felt like I was suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer's. Talking about anything else would have been darn lovely─but there was literally nothing else.

Pretty much like the walking simulator situation, I had to pull every single thing I said out of my jiggly ass. One could pretend and act like something major had happened while lying through your teeth.

Noticing the strong appearance of the lasers the clones' nipple lasers began to fire back. Both of these colourful lasers met one another and a big explosion shook the entire Endless Vomitlands...

Were several laws of physics broken just now? Yes.

Would anyone even be bothered by such a thing? Or would their mind wander to the laser-shooting nipples? My bet clearly was on the weaponized and somehow sexualized latter.

Sadly, any form of resistance from these clones was mere fiction at this point. As far as the other story goes, there never had been any big powers they had been given. Every single one of them was just bulky and resistant to most types of damage through the power of solid muscles.

Laser-fire was definitely not included in the list of things they were prepared for. You know, a world-ending Mop was not exactly part of the plot for this universe. This was supposed to be a world full of magic...not a homework problem for tortured students?

" You are a pile of durable human clones and a laser with a force of 10 PW attacks you from above. The lasers take 0.125 seconds to cut through one layer of clones. Your lookalikes may die, but they can respawn after 2 seconds have passed. How many clone layers do you need above you to survive the laser onslaught?"

Note: The level of up rate stood in no correlation to the damage output of the powerful weaponry directed above you. Atmospheric pressure and the general humidity are negligible. And so on and so forth.

I think we all could agree that this story should not be read when you plan on thinking about any of this.

Everything was absurd and was easily enjoyed with an attitude best described as "no thoughts, head empty"

Since there was no way to make sense of something, which was entirely devoid of any logic from the moment it started to this very day. If someone found any logic in this piece of "art" then they should consult a therapist as well.

As if a divine entity had heard their cue another strange thing took place. Before anyone asked me, no, I had no idea; this was neither part of my notes nor did I even think about adding such a thing.

Somehow, and don't ask about the mechanism behind it, the clones had begun to fuse with one another. A wave of clones threw itself in front of the laser and 2 savages began to dance strangely atop the stacked bodies of their brethren.

Then, boom 2 naked dudes became a slightly taller, still naked dude. Said slightly taller dude, found an equally tall dude and they repeated the dance again. Out came an even taller psycho, but he was STILL naked.

This process was repeated over and over again until a gigantic fleshy, nude dude had been born.

With even more small dudes fusing themselves to create the biggest, most massive clone possible. That would have to wait quite a while as the lasers did not wait till its nemesis would have been born.

Yet, despite all the strength it had gained by murdering everyone; it took too much time to get rid of the fused specimen. For every one killed, two new would pop up like unfunny memes captioned by old people.

It looked like a psychopath-Titan had been born to put an end to the tyranny of Wishmoppu; but that name would violate copyrights, so we will just call rim a really Beeg Psycho.

Of course, every body part grew had grown with him. Yes, the thing down there was now up there in the sky and quite the weapon. Alas, the only real loser was the planet full of yandere─cuz, I doubt anyone would be able to take that thing head-on.

As such our Beeg Psycho would eternally remain a virgin.

Press F to pay respect to the glorious sacrifice. Unless you have a gigantic yandere to spare, I was sure we can arrange a solution that made everyone involved happy.

The big, nude dude had not realized his current sad fate and stood before the Wishmoppu.

He did what every sane musclebrain would do in such a situation─flexing them new muscles. Yes, our Beeg Psycho was striking several bodybuilder poses that highlighted his newfound strength.

The Mop tried its hardest to pierce through its new enemy, yet every projectile and the lasers dealt absolutely no harm to the glorious abs, a 10-pack, the humongous dude rocked. He just continued to flex his biceps to show the badass he always had been.

And so these 2 monsters continued their standoff, with literally nothing happening whatsoever. One was way too much in love with themselves and the other was too busy taking care of all the other small fries to gather strength for the BIG GUY.

The ancient evil realized that its current weaponry was not enough, therefore it decided to stop playing around with the inferior lifeforms.

" This one respects your strength, you have proven yourself worthy to receive 10% of my strength. Tell your ancestors in Heaven about the glory of dying from 10% of my power" the voice of the mop boomed across the battlefield.

Attracted by an unknown force all the vomit, the sea of blood and half-digested food began to rise up towards the sky and gathered in a single spot.

Over time it grew bigger and bigger forming a gigantic meteoroid of filth looming over everyone's head.

The Endless Vomitlands had temporary become the Endless Grasslands again.

Even the muscle-loving Beeg Psycho had stopped looking at his muscles. Instead, a big smile had formed on his face seeing the big attack clouding the sky. It was a grin, of absolute savagery. Without a doubt─this attack would and could not be dodged.

But Wishmoppu was far from done, in the destroyed city and the ravaged landscape began to make its way to amass into the attack, which blocked out the entire sun already. Was it trying to end this entire world?

Or why was it trying the dinosaur move? Come on, do we really have to start an ice age, when clothes were already this rare?

All of a sudden, the possessed cleaning tool teleported itself above the meteoroid.

" Thank you for waiting; I, the great Wishmoppu, hope you will not disappoint me"

"Clean Arts, hidden Technique: Meteor of Filthiness"

And down came the gigantic attack, down to destroy this entire plane whole...

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