
The New Queen Of Witches Should Not Be Born

"No one knows what happened. Even I, who was strong enough to be the Head of a coven, got an incomplete vision. I dare not even guarantee if the next Queen was truly born or not. Though witches are scattered all over the continent, the covens do interact with each other in secret. After all, we are a race who are forced to interact with others because we need to trade for ingredients and spells. If any of the covens had sensed her presence, Honeyharbor would have at least heard some news, but no such incident had occurred so far."

"Do you mean there is no new Queen?"

"I honestly cannot make a proper conclusion, Your Majesty. As I said, the vision back then was hard to decipher. Either she was not born, that vision was wrong, an unknown factor had interrupted and hid her, or something had gone wrong with her birth." 

Cornelia sighed as she further explained.. 

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