

"Diana! You are getting married." Mia said shocked!

Oh my God! This was a big news.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was a wedding invitation and it was the wedding of no one other than ' Diana and Peter'

Hearing the words of Mia, Diana smiled and said happily, "Yes I am....and it's in a week time."

Upon hearing that, Mia and the rest screamed in joy as they all went ahead and gave Diana a big bearing hug.

And Diana was happy about that and hugged them too.

As they separated, Mia said, "Does mother and Eden know yet?"

Nodding to Mia's words, Diana said, "Yes they do...I told mom yesterday and told Eden on my way here. He didn't seemed or acted surprised but I could tell from his furrowed brows that he was more than excided and happy for me."

Hearing that, everyone giggled and Mia said, "That's the Evil CEO for you..hehe."

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