
Dead shot

The auction is soon, too soon in my opinion, last night Deadshot killed some rich human, he is unimportant just like the rest of them.

What is important is that Deadshot made a move, and now I know he is here, which makes finding him so much easier. I wish I knew when he would have killed that guy so I could have just been there.

It was already mid-day and the auction is tonight, I left the house with Dembe, and we went to my bar to see what was going on.

Once we went to the bar I turned to Dembe and said, "I have to go to the bathroom,"

He nodded back, I turned and went inside the bathroom. Locking the door I turned into a bat and flew out of the window. It was a cloudy day so the sun didn't really affect me.

Mid-flight, I turned back into my base form and left with a blur, I can move much faster like this.

I rapidly approached my location, a small rental apartment I know that he is there, and I figured it out relatively easily.

When you don't have to sleep and have an amazing amount of brain processing power, coding, and hacking, are skills you pick up like picking up trash.

I know what Deadshot looks like, so I hacked into every single camera I could, and I saw him enter this building.

Finding out his room is easy, the smell of gun powder and ink is easily recognizable. And to my senses which I'm currently using at full blast, it's an almost overbearing smell.

Turning myself into smoke I slipped into the room before Deadshot could react I was already in his mind, putting several mental suggestions, and more into his head.

Before he even realized what happened I left and headed back to the bar.

Checking my phone, I saw I was only gone for ten minutes.

I walked out of the bathroom and said to Dembe, "So, do you think I should increase the size of this place?"

"No, make it classier," he replied in the least amount of words he could

I understood what he meant though, make the bar a place for high-class individuals, like for meetings, and such.

The bar is already like that, but I get what he means, elevate the bar to a higher level. Just because I am now the CEO of Queens Consolidated doesn't mean I am going to just abandon something I already bought.

We stayed a little longer, I snuck down to my base for a bit to throw some knives, it calmed me, staying in a room full of humans doesn't really interest me that much, so I needed that little calming session.

The rest of the day went by rather slowly, I didn't really do much but, talk to Walter about the business, I do need to learn as much as I can.

Dembe and I left the house and headed for the auction, it was a rather short drive not as long as I would have liked that's got sure.

Dembe turned to me and said in his classic bored tone, "we are here sir,"

"Ugh, Dembe I wish I could skip this thing," I replied in disgust

"It's for the good of your leadership sir," Dembe replied with a ghost of a smirk

Letting our a sigh I replied, "I know I know," my tone showed my annoyance

I got out of the car, and Dembe followed me dutifully.

We walked in and everyone turned to look at me, it's something I have to get used to, humans scrutinizing me ME of all beings.

I gave them the best smile I could muster and then walked toward Walter, "Walter it's good to see you!" I said in a happy tone

Walter gave me a soft smile then gestured to the person beside him "Lucas, I'm glad you arrived, let me introduce you to Brandon Lock,"

Brandon Lock, the man responsible for most imports and transports my company uses.

"Mr. Lock, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said with a fake smile while holding my hand out

She took my hand and replied, "Mr. Queen, the pleasure is mine, I'm glad you could come, I have been looking forward to meeting you. Maybe sometime we should hit the golf course?" he was certainly a kind human

Hitting the golf course equals talking business while golfing.

"We should, and please call me Lucas," I said amicably

He smiled then replied "Then call me Brandon,"

I quite literally had the same conversation with ten more people, it was like I was copying and pasting literally everything that was said. Except for this one woman that asked me out to dinner, I said I will check my schedule. I mean why would I pass up a free blood bag?

As soon as I was finished talking to the important people in the room, I went to find my sister.

"Hey sis, are you enjoying the night?" I asked with a small smile

She rolled her eyes at me, "oh you know it's been great, I have been thinking of all of the possible ways to kill myself,"

Letting out a soft chuckle I responded, "aha, you know even if you don't like being here, I appreciate you coming,"

I saw Oliver come in as I said that, before he could even say something a red dot was on my sister.


I moved and shielded her, the bullet pierced my skin, and I felt it lodge itself right in my left shoulder.

""AHHHH!"" the crowd started to scream

"Argh!" I made an exaggerated noise of pain while falling down with my sister

I stopped my body forcefully from ejecting the bullet and healing my body immediately.

Now all I have is a hole and a bullet in my body it doesn't even hurt.

"Lucas!" Thea screamed in horror

"It's alright sis," I replied softly trying to calm her down

"No no no," she said repeatedly

"Thea! It's fine," I said giving her a fake strained smile

I noticed Oliver was already gone, and I could hear the ambulance in the distance.

Dembe had his gun pulled out, ready to defend my family and me, he was probably beating himself up inside right now. I should make it up to him and Thea latter.

Soon the ambulance came and I was helped inside, my whole family was with me.

I was putting mental suggestions inside the paramedic's head to cover the wound.

"Hold this to the wound, you will be okay Mr. Queen," he said to me urgently

I did as he asked, and waited to arrive at the hospital.

"It seems the bullet is still inside your shoulder, it looks like it missed the important stuff, you might be in a cast for a while but, you will be okay sir," the paramedic told me with a soft reassuring smile

"My baby," Moira cried as Walter held her

Thea just held onto my hand, not saying anything. And Dembe still had his gun out staying focused.

I honestly wanted them to leave, everything would be much easier if I was alone, not many know about how Deadshot has curare-tipped bullets, so I can pass off the whole poison thing for now.

Plus I can also make the argument that Deadshot wasn't the shooter, essentially I have nothing to worry about, well maybe I have to worry about the mental trauma my sister is currently going through right now.

We made it to the hospital pretty fast, I was still acting like I was in unimaginable pain, they put me on one of those rolling things, and as I was rolled to my hospital room the paramedic was explaining to the doctor the state of my injuries.

The next thing I know I was in a hospital room with my family waiting outside, Dembe practically made them have him in the room.

What a protective guy!

I began to manipulate my doctor's minds, I made them only give me a shoulder cast, no fuss about how I'm not injured.

Dembe saw everything though, he looked at me with deep eyes when he saw my wound looked like a mosquito bite, even with me trying to stop the healing, the doctor used these metal prong-type things to take out the bullets, again there was barely any blood, finally, the doctor left and told me to rest.

"You are very interesting sir," Dembe said calmly

"Oh, how so?" I asked with a smirk

"I saw nothing sir, just an injured man getting treatment," Dembe replied giving me a blank look

I already have the mental suggestion 'don't yell Lucas Queen's secrets' in his head so I'm not worried, but that would affect his reaction.

How does he not react at all!?

It's kind of scary.

-Oliver Pov -

"You're a criminal and a murderer," Diggle said as he turned and stumbled away

'A criminal and a murderer' his words echoed in my head

He's wrong, I am a hero, and I will save my city.

My brother was shot when he protected Thea, but why did the Deadshot try to kill Thea? And how did my brother survive, not that I'm mad, but the hospital couldn't have had the resources to cure Lucas of the curare poison, so many things happened that don't add up, Lucas could have saved Thea and dodged the bullet I'm sure of that.

So why? It just doesn't make sense, nothing that happened tonight makes sense, something is wrong, and I need to find out what it is.

I gazed at the spot Diggle stood before he left, he doesn't understand me now, but he will, eventually he will see how rotten this city is, and I am the only cure.


Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm having to balance a lot rn. I think I got a method down now. I got some comments about mc being dull, and boring. I will try to bring more life to his character.

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